Going to the hospital (especially for a Cesarean Section) can be a scary and intimidating bump in the road toward parenthood for expectant parents. Putting the right things in your hospital bag can prepare you for a wonderful stay that finds you prepared but not overwhelmed with stuff.

Your hospital bag is an important part of your hospital stay. I actually have a whole post on what to put in your hospital bag, but today I want to narrow it down a bit for my c-section delivery mammas.
Of course, this is for people who have a planned cesarean section, but it’s important to remember that, on average, 33% of moms have a c-section, so this is just good info for all moms to briefly run through as they approach their due date.
How do I know all this? I’ve been an L&D nurse since 2001 and I have been an RN since 1998 #dinosaur. So, I really understand what you’ll want so you don’t end up with a bag of stuff you have to paw through in order to find what you really need.
Come with me for your pregnancy journey:
And, if you’re wondering what happens in a C-section I have a WHOLE chapter on c-sections in my prenatal class. One of the best resources around there for what to expect!
I also love this interview I did with Katy about her unexpected cesarean.
C-section Hospital Bag
Don’t forget to check out my other bags I recommend. When possible it’s a great idea to have these bags separated. It’s a great way to minimize what needs to be in your room at different times and less stuff to go through in one bag:
- After the baby bag (this post will supplement that one)
- What to pack in the diaper bag for the hospital
- What to pack in hospital bag for dad / support person
- I also have a pre-baby hospital bag (which you won’t need to focus on as much)
Things you don’t need in your c-section bag
The main difference between things you don’t need is what you will need in labor.
You really likely won’t need any time-consuming items if you have a scheduled c-section. That means no playing cards, no videos, none of that.
Yes, it is possible that you’ll be bored after your new baby arrives, but I find that you can either sleep or fill out some boring paperwork after the baby is born. I have rarely seen any new moms playing cards in my almost 20 years of doing this job.
You still will likely want a tablet and phone, as I fear regular TV channels don’t hold a candle to Netflix, so having other options can be nice.
Don’t miss my regular hospital packing list (just be sure to add the four things below to it):
I recommend you have a small bag for pre-surgery (could even be your regular purse if it has some room since it will likely already have your insurance card, driver’s license, etc), and one for postpartum. Dad (or birth partner) can run and go grab the postpartum bag after the baby (it’s also often nice to get some fresh air as well).
**Some doctors ask that you bring your own health information to the hospital, be SURE to do this if this is the case, it’s very helpful for the medical team. Bring that, and your birth plan if you have it!
Pre-Surgery Cesarean Section Birth Bags
This bag should be super small, and mainly just have my big three.
- Phone Charger &/or external charger
- Something to pull up your hair with (hair ties, clips, etc)
- Lip Balm because hospitals make dry, dry lips! This one is my favorite, and I love this one if you want a bit of color.
Of course, you also want your camera (we allow pictures as soon as the baby is out in the OR, and only photos of the baby (not the surgical area). This one is small and tiny and I love it! Of course, if your cell phone takes good pictures, go with that.
The MAIN difference is going to come with your postpartum period C-section bag
**Wondering what to expect in the hospital after having the baby — my course covers it all in-depth!
Postpartum Cesarean Bag
Once the baby is out, your recovery will be different from a new mom who had a vaginal birth. The good news is that babies have lots of ways to come out, not all vaginal delivery’s are the same — and your postpartum nurses are prepared to help you either way!
Here are 4 Things I’d add in addition to a regular post-baby bag
Belly Band
Some hospitals give these out, but some require you to pay for them as they aren’t paid for in a doctor’s order. The Amazon band is likely better, and cheaper than the hospital one.
Why have a belly band? It just helps maintain your enlarged uterus “in place” vs flopping around in your belly. Some women don’t love them (they find them hot) but most think they help them get up — which is the KEY to postpartum success!
High-Waisted Yoga Pants
The hospital will 100% provide you with a hospital gown to wear on your stay. But, some women don’t like living without pants the whole time (because you will likely be walking the halls post-surgery). Which is why I recommend these.
Why High-Waisted Pants? Because they will come far above your incision site. You don’t want a waistband, zipper, snap, or button anywhere near your scar. Hence, these pants!
Moms love these once they’re not in hospital beds as much.
Pro Tip: If you’re buying these new (not ones you wore while you were pregnant) — be sure to buy up a size or two. Your body will probably be back to about 5-6 months pregnant. Same goes for underwear, you may want to look into grabbing some high-waisted underwear a size or two larger than your normal size.
You might even want to bring a second pair because you’ll want a comfortable outfit to wear home.
Again, they will provide you with a gown, but the longer you’re in the hospital it is likely going to be more and more annoying. You can either go with a hospital-type gown of your own or a regular nightgown (that one’s nice for nursing!)
A Word of Advice: We will likely not allow your own gown into the operating room, we much prefer using our own gowns as there are many fluids that could get on your own gown, and if there was an emergency, it’s easier for us to deal with in a hospital gown.
But, once you’re out of the recovery unit (and we talk more about that in here) you can feel free to change into something else once you’re ready. Also, most moms enjoy wearing a nursing bra if they’re there longer than a day.
Boppy/Breastfeeding Pillow
While I don’t normally recommend these in the hospital, I think that they can be more helpful when you’re nursing to make sure pressure stays off your surgical area. That’s harder to do with our hospital pillows (but not un-doable, you can ask for extra pillows). You can always bring your own pillow to have before/after your cesarean delivery.
**Keep in mind that most C-section moms stay around 3 days in the hospital (some leave at 48 hours, and some stay up to 4 days), so you might need more of the items previously mentioned.
Ok, guys, that’s about it as far as what’s different. Don’t forget to also get dad to pack a bag, and it’s a good idea to also pack a baby bag!
Pro Tip: Don’t bring up all of the baby’s stuff (especially the car seat) to your hospital room until you’re about to take baby home. It will just crowd your room!
And if you’re not quite ready for the full prenatal class — check out my Free Beginning Prenatal Class:

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