Today I’m going to share my top 10 “boy” names for 2024 as we close 2023. I must admit I think boy names are harder. They tend to be a bit more traditional and I somehow feel more pressure with a boy name (personally, I have 2 boys and girl). Maybe these will spark some ideas for you.

And, if you’re looking for the girl name list << it’s right there.
Quick reminder that while having a name is important (we tend to come to the hospital with a list of about 5 to consider) — getting prepared for labor, birth and life with baby is even MORE important — so come join me in here — it’s the easy way to get prepared!
Looking to get prepare for your birth? I have some easy options for you!
– Worried you’re missing something? Grab my pregnancy planner so you don’t miss a thing!
– Thinking about an induction? Grab Inductions Made Easy to feel prepared in just 20 minutes!
– Wondering how to get that baby OUT? Grab Going Into Labor Made Easy so you know how to (and not to) do it!
– Postpartum got you anxious? Check out Postpartum Care Made Easy so you can stay SAFE even when all your attention is on that little on.
🚨 AND if ALL OF IT has got you on edge The Online Prenatal Class for Couples is perfect for you — You’ll feel so ready before you even know it!
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Real quick — how did I come up with this list? Well, I had people list all their name options and I just picked my favorite. As a nurse, a former PTA president (who’s been in a LOT of elementary classrooms) and a teacher husband we’ve reviewed a LOT of names and seen how they stood the test of time.
Honestly, this list will just give you some ideas. Some of these names remind me of good people in my life (and may remind you of some good people in yours). My list of family names wasn’t the best — but we can name babies for all SORTS of reasons. Right?
First off, a few name criteria I have:
I like common spellings — It’s just so much easier to NOT have to spell your name every time (sometimes MULTIPLE times) someone asks how it’s spelled. Or to have to correct someone constantly when they spell it wrong. So, I like common spellings. Says Hilary with only one L (everyone spells it with 2, and I really don’t care but sometimes they feel bad, and then I feel bad). Honestly, one of my kids I thought EVERYONE spelled with an -er but everyone spells it with an -or — and if I’d known at the time I would’ve adjusted it I think.
I like shorter names. In reality I think this plays more with some of the girl names, than boy names — but a super long name is TOUGH for a 5 year old…. just sayin’.
A note on “boy” names — yes, I know names can be used for either gender, but I still wanted to break it up a little bit. Sorry about that, but yes — you can name your baby WHATEVER you want, regardless of their gender. Doesn’t it seem a little crazy that we get to choose the word that person will be called their whole life just a few days after giving birth? It is sort of crazy!
And, before we get started — are you prepared for YOU after baby is born? Grab this postpartum checklist so you have the things YOU will need:
{these names are in no particular order}
{not in the top 1,000}
I just like the unique-ness of this one. I can see him as a little kid getting called Rig, but then growing into a CEO where you get called into Rigdon’s office to review your reports (but he’s not a huge jerk-face). 🙂
Check out my best pregnancy/baby freebies here!
#55 in 2023
I like how short this one is. It just seems like a solid name, easy to spell etc.
#81 in 2023
I have heard this name quite a bit around my daughter’s school. I’m not sure where you go with a nickname on this one — Evie seems bad. 🙂 Could just go to Rett….

#164 in 2023
There were a LOT of Tyler’s back in the 1976 babies (back when I was born). I think it has dropped a LOT since then, and you’re likely to not have a lot of them. Great nickname of Ty build in!
Not in the top 1,000
Again, just like this name. BUT my last name is Erickson — so I’d never be able to use it (similar to Madison on my girl name list) — Landon Erickson seems too -ON’y for me.
Related: How to go into labor naturally.
#173 in 2023
We did a loan with a guy named Maxwell — and he went by Maxwell which I thought was interesting, vs Max. I know Max is pretty popular but I really like the name.
#367 in 2023
This is a nice, short name. There are a LOT of Jay spin-offs like Jayden, Jayce, etc. You could always call them Jay with a longer name — but I really like Jay.
#344 in 2023
This is my uncle’s name. He died in a plane crash when I was in college. Big fan of his. I almost named #2 this (but decided to leave the name for his kids if they wanted it). I just really liked the name, and having an uncle with the name was just a bonus.
Related: Unique gifts for baby boy
#44 in 2023
Ok, this one has one of my TOP CRITERIA going for it — it’s great to yell! I really think it’s smart to see how the word flows off YOUR tongue.
I have an uncle named Randall Maynard and that was always my gold standard of a name you could be made at a kid with. Seriously, say it out loud — feels good to yell it, am I right.
Also, he was in trouble a lot. 🙂
BTW, before we get to the last name — have you made your birth plan yet? I can help you out:
#50 in 2023
Do I love Little House on the Prairie…. yes. Do I love this name, also yes. Maybe that’s how Landon made it on the list too. I dunno — I just like this name.
Related: 5 things to avoid in the hospital
Do you feel a lot of pressure on a baby’s name? We sure did. With a nurse who saw a LOT of baby names, and a teacher we were just HORRIBLE at agreeing on a name — but somehow we did it three times. I am really a huge fan of one of my kid’s names, and the other two are just alright. But I won’t say which. 🙂
HOW do you name a baby?
Wondering when you’ll “name” the baby at the hospital? They’ll give you a birth certificate form to fill out (which is WAY longer than you’re thinking). You’ll put baby’s name down on that. Most often they’ll also double-check spelling with you before they submit it.
Honestly, having the recorder at the hospital do the birth certificate for you is a big perk of giving birth at the hospital. They’ll also apply for a social security card for you. It’s crazy that little baby in you is going to have a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (if you live in the US). It’s all very real.
How are you feeling about the labor room — are you nervous?
The Online Prenatal Class for Couples has proven to make people over 50% less nervous for their birth, and after it they feel more than 60% more prepared. It really is the easy way to get prepared!
Or, if you’re not quite ready for the full class, check out my free prenatal class — It’s your first step towards being your own birth boss.
Carol Majette says
There are other pretty names for girls such as: Hilary, Carol and Jenna etc. ☺️