I wanted to share my Christmas card with each of you this time of year.

Here we are, another Christmas letter. I know, you shouted with glee when you saw our card land on your screen — but take note, our family just isn’t as fun as it used to be. No fun bathroom talk, no more tales from the delivery room. I’m just stuck with a bunch of ball jokes this time of year.
P is our funnest child. She turned 12 this year, so we are firmly in the tween-dom area where eye rolling is polite. I mean, I happily take eye-rolling… it’s the rest I’m less of a fan of. She’s the nicest Erickson, the cutest Erickson, probably currently the best at spelling (hello spelling bee welcome back from the devil’s den), and the most well-loved by the public. She also likes to see everything she owns on her bedroom floor, talks about crushes WAY too much (don’t worry, I counter-attack with some Syphilis talk) and just got a real phone with a number. I’m growing weak in my old age.
S is not fun. Sure, on the outside he looks like a real gem. He’s the MC for his school’s choir concerts, he has a lead in their upcoming showing of Legally Blonde, and literally had a string of girls following him at school events. But the downsides hit hard. I think anyone who’s had a teenage boy is willing to start with me on the smell in his room, followed by walking while watching videos on his phone wherever he goes, and finally his strange desire to to prolong the torture of college applications? We’re besties. Obvi.
C doesn’t live here. He visits now and then. He’s going to GRADUATE from college in 2022 with a degree in Computer Science. I honestly have no idea what one does as they science computers, but I hope it means gainfully employed. 🙂
Drew does live here. He probably gives P a run for her money on the most well-loved Erickson. He’s so friendly with our neighbors as I huddle in front of a computer screen. He did not, however, write this letter. So, remember that when you’re ranking Ericksons in your book of rankings. He’s back teaching part time at a local community college, leading a local community band and in the community bishopric. He also hasn’t divorced Hilary even though he has to listen to her drone on weekly as he produces the podcasts. Swell fella’, that Drew.
This brings us to Hilary. She’s polling high for favorite Erickson with curly hair, although C is aiming to take rankings on that one. No one knows exactly what she does, other than going to Disneyland every month or so. She has a strong love for Netflix Christmas rom-coms and perfecting her own eye-roll at her kids. It’s a pretty busy life.
We visited the East Coast twice this year. First a trip to Boston that had us all figuring out our nation’s early history. And then to Orlando where we learned about Hogwarts History. Equally important in today’s society, don’t you think?
From our house (Gryffindor) to yours (Slytherin) we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Life’s blessings seem to lay highlighted this time of year. The love we have for that newborn babe lying in a manger so long ago ranks high among those. We work to be like Him, and yes — I know he rarely rolled his eyes… works in progress here.
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