Being a mom is awfully wonderful, isn’t it.Β Pulling Curls is all about families simplifying family life.
Be sure and join my totally free practical parenting series:
We have tons of info on lots of different kinds of things, and even have a parenting podcast!
My parenting & family posts generally include, marriage, kids, babies, teenagers, family travel (including Disney tips) and family health tips!
Kids:Β I have lots of posts on handling your parenting responsibilities, including on when you should spank.Β Having taken kids to meetings a lot of my life, I have some good ideas on what to put in a quiet bag.Β Don’t forget those old ones, I spend a LOT of time thinking about logical consequences for my teens!
Marriage:Β I think it goes better when we realize that we all struggle in relationships where you have to be together all the time.Β I even have a post on how to NOT kill your husband.
Family Health:Β Tons of tips for keeping your family healthy and out of the doctor’s office.Β FYI, we use a healthshare because traditional insurance just got out of our reach!