Facts about Mormons are hard to come by -- seems like everyone has an angle -- but these are the questions about mormonism that I get asked frequently Continue Reading
What to Pack in Hospital Bag for Baby
You'll be bringing another human home from the hospital. What should you pack in the diaper bag for the baby after the hospital? This Continue Reading
Hospital Bag for Dad
Creating a hospital bag for dad helps everyone enjoy labor and delivery more. This Checklist will help you create a survival kit so dad can Continue Reading
What to pack in your bag for after baby
After delivery, you'll want a few specific things in your hospital bag. Sometimes postpartum has different needs than you expect. This Continue Reading
5 things you Might not think to bring to Disneyland or an Amusement Park
Today I'm going to share 5 things I think are important to bring to a park - be it Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farms, Universal or any local one. Continue Reading
Top 10 Disney Mistakes
Wanting to plan the perfect Disney trip? These mistakes are FAR too easy to make. I've made them all before (except for #1, I've known that trick for Continue Reading
How parents can help kids prepare for college applications
College applications can be extremely stressful. Today I'll share 6 realistic tips for parents to help kids apply to college, while still Continue Reading
What to do with my kids in the summer?
Summer is here and you might be asking what should I do with my kids in the summer? Summer activities for kids are great, but creating a Continue Reading
General First Aid Tips for Parents
This general first aid training will cover everything from bones, burns, bumps and bites. Get ready to stay safe this summer! Or, at least know Continue Reading
Hot Weather Clothing Tips
Looking for hot weather clothing tips? Look no further since I live in Pheonix and desperately wish I didn't during the summer. These are Continue Reading