Dear Friends, Family and Internet Stalkers (which are, likely, the vast majority):
As we close out 2023 I’m amazed at how the year seemed very productive but we are all basically in the “same spot” we were…. for the most part. Life’s like that I guess.
I actually didn’t send out snail mail cards this year. Mostly because I was unable to get slander insurance for it and I just wasn’t sure what I’d say about my kids without it…. Just kidding. Like I said, it’s just much of the same, but I think the everyday same-ness still deserves rejoicing in, right? So, I’m still doing the card for you here at Pulling Curls.
El Presidante continues his work at Amazon, he’s finishing up his second year there and enjoying way more than I did working at a nursing home straight out of college. His pay check hasn’t bounced too…. which is another big perk, beyond not seeing poop in the hallways…. He’s mulling over moving somewhere this fall which is exciting. Feel free to submit your ideas as well as a pro/con list.
Mr Middle is a Sophomore at ASU. He too is in computer science and thriving. He took his first game design class and I believe he got an A+ out of it, so I am secretly wondering if we sent him to a preschool and not a university….. Either way, that is a very expensive preschool, but the behavior is on par. He currently doesn’t reside at our house, but did have to spend the first few weeks of the semester at home due to some special friends….. iykyk
Princess P is a small fish in a big pond now, and is coming to terms with not being everyone’s favorite in every class she enters. She got a callback for the musical and has had a solo in the freshman choir which she has been over the moon about. She’s learning to temper her expectations, often with a temper, but I digress….
Mr E continues at the Jr College where he loves his students. He loves his time in the bishopric (yes, still in it), and was recently in charge of handing out snowballs at a recent ward party. Ahh, the man is rich with power! He has helped us make the jump to the podcast via video and neither of us killed each other and we call that a win.
I’m still here typing. I’m always here typing. I am still enjoying traveling now and then…. I did Disneyland a couple of times, we also did San Diego and DC. I’m slowly realizing I almost love planning a trip as much as I love being on it….
Drew and I took a Pickleball class last January and we both just loved it, we try to play 2-3 times/week when it’s not boiling outside We’re taking intermediate this spring and I’m afraid. Very afraid.
We actually celebrated Christmas early at our house for a variety of reasons and upon opening the gifts 84% of them didn’t work — just to give you a preview of your own Christmas….. If only children had such a nice return policy….
We are grateful for this time to slow down and enjoy the joy of the season… So many joys. Slaughters of Catan, the menagerie of blow-up animals in our front yard and most of all the joy that we will never be perfect without the little one who came to earth so long ago. He brightens our days, our nights and more. I hope love is brightening your season as well. We wish you the very best, a glorious new year and an even better 2024!
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