Being sick with a cold while you’re pregnant is no fun. This post from a L&D RN will talk about how it can affect your unborn baby, medications you can/can’t take, and what pregnant women can do at home to try to feel better!

Colds during Pregnancy
Colds during pregnancy seem to happen so frequently. Your immune system is somewhat suppressed during pregnancy, so it is likely you’ll experience a cold at some point during your 9 months. The common cold can also be extra miserable in pregnancy for a variety of reasons.
** DO NOT take the advice on this blog over the advice of your physician, and please check with them before using any medications or remedies mentioned**. It is really a good idea to talk with your healthcare provider about what you can take at your first prenatal appointments (before you get sick).
But first, how do I know so much about colds during pregnancy?
Hello! I’m Hilary — many people know me as The Pregnancy Nurse 👩⚕️. I have been a nurse since 1997 and I have 20 years of OB nursing experience, I am also the curly head behind this website Pulling Curls and The Online Prenatal Class for Couples. 🩺 I’ve seen THOUSANDS of miserable pregnant moms who have colds or flus, and I’ve been one of those moms myself. I know how miserable it is (and how hard it is to get answers) — so let’s get you educated!
BTW, I’d love to hang out with you during the rest of your pregnancy — come join me!
What can I take for a cold while pregnant?
Guys — I wish I had better advice here.
First off, you 100% need to talk to your doctor. Cold medicines can be problematic for a lot of people due to high blood pressure, other medical conditions or concerns, etc. You SHOULD be able to just call their office and ask what you can take. Hopefully, they will let you know.
I also found this handy guide on the internet for what medications you can take. BUT, I would still check with your doctor at your next appointment (or call now, if you’re suffering).
**In reality, especially in the first trimester, you want to keep your body as benign as possible. This is something I strongly advocate for in my marijuana in pregnancy post, and I’ll say it again here. The reason they recommend against many things in the first trimester is a worry about adverse effects. There has been a history of children being born with birth defects, and them tying it to medication use in pregnancy — which is why they are so hesitant (those medications are no longer recommended during pregnancy).
As with all treatments or drug administration during pregnancy, they are always weighing the potential risks to you or the baby with the benefits of the medicine.
As you progress in your pregnancy, the baby has all their parts and you’re less likely to do damage, the further along you are.
That’s why you’ll find many recommended against medicines in the first trimester and restrictions loosen as you progress in your pregnancy.
Many people think that all over the counter medications (otc medications) are safe, but that’s simply not true at all. If there are ANY questions you can also ask to speak with the pharmacist about your specific needs, they are the pro at over the counter medicines or otc drugs.
BTW I am loving that you’re even wondering if what you’re doing is OK at all. That’s awesome — and so important during pregnancy. You might like this class as well.
Sudafed while pregnant
NOTE: I just updated a post on my sister site on if you can take Sudafed during pregnancy.
Sudafed is the most commonly prescribed cold medication (it is sold over the counter in a variety of forms).
This is a hard one, because I don’t usually find Sudafed to be all that helpful when I have a nasty cold. Sudafed is a category B — so, it’s along the same lines as Tylenol. They don’t recommend it during the first trimester. They also don’t recommend oral decongestants when you’re breastfeeding (it can dry up your milk, just like your mucous).
Mucinex or Robitussin while pregnant
The most common cough suppressants are these:
Mucinex is Dextromethorphan – a category C, which I try to avoid when possible. But, it’s considered fairly safe.
Robitussin is Guaifenesin — is also a category C — and not recommended in the first trimester.
Those are the two most common types of cough syrups.
If your cough is giving you any type of chest pain you’ll want to talk with your provider as pregnant women can have pneumonia-like complications more frequently. I go pretty deeply into the cough medicines a pregnant woman could take in << that article on my sister site.
Pain relief for a cold during pregnancy
I recommend Tylenol. While a lot of people think it isn’t helpful at all, it is about as good as you can have, especially during the first trimester. Tylenol is a category B medication.
Ibuprofen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also sometimes be taken (but keep in mind to make SURE you eat something with it, as it can mess with your stomach) in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, but check with your doctor to be sure (if you have ANY issues with bleeding or placental issues that will change their recommendation a lot on this).
One of the things you CAN do is consider where the pain is. Is it a sore throat — you could use a salt water gargle to see if that helps. Is it your back or body aches — maybe a heating pad would help (and might be safter than medication).
{sidenote: The only things that are category A (the safest) are prenatal vitamins, and things that promote a healthy baby}
Having a cold during pregnancy second trimester
Again, restrictions on medications are looser. However, I would still try to take the least amount of medication that you can.
Allergies During Pregnancy
As allergies could prove very problematic during pregnancy, allergy medications have been studied a bit more in pregnancy — so talk to your provider about which one is right for you.
Having a cough and cold during pregnancy third trimester
It’s just so miserable. You can barely breathe! This far along your baby is taking a lot of fluids from you. Make sure you’re drinking a TON of fluids, and if you’re super miserable, you might ask your doctor for some IV fluids. I actually did a whole post on if coughing can induce labor?
Does cold and cough during pregnancy affect the baby
It can, if you’re not drinking enough.
But, mostly your body just pulls from you what it needs to supports the baby and makes you miserable.
Things to watch for:
- Baby movement — if baby is moving less while you’re sick, call your doctor and just get seen to be sure. Do those kick counts!
- High fever — over 100.4, I’d call your doctor. Babies are even warmer in the womb.
- Make sure you’re getting enough hydration, so blood flow stays good to the baby (and to you).
- If you’re wheezing or unable to catch your breath, you should be seen by a medical provider.

Home remedies for cold during pregnancy
I recommend using a Netti pot, or something like this— especially if you’re super stuffed up.
TONS of water, and I do mean TONS. You can also try teas that have lemon and honey in them.
You might also ask your doctor about essential oils. I have found lemon to be helpful when I’m plugged up.
However, I would definitely check with your provider before you use oils or any herbal supplements. Just because they’re “natural” (so is morphine) — doesn’t mean they’re safe!
Oh, and did I mention water? Just drink, and drink, and drink. It really is the best cure for you right now!
My sister site has a whole post on home remedies for colds during pregnancy.
Preventing Getting a Cold
Many of the cold prevention techniques aren’t recommended during pregnancy — including the zinc things like Zicam. So, talk with your provider about what you should be doing beyond washing your hands frequently. Some providers might OK some Vitamin C usage — but check with them first.
Obviously, the BEST way is prevention!
5 weeks of pregnancy with a cold
While it’s possible that you just have a stuffed nose from pregnancy, if it’s an actual cold I would recommend taking nothing. Your baby is in such a fragile stage of growth. I’d just drink a ton and rest. It is NORMAL to have a stuffy nose or a runny nose with pregnancy. A lot of people think between that and the headache you might get from dehydration it’s cold symptoms (but it could not be).
I have a whole post about if you can drink Gatorade during pregnancy.
Cough drops while pregnant
It depends on what’s in them. It depends on if you’re diabetic. Check with your doctor.
However, ones that mostly just have honey and lemon should be fine.
Sometimes, a hard candy works just as well as a cough drop as it’s just helping to keep your throat moist — but, if you’re diabetic, be careful on that too!
How to clear a blocked nose when pregnant
Pregnancy increases the blood flow to your mucous membranes, so it’s not unusual to have a stuffy nosed for most of pregnancy (that will resolve).
But, if regular nose blowing doesn’t help, you can try a nasal rinse (like with Neti pots) or saline nasal sprays (JUST saline). However, if done too frequently, I think they can irritate the mucous membranes and have harmful effects, so be thoughtful about how much/often you’re doing it.
Some people also have luck with nasal strips helping to open their nasal passages a bit.
Flu during pregnancy
First off, all pregnant woman should get a flu vaccine (also called a flu shot) early in flu season. We have had a death at my hospital from the flu and it was SO horrible. Disease control & prevention is key.
However, if you think you have the flu and are pregnant, call your doctor. They may want to order fluids and possibly antibiotics for any secondary infections.
Also, watch for fevers, like we talked about above.
That’s that for colds & flu during pregnancy. Other than that, I feel your pain. It’s SO miserable. Extra miserable to cough when you can hardly breathe to start with. Hang in there!
But, the most miserable thing is just the pain of not knowing, am I right? If you’re home sick — now might be a great time to start a prenatal class. If you’re looking to get prepared for your delivery, check out The Online Prenatal Class for Couples. The reviews speak for themselves, and it guarantees to get you more prepared.
Or, if you’re not quite ready for all that — sign up for my free beginning prenatal class:

Rose says
Having sneezing and cough at the 4weeks of my pregnancy home remedy
Pulling Curls says
You will need to talk to your doctor for recommendations. Congratulations!