The classic conundrum. Do you clean or organize?
What’s the best way to spend your time — or, should you just pop down on the couch and turn on the ol’ Netflix?
WAIT, don’t do that?
Clearly, do ONE. BUT… I do have an opinion on which, I think, is a better way to spend your time.
**Disclaimer: Basic cleanliness will keep your family healthy — if you haven’t achieved basic cleanliness then you probably need to start there for the good of everyone in your family**
However, if basic cleanliness has been achieved and you’re looking to pull out your toothbrush and the steam cleaner.
Well, your time might better be spent organizing.
Here’s why? (in my humble opinion)
Things are never going to stay clean (especially if you have kids). It is a task you will constantly be coming back to.
HOWEVER, if you create a system that helps you manage the necessary clutter of your life (think, lunch boxes, makeup, tools in a drawer) in a way that is easier than before you are not only managing that clutter (aka, putting things away) but you’re allowing for that to happen easier every time from now on!
For me, cleaning and organization go hand in hand.
- I pull everything out
- I clean the area (super easy now that everything is out)
- I sort through what’s needed, what needs to go to a new home or trashed
- I put it all back (often adding containers, or new placements so that it is better/easier than before.
I have created a system! {hear me roar}
Two things I recommend:
- Using a weekly cleaning schedule that makes sure that basic cleanliness is occurring
- Use a timer to make those “bites of organization” a little bit easier (or at least easier to swallow).
Two OTHER things I recommend:
- I have an organization course that will really simplify organizing so that it’s not so overwhelming! There is even a crazy-cheap monthly option that you can really focus on the course and then cancel at any time.
- If that’s a bit more than you’re ready for — try my 5-word organization challenge. It’s going to change how you see organization entirely!
You can sign up for that challenge below — and check out all of my other cleaning/organization posts below that (because, frankly, I love both of those things):

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