This past Thursday Carol Tuttle was gracious enough to sit down and let me interview her.
Carol Tuttle is a best selling author, acclaimed alternative therapist and 20-year pioneer in the self-help arena. Carol is recognized for her work with both men, women and children in helping them release themselves from the limiting beliefs and patterns that inhibit a fulfilling and satisfying life. As the creator and founder of “Live Your Truth,” which encompasses Energy Profiling®, Dressing Your Truth®, and The Child Whisperer, Carol has reached millions of people around the globe. Carol created a program called Energy Profiling, that helps people identify and honor their true natures, strengths, and gifts. By applying the principles of Energy Profiling to fashion, Carol created the Beauty Profiling System and Dressing Your Truth online course. These programs show women how to best express their inner beauty in their outward appearance. Dressing Your Truth has changed the way women all over the world feel about themselves and the way they look.
I know Carol Tuttle through Dressing Your Truth. I initially started out with that program, but have since read The Child Whisperer (a total parenting game changer, I see my kids in a completley new light) and then Remembering Wholeness. Carol’s thoughts about how abudance creates more abundance have been a game changer at our house. It has been really easy to just sit down and cry about our lives sometimes, but we are strong, capable individuals, with a lot going for us. I’m excited to share this interview with you, as well as many of the thoughts I had:

In case you are not interested in watching the whole thing, but do want to watch particular questions — I’ll put the time frames here, along with my own thoughts. This is NOT a transcript of the interview. I ain’t got time for that. 🙂
Yup, that’s my own question (and a few friend’s questions), but I think a lot of moms have that question. Your secondary takes over and you end up being uncomfortable and turn ornery. By “smushing” in light and fun I can stay on the happy side. I also think it is a good idea to explore what I find is fun. I need to NOTICE when I’m having fun so I can replicate it. 🙂
Interesting thoughts on trying to not bring energies that others are trying to avoid…. I see that I’ve certainly brought a bad moon into our house as of late. I like the idea of making it easy for each other to love each other. That’s honestly, not something I ever thought of. I heard she might come out with a relationship book at some point. I’d read it. 🙂 I certainly have been feeding what’s not right lately. #fail If you focus more on what IS working, more of that shows up.
*Loved her thoughts on angels vs God. Looking at myself & God compared to my feelings of my kids and me can always help me understand God’s feelings. I like the idea that the angels WANT to help us, we just need to ask.

- Finding joy and living as your true self is like training for a marathon, it takes time to make the changes #impatient
- I need to stop TYRING to be type 1, I need to just be and see what comes most naturally
- Doing what is natural creates success. She told a story about Marie Kondo (of organizing fame) spend much of her childhood organizing things. In today’s society, with more involved parents she might have been “treated” for this — as a sign of OCD but in reality it’s who she REALLY is and has created a business and helped a lot of people! That thought really struck me that we need to allow our kids and ourselves to do more of what’s natural.
Ok, time for a normal shot. Had such a nice time at the @caroltuttle Carol Tour last night. I came home & watched the video. It’s got a lot of good stuff. Hopeful the husband can do some editing while I deliver some babies today. Go find your joy, so you can get more joy. #deliverjoy #thecaroltour #dyt #notaselfietaker A photo posted by Pulling Curls Blog (@pulling_curls) on
I am grateful for her reminders that I need to keep it positive so that more positive will come. That’s our plan. We’re ready to see the great things that our angels have in store. You feel positive after you talk to her, and that’s my favorite kind of person. We’re basically best friends now, we’re doing Thanksgiving. Just kidding. I work Thanksgiving this year. 🙂
Carol is actually going on tour again in 2016 to LOTS of cities. Be sure to check her out — and you can even save $50 off the ticket price if you use the code: ctuttle
If you found the things interesting that Carol was saying, take her free energy profiling course! Sign up through one of the banners or links in this post. If you do think that buying the course would be helpful to you — please sign up using this link, as you will get 67% off the cost of the course, plus free money in the Dressing Your Truth store!
Sharon says
How do I get the discount one the courses?
Hilary says
Just through the link — that is the discounted price.