Let's just take a moment to flash back to Hilary in early May 2014. I tended to just buy whatever fit (often at Goodwill) and that didn't have too Continue Reading
State of the Blog December 2015
While I decided to stop doing my income reports, I have decided to do a "state of the blog" post that will have a very edited income post, but also 5 Continue Reading
Primary 2016 Excel File
I've had a lot of friends looking for the primary excel file for this year. I have been released, but my friend Carrie (who's husband runs I Will Continue Reading
Chicken Pesto Pizza
Mmm.... pizza coming out of the oven. The gooey cheese, the delicious toppings, the warm crust and the sauce brings it all together. Pizza Continue Reading
Merry Christmas!
Well, you have all already seen our card.... but that won't stop me from putting it's cute little self here: I did want to share our message Continue Reading
And So, This Is Christmas
And So this Is Chirstmas Do you ever feel that way amongst the wrapping and the food your kids feel they need to eat. I often look around at my Continue Reading
How Does Vidangel Work? Let’s explain it!
I love watching movies with my family. A big bowl of popcorn, sharing an experience all together. Heavens knows today's TV's are almost as big as Continue Reading
Taking Care Of Yourself During Pregnancy
Oh Pregnancy, you turn my normally svelt body into a 90 year old. Or, at least I feel that way. The way my hips creak when I get out of chair, the way Continue Reading
Blogging Income Report November 2015
This blogging income report is made possible by my blogging income spreadsheet. Want all this kind of data for your own blog? It's just that easy with Continue Reading
5 Fast Dinners
But I don't WANT to do my homework -- I'm SO tired mom (as they lay their body on the table and whimper). You think the same thing about dinner. You Continue Reading