Not getting pregnant is one thing, but it just seems like there are heaps of other things that blow when it comes to being infertile.
It took us about 3.5 years to get pregnant with our last child.
While I strongly feel that pregnancy is a 2 edge sword that for some reason we just needed to wait for, it was a rough few years.
And, if fertility is on your list of things to do — don’t miss my 2 other posts:
So, without further adieu — let’s commiserate on the 10 worst things about being infertile — besides, of course, not getting pregnant.
So, without further adieu — let’s talk about the WORST parts of infertility!
The Urine Tests
Ugh! I mean, it’s one thing to take a urine test to SEE if you’re pregnant — but to do them DAILY at a cost, it’s just not fun.
So much hand washing. So much.
The Questions
I 100% believe that 90% of the people who asked were well-meaning. Just kind of a “what are you gonna do when you grow up” type of a question.
But, in my infertile eyes they were prying and judging me — was I too fat, or too lazy? Was our marriage not strong enough to hold another baby?
Yup, I clearly needed to pull an Elsa and let this one go. 🙂
Related post: Why I can’t get pregnant again?
The lack of quality drugs
I’m just a girl, who has a headache and wants to take an advil. But… what if I’m pregnant…
And so I popped a tylenol and drank 20 gallons of water. It helped. Mostly.
Prenatal Vitamins
I just got tired of taking them.
Of course, any sexually active woman of child-bearing age SHOULD be taking a prenatal vitamin. But I was vigilant about taking them daily — you know, just in case I was forming a tiny spinal cord and didn’t know it.
Planning your life
To go to Disneyland, or not go to Disneyland — that is the question.
Happened every year.
I wish I had just planned the vacations and did it — and stopped worrying about the “what if’s.”
Baby aisles
Ugh! SO cute and the WORST when you’re wanting another one.
Let’s not even talk about the entire Target section. Those baby clothes are ridiculously cute!
Baby Showers
Now, I’m not a fan of baby showers, to begin with.
But, when you haven’t had a baby — it’s like going to a wedding single. Oy-vey. Lay off people!
**Again, I know a LOT of this was in my mind — people were well-meaning and probably had many thoughtful intentions. But, when something’s not happening… well, you know**.
Basal Body Temp
Well, if I didn’t want to pee on a stick — I had to take my temperature the minute my eyeballs opened.
And then chart it on a graph.
Where was my pen, where is the graph — crap — I talked before I took my temp. I’m SO THIRSTY. I need to PEE.
Ugh! Less fun. 🙁
Oh, and let’s not even TALK about examining your cervical mucous (which something they also recommend to find out when you’re ovulating. Even I think that’s gross!
What once was a recreational activity became a chore. Let’s get this done. Let’s do it again in 2 days. Hurry. I have stuff to do. #romantic
My Mind
It was just all over the place. All the time.
Trying to imagine what others thought of me.
Trying to decide if we should stop — or what God’s will was for us.
I wish I had realized how uncertain all of our life is. I think I keep clawing to find the certainty and I don’t seem to have much luck.
I mostly wish I had found a way to be more positive.
More positive towards other parents, and other people.
Taken their comments more positively.
More positive towards the generous life we already had.
More positive to the fact that I wasn’t hauling around a baby at that point in my life — because I was certainly frustrated by that when it finally happened.
Just more positive.
With all of these annoyances being said — I have an awesome new fertility monitor.
And guys — this thing has a few things going for it:
- No urine tests (and the crowd goes wild)
- No temperature taking
- No wearing a wristband (or frankly, anything that comes in contact with you)
It’s like a magical wizard that knows your “time”.
Or, in reality, it’s something that goes under your mattress and takes a variety of factors to decide when you’re ready to procreate!
If you’ve read my other journeys, you’ll know that I have varying period lengths and I was “aiming” far too early in the month — which I found out when I started doing basal body temps (which were a huge pain — as I mentioned above).
Think PCOS is stopping you from getting pregnant? — check out this PCOS planner to help you conceive!
Something like this might have helped our journey be a LOT shorter & this post is sponsored by Early Sense Percept monitor.
Other Option: There is also the Ava Deluxe Monitor that GUARANTEES pregnancy in 1 year (or your money back).
This is the Percept Monitor from EarlySense.
EXCLUSIVE CODE: Use coupon code PULLINGCURLS to get $20 off The Bosch Mixer (also in stainless steel), Classic Grain Mill & Harvest Grain Mill, at
My Favorites:
🤑 The Artiste is a gem of a mixer at a great price.
💚 The Baker’s pack is what I use at my house, the paddles and the scraper make this my favorite mixer!
(💲💲💲 Use code PULLINGCURLS on either of those too to save $20)
BRAND NEW: SAVE when you bundle (get just the accessories you need) right here (you can also bundle with the stainless steel mixer here).
It’s the first non-contact fertility monitor. No urine tests, no temperature taking — it just goes UNDER your mattress (and yes, I do mean mattress — not like your mattress protector).
It is SUPER easy to pair with your phone (and I have one of those phones that just doesn’t seem to want to pair). When you see the blue light it’s paired (instructions are all in the kit).
Then, you stick the VERY flat monitor under your mattress.
Once you lay down it will begin monitoring your respirations and heart rate (from UNDER your mattress). It is CRAZY!
Then, it somehow magically takes all that data and predicts your most fertile days! It predicts when a woman is most fertile with 31% higher accuracy than standard ovulation estimation processes that are based on the last period calculation. Predicts the exact day of ovulation in over 60% of cycles within one day, and within two days of ovulation in over 75% of cycles. Offers up to a six-day fertility window. You can refer to the science-y stuff here (which I find FASCINATING):
It also tells you how much you slept, and the quality of your sleep. The thing could even be helpful for after the baby. 🙂
What do I like about the Precept?
- No contact with you. This is a set it and forget it method. No remembering to wear a band, or check your temp etc.
- The price. It’s cheaper than a lot of the things I’ve seen. Plus, this could easily be given to a friend who’s trying once you’re pregnant. 😉
So, check it out — and tell me what you think. You can even save 25% with coupon code 25OFF4PC ~valid through 12/31/17.
Speaking of dates — once you’re pregnant when you should you start eating dates?
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