The following is my family Christmas card. I do think of each of you as my family and I’d love to share what’s going on at our house:
I sit here with Andy Williams blaring “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” in my ears… and while I’ve definitely had more breakdowns in 2020 than I probably did for all of the 2010’s…. There are certainly wonderful things around us!
To start it off I have good news and bad news about myself. I 100% lost my standards this year. Beyond my pandering podcasts about Covid I also joined Tiktok. I know, I know… but sometimes you make choices you’re not super proud of OK? I don’t really dance… or sing… or… ok, once I did dance with a menstrual pad. I’m sorry. Can you just tell me how many hail mary’s I need to do for that one.
My ❤️ hotels for your Disneyland trip:
– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
In other news, I left my job as a bedside nurse at the hospital in late September. The naughty/nice list for that one was pretty long, but ultimately I needed to make the choice for my mental health. See my podcast on it called “life update” if you want to hear more about why.
D is certainly wonderful. He’s spending his time teaching for a local community college, editing podcasts and reminding me that there are worse things than Covid out there. He’s basically the glue that’s kept our masks together in 2020, so grateful for him and his support. Less grateful for a garage with wood shavings in it frequently, but I digress…
C is slowly emerging as a {insert heimlich voice for this one} “a beautiful butterfly”. He’s still on scholarship as a Junior at Arizona State, works part time and I just spent Thanksgiving with him and didn’t want to kill him once. Guys… maybe Andy Williams DID have it right…. Even in Covid.
S is heading into that cocoon stage earlier mentioned by Heimlich. Being a sixteen year old during this whole thing may be one of the very worst ages. I do feel so sorry for him, but that doesn’t stop me from yelling “WEAR YOUR MASK” anytime he goes anywhere…. Including to take the trash out. He has started a youtube channel where he shares animation tutorials and we are all REALLY proud of him… and we get hourly subscriber update totals. Yup, pretty lucky.
P has always been that little sparkle around our house. This week, after school was taken back to virtual {if your letter looks tear-stained, this is why} she’s constantly been saying how grateful she is that she got to meet her teachers and her new friends. She’s in Jr High (I KNOW, I KNOW — HOW did she get this old, seems like yesterday we were going to shut down the Erickson baby factory with just 2 kids). She loves Among Us, keeping everything she owns on her desk, and she just bought a Switch with the money she earned during Covid working for our business.
In other news, last year I decided I’d stop with the cards. Getting a family photo and writing this epistle is a lot during the most wonderful time of the year… but this year has truly taught our entire family what is most important, and I must say that Christmas bundles all of that.
We absolutely adore YOU. We want you safe, healthy and sound. We are so grateful for His life and light that keep us going. Hope is something so very important this year — and I’ll step off my sarcastic stage to say that hope is all around us, and if you look for it — you will find it… Unless it’s on P’s desk…..
Love you so very much,
The Ericksons
Laine Foegley says
What a beautiful family you have! And your cheerfulness and hopefulness for the new year coming up is good to hear. Reminds me of all the blessings in my own life. And how grateful I am for the people who love me. Thank you for taking the time to write for your viewers. Have a wonderful Christmas and keep sending encouragement and good advice to us who read you.
Hilary Erickson says
Awh, I hope you had a great holiday!