While decluttering can be hard to do, there are a few things — that if you have on hand can make it easier, and you’ll need less motivation to get started.
And none of them are a bin.
Tips like this are just the beginning of the organizing help you can get within The Organized Home. Let’s get your stuff organized in small chunks — room by room we will do it together!
I also shared some similar things in a recent podcast on easier organizing:
5 Things That Make Organizing Easier
You don’t need a specific type, just grab some items you already have around your house for this:
These three bins will allow you to organize/declutter quicker and faster.
- Put Away Bin — This means things that don’t belong in this room that you will put away at the end of your organizing process. Be MINDFUL that this bin is things you really want or need to keep. Not a way to get out of actually decluttering.
- Throw Away Bin — Items that need to go into the trash (you could also have a separate bin for recyclables if you’d prefer)
- Give Away Bin — Items you should send to a local thrift store.
Now, do NOT go out and buy bins for this. Things I have used for these bins:
- Laundry basket
- Amazon boxes
- Garbage bags
- Reuseable grocery bags
Use your imagination to use things you already have! Also, I found a set of these at Costco once and they have been HUGELY helpful for projects like this. 🙂
Buy a Bosch Universal Mixer & get the cookie set for free:
☑️ Cookie Paddles
☑️ Metal Whip Drive
☑️ 2 Cookie Sheet Liners
☑️ Bowl Scraper
There have also been some re-stocks of fan favorites: See them here!
By categorizing these things and placing them somewhere, it allows you to progress and move quicker through the organizing process. I find there is less overwhelm if you already have a plan!
A Table
This seems crazy to bring a table into an area you already have a lot of clutter.
But, I find a table helps me mover faster and more freely. I can put stuff on it to categorize, decide, and see what I actually have.
Obviously it should be a fold-up table — something like this.
Obviously, if you already have a surface close at hand (like a bed or counter) that you can place things on — no need for the table, but often people don’t really get into the work of decluttering because they don’t want to have to constantly squat down to get things or figure it out.
A Microfiber Cloth
No, this isn’t cleaning time. But using a cloth to even get the dust out of the area you’re cleaning will help it seem more official and legit. Everything will look better when this step is done. Don’t miss it.
I love these!
This isn’t brain surgery. Just simple items that when I use it things go faster, I’m more willing to work next time and I feel like I do a better job overall. Definitely worth the time to get them!
I’d love to see you join me in my 5-Word Organization Challenge! Just five little words to getting organized. It will also help you do a better, more thorough job of decluttering!
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