You know, I’ve watched a lot of Dressing Your Truth® Makeovers. I love them. I mean, who DOESN’T love a good makeover? I will admit, the time I heard the DYT music I may have gotten a little teary….
I’m really excited to share with you my Dressing Your Truth Makeover.
**Dressing Your Truth is now offering you a FREE before & after**
I am working on creating a minimalist wardrobe now.
Interested in dressing to look more like YOU would like to look — check out my 5 tips to getting the wardrobe YOU want, totally free and straight to your inbox!

Here are the 5 things I learned in this makeover:
- My hair needs more fullness at the top. I’m slowly figuring out how to make that work for me. It’s a little big for me as pictured, but I’m really liking more movement on the top. I have rarely pinned it back lately because the style is so great.
- My eye makeup is kinda crazy, right? I’ve been using some more light colors on my eyelid and I do like how it looks. I was a lover of the smoky eye for a long time, and I’m learning to make my eye makeup lighter and more fun! Stay tuned for next time when I share what my face looked like when I took the eye makeup off. #avatar
- I limit myself. My daughter is six and I have sworn off white in most any outfit. And that is just ludicrous. If I look good in it, so what if it gets something on it, I know how to do laundry!
- I need to be more silly. Something clicked when I watched myself say that I thought my gold shoes were silly. Because WHY would I think that? If I liked how the looked, why didn’t I just embrace it. That’s a big problem with a lot of my life. I need a few more days to let that all sink in and I’ll return to this when I write my finish-up post.
- I need to try more to find out what I want. In my head, I think I want structure — but in reality I want soft, lovely things that bring light and movement. And that EXACTLY mirrors how my life is. I THINK I want structure, when maybe I don’t. Maybe I want a necklace that feels like 40 tiny rubber balls (that’s seriously what it feels like, it’s so great!)
I’d also like to give a few VERY big thank you’s:
Sarah Tuttle is amazing. She’s so sweet and thoughtful. I don’t know how many times she fixed that necklace, jacket or pulled my shirt down. She kept saying how sorry she was to get into my space. I just laughed. #ihavenopersonalspace She did SUCH A great job at picking out the outfit (she actually picked a few and we picked what worked best once she met me in real life, in case you wondered) and making sure everything was just right. I adore her, I’d like to be her best friend (but I will settle for Carol). She has also made me long for my own gold shirt. I am still on the lookout.
The photographer, cameraman, Mark and Tanner were so great to work with. Very thoughtful of my time and my inability to be human in front of a camera. They also didn’t put in any of the Irish jigging that I did when I felt awkward. Thoughtful of them. 🙂 Also, I really wish I could remember the cameramen’s name {says the former photographer who feels really lame about that}.
Emily did SUCH A great job on my hair. I am going to give a whole hair post soon, but she was so good to me that day. She gave me the products she used and I am LOVING using them. We’ll talk more about that later. She also did such a great job on my makeup. I’m even going to buy some eyebrow powder. She has turned me to the dark side (and by dark I mean the slightest shade of taupe — let’s not get crazy here). She clearly is great at what she does and really enjoys it. If you’re in the Utah area she says she books 6-8 weeks in advance.
Jalea tried to make me laugh during my photo shoot. It turns out I think I’d rather get splashed with amniotic fluid instead of have a photo shoot — who knew? I think I need an emotional epidural for my next photo shoot. 🙂 She’s so lovely. She’s exactly how you always picture her. She embodies cute for me.
To Amy who is my editor on these posts. She’s always so helpful to answer any question. Honestly, I’ve never seen a team so on top of things. They are a solid company. Also, she asked me in the first place. #lucky
And finally to Carol. I will say that Carol has pulled me out of some dark days, thanks to her book Remembering Wholeness. There have been days in being the new sole breadwinner/mom/PTO president/tired human that I just want to throw my hands up and scream uncle, but when I read that book before bed I’m reminded of how blessed I am, and will continue to be. She is inspiring. I don’t say that lightly. She really wants to help others and share her positive energy. I appreciate her so much. I would even hug her for real. I might even use both arms. #Iamnotahugger
Anyway, now it’s your turn. What do you think? Don’t you think they should make me a regular? I want to fly to Utah every few months and hang out with my new friends. Thanks for watching!
Remember you can get your own FREE before & after, or — if you can grab the type cards.
And if you still have questions, I have plenty more where this post came from! Check out All my DYT posts:
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Laura @ Little Bits of Granola says
You look fabulous! LOOOVE the hair. Looks great, so pretty!
Hilary says
Thank you so much!
Fran says
My problem is that I am deaf and cannot use Dressing Your Truth® Makeovers.
I need someone to type all this
PS I hate to be left off (Sorry)
Hilary says
Fran, that is too bad! 🙁 I did email them this comment and they’re going to look into doing them CC’d!
Michelle {Fun On a Dime} says
You look amazing Hillary! My dream is to have someone to do this for me someday! lol I’ve had people tell me what type I am, but I’m torn between being a close 2nd with 2 of the other categories. I thought I read in the book,which I will embarrassingly admit, I was able to read 1 and skimmed through the others,, but at the very back it said something about if you skimmed or had a hard time reading you were probably a 1. lol
P.s. I love your newsletter sign up banner! How cute is that?!?!
Hilary says
Michelle! You should email them to do it after the baby! I know they’re scheduling in the summer at this point! It would be a great excuse to get out of AZ!!!!! Also, when are we ever going to see each other again? Us big AZ bloggers need to get together!
Rene says
Thanks for the link for the discount. I just signed up and am so excited. You look so happy and confident. I can’t wait for that. I originally found your blog for the pregnancy and deliver information (I’m due in two months with baby number 4). But I keep coming back or everything else, too. I love this blog and am a new follower. I’m counting this purchase/investment in myself as my new mom (again) gift. Thanks again.
Hilary says
That’s awesome!
Melissa says
Thanks for sharing! I’ve been doing DYT for a year now, but have kind of fallen off the wagon while being pregnant and not wanting to buy new maternity clothes when I hate them anyway. I was re-inspired and loved how real you are.
Hilary says
After a baby is a GREAT time to DYT! Reminds you who you are instead of a sleepless zombie. 🙂