I remember learning about Ford, and how he revolutionized the car industry by creating an assembly line. {True confession: I haven't taken a Continue Reading
My #1 Tip for AWESOME Family Travels!
I always envision vacations as this bliss on earth. We'll see new sights, all holding hands and enjoying each and every moment of it. No Continue Reading
Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping
It seems so harsh -- one snip of the scissors and that baby that has relied on you for months is on their own. Oxygenating, crying, eating all Continue Reading
Yellowstone for Families
I went to Yellowstone almost yearly with my family growing up. My home wasn't too far from the national park and my dad has a love for Continue Reading
Pineapple Sour Cream Enchiladas
Pineapple Sour Cream Enchiladas are a light treat when you're craving mexican food, but don't want something heavy! I love Mexican food. I bet you Continue Reading
Over 30 Back to School Tips You’ll Love!
School always seems to creep up on me like a stranger in the night. I feel like we have miles and miles of time before school starts. Then, WHAM -- Continue Reading
Stress at Baby Delivery
Stress at baby delivery is something all moms need to take into account. Your stress gets transferred to the baby. Let's find out Continue Reading
Prayer for things you can change.
I had always envisioned prayer for things that were entirely out of human control. I remember when my best friend's dad got cancer. We Continue Reading
Ode to the New Mom
Originally written in January of 2011, photos editing/post re-published in 2017 I have a hard time at work sometimes. Sometimes I feel like I'm Continue Reading
Why a Vision Plan Might be Right For You!
**Do not miss the giveaway at the bottom of this post!** Since the fourth grade, I've been wearing glasses. I'm almost blind without them and a Continue Reading