There are many options for labor pain management. Women should be familiar with these options prior to going into labor so that they can pick the best option for them.
Labor pains start out like cramps and progress to be more painful throughout a woman’s torso.
There is IV medication, that takes the edge off. Most commonly used IV medications in labor include Fentanyl and Stadol.
Many hospitals are also using Nitrous Oxide as an inhaled pain management option.
The most common option in the US is the Epidural.
While mildly painful to have placed (it is similarly painful to an IV placement), an epidural normally lasts throughout your labor. It normally takes the majority of the pain away.
I answer the most common epidural questions in this podcast episode.
But, don’t leave out natural pain management. It is very possibly, with some preparation, to have a delivery without medications. Many women find a doula helpful to have a delivery without pain medications.
I have a whole podcast episode about the pain in birth.
Here are some of my most popular pain management posts: