Lara tagged me.
She’s fired as my blog friend, btw. 🙂
1. Where did you meet your husband?
We met in our BYU ward, everyone felt like we should be friends since I had been in the marching band before and he was in it currently. My roommates had hung-out with him over the summer… so it was just a “hang-out” situation for quite some time.
2. What was the first thing you said to your husband?
K, who on earth remembers this? It’s been 10 years, but I’m guessing I said, “Hi, my name’s Hilary.” I’m pretty sexy that way. 🙂
3. Where was your first date?
Grocery store. I was in the first semester of nursing school — very very busy! Grocery store was about all the time I had for romance.
4. Where was your first kiss?
My doorstep at the Regency. We were naked.
5. Did you have a long or a short engagement?
WAY too long — 6 months. We’re just lucky we got married in the temple, if you know what I mean — and I know you do. 🙂
6. Where did you get engaged?
In Drew’s parents basement.
7. Where were you married?
Salt Lake City Temple, it was the Friday after finals — VERY busy. Something like 60 other weddings that day. Just one of a herd of righteous peeps.
8. How was the reception?
Freakishly long. It was supposed to be 6:30 til’ 8:30 (and said so on the invitation). We didn’t finish the line (which was up to an hour wait at times) til’ 10:30’ish. I was SO tired.
9. How was the honeymoon?
Did I mention how tired I was? Anyway, we went up to Afton, WY (we were too poor to stay closer to Yellowstone), spent some time in Yellowstone and Tetons. Like 3 days and then it was home for band camp — sound familiar?
Dang tag about love
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Lara says
Can we still be IM friends?
eliza says
Wow, that is a long reception! Brent insisted that we keep ours to two hours. I felt like we left too early (because people were still arriving) but in the end it was nice because there were lots of people to see us off and we were able to get to our destination without being absolutely exhausted.
Leslie says
It’s always fun to hear other BYU stories. That was one LONG reception though!