Organizing your bedroom can turn it into the sanctuary you’d always wanted. These room organization hacks will help your small bedroom shine in the organization department — all while saving a lot of cash & staying on budget!

Now, if you’re looking for a post that has us getting out our jigsaw and a sanding board — this is the wrong post for you. What I’m about to share are SIMPLE organization tips to make your bedroom a bit more useable. Things you can easily DIY in just a few minutes.
Btw, if you’re looking to really SIMPLIFY organizing at your house, or are looking for some encouragement to get started — check out this course. It really changed how my home functions, and life just seems SO much easier!
DIY Bedroom Organization
DIY Necklace Organization
Necklaces are a reminder that we often just have too. much. stuff. Because, the more you have, the more they catch on each other and you’re living in your own personal hell.
Once you pare down, I love using command hooks. I separated mine out according to color. I used these hooks (but you could also use these, especially if you plan to just do one/hook). I tried to limt it to 3-4 necklaces per hool (emphasis on try).

While a lot of people would hide something like this, I love how it looks — it always makes me happy. It’s just above my dresser. Makes it easy to get ready!
DIY Drawer Organization
If you’re like me — you get a box in the mail now and then. Amazon boxes, in particular, are awesome, for drawer segmentation.
I used them once in my bathroom too.
I think a lot of people feel like they need fancy drawer dividers, when in reality, Amazon box will do just as well — and since no one ever sees it, it’s not worth spending big bucks on — especially until you get a system that works for you.

Remember, you can cut down a box you have (make it shorter) — or you can lift the flaps up and duct tape them together to make it taller.
Under Bed Organization
We always use bed lifts — it makes it much easier to put things under your bed. Under beds are a time I do recommend to get one or two longer quality bins. But, we also use amazon boxes at the end (where it’s not as hard to lose things in the middle).
Pro Tips:
- Label them
- Go through them frequently
- If you have a smaller dresser, this is a great place to put off-season clothes).
Closet Organization
Every closet is a bit different. I talk a bit about my classes in this class. BUT, the BEST thing I’ve done are high-quality hangers.
I know a lot of people love these hangers, but I had them break FAR too often. I finally bought a set of these and I LOVE them. I actually got them at Walmart….
They are SUPER sturdy! They can do pants, sweaters, shirts, dresses. They are still super grippy, but they won’t die in a few weeks.

Broken hangers are NOT my love language, and I am guessing they’re not yours either, so get some quality ones!
BTW, if you’re looking to organize your kid’s closet — I have a whole post on how many clothes kids really DO need! Personally, I’m still on the quest for a capsule wardrobe!
Like I said above, if you’re really looking to make a change in your home — and SIMPLIFY organizing. It really isn’t all that complicated, it just depends on what you LET it be. Let me help you simplify it! Save 10% with code PC10!
Pro Tip: I had this weird extra-long shelf in a cabinet in our bedroom for the longest time. It even had spots to add another shelf, but I kept wanting it to look uniform. Finally, I gave-up and just had my husband cut a board to fit it and I LOVE the extra shelving. It has doors that close, no one ever sees it, and it’s a win for us!

I found a few other projects that might interest you:
- I liked how this simplified getting kids dressed in the AM.
- This one had good ideas on husband’s closet
- I loved Chelsea’s idea on upcycling a bar stool for a bedside table!
If you liked this post — I think you will LOVE my 5-word Organization challenge! Look at organizing in a whole new way!

Other great organization posts:
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