Thanks to Bananna Boat® for sponsoring this great camping post!
Camping scares me. Even after a couple of really great experiences as well as 2 sons and a husband who are heavily involved in the scouting program. I still kind of long for a hotel room with a TV.
The lists I prepare are quite lengthy to get us on a camp out, but here are 6 essentials for your camping checklist.
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There have also been some re-stocks of fan favorites: See them here!
There are so many advantages to camping. Picture it, you and your kids sitting at the fire late at night, playing dumb late night games (we even do truth or dare). Those are things you’ll all remember. Will your kids remember watching Jimmy Kimmel late at night in your hotel room with you? Maybe, but not likely…. BUT, there are things that you can bring that completely “up the ante” on camping fun (or motherly comfort):
Camping Checklist:
1. Water container.
Preferably an insulated one, and I also prefer separate ones for washing and drinking. For drinking I have the one pictured which I bought new. For washing I have a couple of cheap ones that I got at Goodwill, etc. I’ve seen you can even use an old laundry detergent container. We would love a larger drink cooler, as we have to refill a few times while we’re there (we keep an extra bag of ice in our cooler) but the space we save is worth it. Those larger ones are BIG! Being clean is an issue for me — so having the ability to have “running” water at our campsite is important to me.
2. Playing cards.
Seriously, so many games you can play for all sorts of levels. Space, as previously mentioned, is often an issue when we camp. playing cards are compact and SO much fun! We love to play war, hand and foot, speed. All good times.
3. Flashlights
Is there anything more fun than shadow animals? We also love headlights, especially for the littles who are apt to put it down and not find it later. Anymore you can get them really cheaply at Costco. Our kids LOVE having their own flashlight, really makes the night. Rule #1, no shining it in mom’s eyes though. 🙂 Also, I need a few because I am not a fan of being in the dark without my flashlight. Call me prepared. 🙂
4. Treats you wouldn’t have otherwise
Of particular favorites for us are Cheetos (my personal gateway drug). Anything Little Debbie or Hostess creates, and s’mores of every variety you can think of. I mean, doesn’t you family just kind of want to hang out and eat good food? Turns out, you sure can! And by good, I mean things you eye at the grocery store but never buy… 🙂
5. Cot
Sad news friends, I’m old. Childbearing killed my hips and I just want to cry if I sleep on the ground. I am also fat so sometimes those blow-up mattresses slip out from under me like a bat out of “he-double-hockeysticks”. That’s awakard. We found a happy medium by procuring quick set-up cots. No one wants to spend 10 minutes setting each cot up (only my husband and I have them) — so having ones that set up quick was important to us.
6. Sunscreen/Bug Repellant
Nothing ruins my trip faster than me or my kids having a sunburn or covered in bug bites. Thankfully, Bananna Boat® has us all covered by providing great sunscreen to protect us all in the out of doors. Turns out you need 1 oz of product per family member every 2 hours to keep you protected from the sun. Being a girl who lives in the Valley of the Sun I’m SUPER protective of our skin, not just about sunburn but skin cancer is a huge concern as well! Thank goodness for Bananna Boat ®– it’s tested in 7 different conditions (many of which you can experience on a campout) — sun, wind, sweat, sand and extreme heat to provide safe and effective UVB protection for all your family (they even have baby sunscreen!)
We really do love camping. The preparataion and the concerns with what “might” happen sometimes make me dread it, but we always have a good time. It’s always a different time than we have on other vacations, but oh so necessary. 🙂
Big thanks to Bananna Boat® for sponsoring this post through TapInfluence. Follow the signs for summer, which means lots of outdoor time at our house!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Banana Boat® . The opinions and text are all mine.
Stephanie says
Great post. 🙂
Hilary says
thanks! 🙂
Carolyn Avallone says
Another awesome post I’ve found a few days before our next camping trip…..thanks Hilary! Love your posts! 🙂 <3
Hilary Erickson says
Awh, thank you so much! Have a great trip!