I decided to be a nurse in 1992. I sat in my high school anatomy class and I was fascinated by the human body. I don't think I ever considered I Continue Reading
Organize Bills
I bet you know the feeling (although I hope you don't). The feeling when you notie that you somehow missed a payment on a bill. I hate it. Continue Reading
The Homemakers Gift Guide: For the woman who’s not too proud to ask for a vacuum
I am the first to say that a woman should be showered with beautiful things when she is presented with a gift. I am the first to oogle over Continue Reading
A Clutter-Free Christmas
I am so grateful that we are finally learning that experiences bring a lot more joy than things, I was listening to a story about it on NPR the other Continue Reading
Eliminating Criticism in My Life
I was sitting in my bloggy chair, typing away like I usually do. My wrist was killing me. I was absolutely dying and wondering how I was Continue Reading
Winter Fashion Update
The good news: I love winter fashion. The bad news: I live in Arizona, so there are about 4 days in January that I can wear it. Haha, ok -- maybe Continue Reading
October 2016 Income Report: & The Blogger’s Gift Guide
I hate reading income reports. There, I said it. I get SO frustrated by people who make the majority of their income off of other bloggers. Continue Reading
Best Life Planners: The Planner Guide for Organized Moms
In this post we'll find the best life planners as well as the accessories that will make you excited to plan and follow through on your Continue Reading
Your Part in Reducing Healthcare Costs
In this post we'll explore your part in reducing healthcare costs and go over 4 things you need to know or do to be an advocate for your own Continue Reading
Kids in Business: Hiring your own child
In this post: We'll discuss the pros and cons for hiring your own kids in business. How I did it and things I wish I'd do better at (and things that Continue Reading