Yay! I'm back with an income report from last month! Sorry I skipped a few months. The good news is that income is pretty similar Continue Reading
Why Take Pregnancy Classes? The Baby Will Come Out Anyway…
This class will explore Pregnancy Classes -- why you should take them and what you will take away that will make you better prepared to handle the Continue Reading
Weekly Cleaning: Mondays — Cleaning Kitchen
I feel inspired to clean on Mondays. Perhaps it's because I took Sunday off (see yesterday).That's why I put the biggest pain in my neck on Continue Reading
Six Years Later
I've been thinking a lot about the 20/20 vision of looking at the past. How you just think you'll never make it through something. And then, a few Continue Reading
Cause of Premature Birth: Can it be predicted?
In this post, we'll talk what can cause premature birth and what to watch for. Ten percent of all births are premature. You'll find Continue Reading
Nurse Happy Planner Stickers
Hey guys -- I figure when I make a happy planner set I might as well share it. Today I have nurse happy planner stickers -- specifically for Continue Reading
The Key to vertical Organizing
I am the biggest fan of vertical organizing (you can find out more about it in my 5 word organization challenge). It has really changed how I use Continue Reading
Never Say Never
Guys, I've gotta say James Bond had it right when he said never say never. And at no point in my life is that more true than with parenting. Continue Reading
Best Buffets in Vegas: Rules to eat by
In this post we're going to review some of the best buffets in Vegas, as well as going over some rules that will help you enjoy it more, pay less and Continue Reading
Having Enough
I’ve done it. Two times I put my full family budget on this blog. They’ve been really popular posts. And I’ve been proud to shed a Continue Reading