If you’re pregnant while at Disneyland — you might have many questions — rides, passes, trimesters are all things people are wondering about (and this L&D nurse has got answers). This article is for expectant women going to Disney parks!

Before we jump into this, please make sure that you are in general good health before a Disneyland Trip. If there is ANYTHING unusual or problematic with you pregnancy (or if you’re past the first trimester), be sure to discuss your trip with your provider before you go! There is no way I can give you everything you need to know without you talking to your doctor.
Disneyland Pregnant
Table of contents
- Disneyland Pregnancy Rumors
- Disneyland Rides While Pregnant
- Disneyland while pregnant first trimester
- Can Going on Rides Cause a Miscarriage?
- Pregnant at Disneyland Second Trimester
- Pregnant at Disneyland Third Trimester
- Disneyland Expectant Mothers Advisory
- Where to stay at Disneyland When Pregnant
- Pregnancy Nurse’s Guide to Rides at Disneyland
Disneyland is amazing, right? But being PREGNANT at Disneyland, no matter WHAT trimester you’re in, leaves a lot of questions in the air!
Hi, I’m Hilary — many people know me as The Pregnancy Nurse 👩⚕️. I have been a nurse since 1997 and I have 20 years of OB nursing experience, I am also the curly head behind this website Pulling Curls and The Online Prenatal Class for Couples. 🩺 I’m both a Disneyland resource AND a mastermind of pregnancy education — so this article is a natural fit! I love seeing pregnant mamas at Disneyland, but I’m always worried that they’re taking care of themselves. Today I want to outline how expectant mothers should take care of themselves.
But I still want some pregnancy experience on this particular blog. I absolutely LOVE Disneyland, but I have never been while I’m pregnant. However, my good friend Kim HAS — a number of times. I thought it might be fun to explore going to an amusement park while you’re pregnant.
In reality, Disneyland is probably the best park to go to while you are pregnant (better than Knotts Berry, in my opinion). But, other parks can also be fun. No reason to send your family and miss out. Kim is from my absolute favorite Disney team — Get Away Today.
I currently have 3 Disney trips booked with them! They DO Disney. They get it, they know everything about the hotels and which would best suit your needs. Call them, you’ll save money, you’ll be happy AND with the coupon code CURLS10, you’ll save $10 on your next trip! If you’re hoping to go to Disney World fill out this form here (going there soon, can’t wait!) so they can customize a FREE trip quote super easily for you!
Disneyland Pregnancy Rumors
Before Kim takes over, let’s squash a couple of rumors. No, there is no pregnancy pass (we will talk more about that below. And no, you will not get a lifetime pass if you have your baby while at Disneyland. Considering the ER nurses have terror in their eyes when a delivery happens, I am sure that Disneyland ships pregnant women via ambulance as fast as their little Mickey legs will take them.
OK, without further adieu — take it away Kim! {I’ll pipe in now and then with my nurse-ly advice}
Pregnant at Disneyland:
Hi, I’m Kimberly with Get Away Today and I am so excited to share my tips for going to Disneyland while pregnant. I have been to Disneyland while pregnant four times in the last four years.
Yes, you read that right. I’ve visited Disneyland in almost every stage from as early as that yucky early first trimester complete with food aversions and morning sickness, clear up until four weeks before delivering with numerous people asking when I was due as politely as possible. I did my best to assure them I wasn’t going to in fact have the baby inside Disneyland, although it would have made a great story.
**Note from Hilary: Kim isn’t all tiny when she’s pregnant. I saw her before this last trip and she gets big — so don’t think she’s hiding the baby in her spleen like some people seem to be able to**
First thing first, before you go to Disneyland while pregnant, you’ll want to make sure that you can travel safely. But I’ll leave more of that up to Hilary since that is her specialty. Assuming you are healthy enough to travel, I would never let pregnancy discourage you from taking a Disneyland vacation with your family. You may need to make a few adjustments to how you’d normally conquer Disneyland, but I really feel it is for everyone. I have a whole post on traveling during pregnancy.
**Reasons to not do Disney: Any issues with your placenta, preterm labor issues, high blood pressure, or your doctor recommends you don’t — be sure to talk to your provider before you consider traveling!!!!
One of the BEST ways to enjoy Disney while pregnant is to wait less -- check out my Disneyland Day Planner for LESS time in line:
Interested in more about pregnancy, these might interest you:
- Placenta Power: 7 facts about this amazing organ!
- Best Ways to Shave While Pregnant: Answers from a labor nurse
- 20+ Easy Pregnancy Hacks You NEED
- The EASIEST (and best) Labor and Delivery Nurse Gift Ideas!
- What Does the -2 Mean When They Do a Cervical Check?
Disneyland Rides While Pregnant
I have a whole post on my sister site about the best rides for pregnant people at Disneyland.
Everyone wants to know what you “can” ride at Disneyland. You should know that Disney won’t stop you from riding anything, but there are definitely attractions you’ll want to avoid depending on how far along you are and how your pregnancy is going. Cast members at the Disneyland Resort definitely don’t want to make the mistake of thinking someone is a pregnant lady that actually isn’t.

On my “most” pregnant visit, I had a great time because I just rode everything that my toddler could and wanted to ride.
BTW, I have a whole post on the scary ride at Disneyland, and I must admit toddler and pregnancy rides line-up nicely!
You’d be surprised at how many attractions really are completely safe for everyone. If you have been to Disneyland before, you’ll already have a pretty good idea of what you may or may not feel comfortable riding. If you haven’t, you’ll want to do some research beforehand to make sure you don’t get too surprised.
**Seems like other amusement parks have “don’t ride if you’re pregnant” on every ride, Disneyland is awesome! Also, Disneyland is a great place for those with tiny babies, put them in the front pack and enjoy the day!**
As far as totally no question rides:
- any of the Fantasyland rides (except Matterhorn, of course)
- Jungle Cruise
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Haunted Mansion, etc.
are all green lights in my book.
As far as some rides that may be borderline depending on your pregnancy, you’ll want to come up with your own personal guidelines.
If it was a faster attraction and had lap bars, like Big Thunder Mountain Railroad or Space Mountain, I wouldn’t do it.
I felt fine with Splash Mountain when I was just starting my third trimester, mostly because there are no lap bars and there are no jerky movements. I also felt completely comfortable on Soarin’ Around the World.
However, I rode Toy Story Mania while super pregnant and was shocked by how jerky it was! It’s one of my favorite rides, but I had never noticed that about it before and it’s now on my “not while pregnant” list of rides.
**What you need to be mindful of is jerky motions that might hurt your abdomen (and might then cause a bleed on your placenta). I would definitely ask your doctor their recommendations before you go, keeping in mind they will be super conservative to protect themselves.**

When to go to Disneyland Pregnant?
Hilary here… before we talk about health & safety as to when to go, I think you’ll find that going at a less crowded time will be more enjoyable. I talked about the BEST time to go to Disneyland in a recent podcast.
Going at a less-busy time of year can also help you save on your Disneyland Budget. And, if you’re wondering how much it is GOING to cost, I have a Disneyland trip calculator!
Disneyland while pregnant first trimester
Notes from Hilary: While this might be the “safest” time to go to Disneyland as there is no large baby bump to get in the way — you do need to be extra cautious about
- Hydration — make sure you drink plenty
- Not over-exerting you — take time to rest
- I would still not recommend rides that have a tight belt around your “baby” area – and each person is going to have to decide what works best for them.
With any trip to Disneyland, but especially while pregnant, you’ll need to take the time to rest. Schedule it and don’t get too focused on cramming in every moment. At Disneyland, there are so many ways to rest your body.
One of my favorite ways is to book a long, leisurely restaurant reservation — Hilary has her favorite places to eat at Disneyland.
The other is taking advantage of the many entertainment opportunities. Watch a show like Frozen – Live at the Hyperion, which is almost an hour-long with comfortable seats and A/C. Turtle Talk with Crush, Mickey and the Magical Map, the Royal Theater at the Fantasy Faire, and the Disney Jr. Live on Stage are all other great resting options.
Remember, a Disney vacation isn’t all about rides.
I LOVE a good amount of people watching on main street with my water bottle at my side.
Of course, you can even go back to your hotel for a midday nap or a nice float in the pool. No matter how far along you are, you’ll want to listen to your body so that you don’t overdo it.
**This is good advice for all of us, why do you think I love Small World so much? — that ride is long, cold and the rocking motion helps me have a little nap on it. Want to know what hotels are walkable and that I liked/didn’t like — check out my post on Disneyland Family Vacation Packages**
The best news here is that if you have small children that yuo’re going to Disneyland with, you can likely ride all the things they love! I also have a whole post on Disneyland rides for infants!
Can Going on Rides Cause a Miscarriage?
If you were to bump your abdomen hard enough to cause a bleed, it is possible.
However, that baby is protected by your enlarged uterus (with thick walls, as it hasn’t grown much yet), amniotic fluid & sac, your abdominal muscles and fat.
In general, we only are concerned about abdominal “trauma”– but as far as what that is, seems to be subjective.
However, riding in your car can also be dangerous in case you were to get in an accident. Just some things to think about.
Interested in early pregnancy topics, check these out:
- Pregnancy Calendar by Week: Your calculator to your pregnancy progress
- Printable Pregnancy Calendar
- Nosebleeds during Pregnancy: And other early pregnancy symptoms
- The Best Soups for Pregnancy: 21 Soup recipes for prenatal nutrition!
- Is it OK to Sleep on Your Stomach When Pregnant? What’s the best sleep position during pregnancy?
Pregnant at Disneyland Second Trimester
This point your abdomen will start to get in the way — I would recommend not riding rides that have a belt that goes across your waist. You can ask at the beginning of the line, what type of restraint is used.
Most rides are still easily done even with a larger belly — as I talk about in my post about being overweight at Disneyland.
You likely feel the best right now — but make SURE you’re still drinking a TON of water. Rest as much as you can, or you’ll hate life the next day.
If you’re going in the heat of the summer, make sure to find some cool, shady spots to rest in now and then. no shame in some good people watching!
Pregnant at Disneyland Third Trimester
By now, you’re well aware that you shouldn’t be riding anything crazy — and you’ll probably get the side-eye from employees and people in line if you try it (but as Kim said, they’re not going to ask you if you’re pregnant or prevent you from riding).
There are still PLENTY of rides that can be fun this far in your pregnancy, but if ANY bar comes down to your abdomen — that’s a no. This means most roller coasters, Star Tours and Guardians of the Galaxy (used to be Tower of Terror) are out. Save the thrill rides til’ after baby is out!
The best part of Disneyland is that there are still a TON of rides that you can go on. Favorites like Pirates, Haunted Mansion can still be very fun — just like Kim said.
And, because I can’t say it enough:
- Stay hydrated (a dole whip in the back row of the Enchanged Tiki Room is a great way to stay hydrated and enjoy some Air Conditioning).
- Pee frequently (this can help prevent bladder infections, but also you can contract if your bladder is too full).
- Be mindful of what you’re eating. Don’t go too hard on sugar without balancing it with some protein, you’re more likely to have sugar lows when you’re pregnant.
- Don’t spend a TON of time on your feet. Try to alternate standing periods with resting periods. Tkae a break!
Also, as you’re in your third trimester, make sure you’re still doing your kick counts! A great excuse to sit down for a bit! Grab my cheat sheet here:
Looking for later pregnancy tips check these out:
- 5 Important & Easy Things to Do Before Birth
- Can You Use a Microwave Heat Pack While Pregnant
- Free Birth Class with Insurance
- Top “Boy” Names for 2024
- Painful Cervical Checks During Pregnancy: What to do if you’re scared.
If you’d love to get prepared for birth & postpartum life just as fun and easy as Disneyland makes it — come join me in here!
Disneyland Expectant Mothers Advisory
Along with taking care of your body, you’ll need to stay hydrated and snack often. Any quick-service restaurant will give you an ice water with or without a purchase. You can also bring in your own food and drinks as well. You can refill your water at any water fountain, or at Rancho del Zocalo or Redd Rocket’s Pizza Port.
Pro tip: Set an alarm for every hour to remind you to drink if you get distracted. It’s easy to do at Disneyland! If you need a quick bit of protein or a healthy snack,
Adventureland is a great place to go. There are multiple fruit stands and the Bengal Barbeque has meat and veggie skewers for a quick and affordable pick-me-up. Of course, it’s always a great idea to bring trail mix, granola bars or whatever you’re craving to have on hand as well.
** SUPER good advice. I love the idea of setting an alarm to remind yourself to drink. Hydration is key to a great pregnancy, I know you’ve all heard me say it before, but it’s true. You’ll feel SO much better if you drink a lot (and see every glorious restroom Disney has given you). Maybe even ask your other kids (if you have them) to remind you to drink every time you’re in line — make it a game! **
Pro Tip: Not sure where to get water? Ask a cast member — and I bet looking extra pregnant makes them help yuo out even more!
Where to stay at Disneyland When Pregnant
If possible, I recommend staying as close to the park so you can get to and from your hotel easily. In my opinion, there’s nothing worse than standing around waiting for a shuttle after a full day and you Just. Want. To. Sit. The three Disneyland hotels are my first choice, but I’ve also stayed across the street and great experiences. Just keep that in mind while choosing a hotel.
**If you’re making a reservation at Get Away Today be sure to ask them on the phone what they would recommend — I promise, they’re smart peeps.**
Some to check-out would be:
- Budget Option: Tropicana Inn & Suites — nothing fancy, but SO close! I have stayed here, and it was fine. 🙂
- Mid-Range Option: Courtyard Anaheim Theme Park Entrance — a BIT of a nicer walk, but lovely rooms with plenty of room for larger families.
- High-end (aka, amazing) option: Grand California — this park actually ENTERS California Adventure, pretty great! I have a post that oulines the benefits of staying on property.
This post shows you all the hotels close to Disneyland. And I have some of my best Disneyland Hotel Tips in that post.
And finally, enjoy! If you go with the idea of being able to soak in the magic, you’re bound to find it.
If you’d like help planning your Disneyland vacation, check on getawaytoday.com or call Get Away Today at 855-GET-AWAY. Our agents tour all of the Disneyland area hotels regularly and can help guide you to the perfect hotel for your vacation. Be sure to mention CURL10 to get an extra $10 off a trip with hotel & tickets.
Pro Tip from Hilary — CALL them. That’s really where the benefit of all their knowledge comes in. Get Away Today agents know their stuff. Tell them what you want, and they’ll tell you where to book! Be sure to also tell them CURLS10 to save an extra $10 on your trip! There are even larger rooms that they have limited availability for that they can see if it would be a good option for you (and you can only get those if you call).
We are constantly negotiating the very best deals and guarantee the lowest price on your Disneyland vacation.
As an added bonus, use promo code: CURLS10 to save an extra $10 off your package!
What to wear pregnant at Disneyland?
I’d recommend wearing layers (as I always do). You can see my recent subscription box for Disneyland. Comfort is key ladies, comfort.
You might also want to consider compression stockings as it can help with swelling, aching legs and possibly blood clots (more important if you’re flying). I have a whole post on taking care of your feet at Disneyland.
First Aid at Disneyland & California Adventure
There is a first aid center at both Disneyland and California adventure. I actually have a friend who works there. You can get free bandaids and tylenol (and a few other over the counter medications) there.
However, I bet with a pregnancy they just wheelchair you to the curb and tell you to see a physician. They will probably give you some water on your way.
Disneyland Pregnancy Pass 2024
In researching for this I noticed a lot of people wondering about pregnancy passes. Here’s the low-down from Kim:
Disneyland doesn’t offer a pregnancy pass. Supposedly Disneyland Paris used to, but I’ve heard rumors it was discontinued as well. If someone is so pregnant and miserable that they need to rent a wheelchair, they could try wheelchair access
Pregnancy nurse’s note: if you are this miserable, I really would recommend staying home — I think your body is telling you something.
There’s also a newly updated Disability Access Service (DAS) Pass that someone could try, but I don’t love looking at pregnancy as a “disability.” Also, Disney’s revision to the policy was because of abuse, so I don’t think it would be helpful in most pregnancy cases.
If someone wants to try, they go to City Hall in Disneyland or the Chamber of Commerce in California Adventure (you can also address any questions with guest relations as well — although they don’t issue the passes) and they talk to the rep on a case by case basis. You can also do this online prior to heading to Disneyland (more info here).
If it’s determined that they qualify, they’ll get a pass that they can use at attractions. It basically holds a place in line, so they come back in whatever the current wait time is. So if the wait is 45 minutes, they come back in 45 minutes and then they can go to the front. I wouldn’t recommend it as a guarantee at all, but there is a possibility.
I was talking to one of the plaids the other day and asked them if they usually approve pregnancy as a “disability” and they said that Disneyland considers Pregnancy a blessing, not a disability. So, take that for what it’s worth!
I actually have a whole post on my site about the pregnancy disability pass.
The Disney Genie may also be helpful, and it includes the Disney photopass which is a fun addition as well.
Disneyland Pregnancy Discount
There is no discount if you’re pregnant — your best bet is just to get your tickets from Get Away Today. 🙂 I actually have an exclusive discount through that link — so grab that for sure!
I love Kim. This is great, sound advice for you and your next pregnant visit to an amusement park. I hope you found this helpful. My personal 3 tips for pregnant moms at Disneyland (or pregnant people):
- It is totally possible to do Disneyland and have a great time while pregnant. It can still TOTALLY be your Happiest Place on Earth!
- You’ll need to allow for extra rest, don’t push yourself like you did when you were 18
- Hydration is key. Make sure you take a long sip in every line you’re at and you should be good to go (and keep alert of restroom locations).
Pregnancy Nurse’s Guide to Rides at Disneyland
Of course, please consider your own agility and concerns when picking out a ride. When possible try to see the ride carts or talk with a cast member about what the ride is like before getting in line. Pregnant moms shouldn’t be afraid to get out of line even right before they board if they feel uncertain.
The list for what is ok or not ok to ride at Disneyland while pregnant will really vary person to person, but here’s my stab at it (I actually also have a whole post on the best Disneyland rides while pregnant on my Pregnancy Nurse site that goes into more detail).
Best rides to ride while pregnant at Disneyland Park
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Haunted Mansion
- Winnie the Pooh
- Buzz Lightyear
- Dumbo the flying elephant
- King Arthur Carousel
- Jungle Cruise
- Small World
- Disneyland Railroad
- Storybook land canal boats
Nurse’s Note: Be mindful of how agile you are as some of these require stepping down (mostly into boats) — that may make some of those “no-no’s” for you.
Kim mentions the Fantasyland rides, but I find that many of them are kind of tight (and can be jerky) — so they didn’t make my list. I also see a lot of people talking about the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, but that sub is SO tight. I’m not a fan if your belly is big at all. You may also end up claustrophobic from a lack of air return as well.
2020 Update: I’d stick to walking through Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge… neither of their rides seem great for pregnancy.
Other Disneyland Attractions to visit while pregnant
- Pirate’s Lair (formerly Tom Sawyer’s Island) — a fair amount of walking, but it’s shaded
- Golden Horsehoe Review
- Parades (even sit down early to get a great seat!)
- Disneylad Story Presenting: Great moments with Mr. Lincoln
- Monorail
- Frontierland shooting gallery
- Mark Twain Riverboat
- Mickey’s House
- Enchanted Tiki Room
- Find a favorite Disney character to get your picture with (a fun one for baby to look at when they’re older)
Best Rides at Disney California Adventure Park to do while pregnant
- Monsters Inc
- Pixar Pal Around
- Inside Out Emotional Whirlwind (it CAN be tight depending on your size)
- Jessie’s Critter Carousel
- Little Mermaid
Other California Adventure Attractions to visit while pregnant:
- Animation Academy (HUGE favorite of mine)
- Disney Jr
- Turtle Talk with Crush (honestly, anything inside the animation building is great!)
- Mickey’s Philharmagic
- Redwood Creek Challenge trail
- Frozen at the Hyperion
Another option is to go walk through Downtown Disney. It has a lot of fun things to look at (and can often be more clear for strollers if you have a sleeping little one). And don’t forget that there are so many fun things to look at (and people watch) around the park. Lots to see and do rides or no ride.
Wheelchair Rentals In/Near Disneyland
While there are a LOT of wheelchair rentals around Disneyland (you can also rent them at the park). HOWEVER, if you are feeling like you need a wheelchair, I might talk to your doctor about if you should go or not. I might be your body telling you something.
Maybe save Disneyland til’ after the baby!
Either way, I hope you have a great safe visit & Pregnancy! I love Disneyland, and even if you decide to delay it until after the baby I bet you’ll have a GREAT trip!
I LOVE that you’re excited for a Disneyland trip — but have you thought about how you’re getting prepared for birth? The Online Prenatal Class for Couples is truly the Disneyland of prenatal classes. It’s fun, it’s easy (and available 365 days/year) — so come join me!
Have you checked a birth class off your to do list✅? I have a few I recommend:
❤️ Best class for couples {per BabyList}
👩💻 Best class available on demand
⚡ Best class JUST for pain management
👶 Best Postpartum-Only Prep
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 My favorite class is here.
Now is the time to get started!
This post was originally written in 2016 and has been updated.
Don’t miss my list of Best Affordable Disneyland hotels — a list of 30+ of my favorite hotels (plus my own current top 10 hotel list).

Stephanie says
Great tips!!
Hilary says
Thank you!
Erin B. says
I love all these tips, but I would definitely stress that they apply pretty specifically to Disneyland, and possibly other Disney parks, not necessarily other amusement parks. I grew up going to Disneyland and was so spoiled by conveniences like the Baby Center on Main Street when my first was little. I made the mistake of going to Six Flags Over Texas when I was pregnant with my second and WOW, what a difference! Shade and seating were nearly impossible to find and the shows were, um, let’s just say less than magical. Lesson learned,
Hilary Erickson says
This is 100% true — Disneyland is SO accommodating of all things family vs other parks!