But MOM, I WANT an American Girl doll! She sighs as she thumbs through the catalog. Main problem, she really doesn’t. Not at all. She has a couple of the cheaper ones from Target that my mom bought her, and she sometimes sleeps with them, but she isn’t a fan of changing their clothes or doing their hair.
All she wants to do is color.
And glue, and craft and stickers. OH, the stickers. Makes me a little nauseated. 🙂
So, an American Girl doll just wouldn’t be played with. We need some other options…. Looking for a 4-year-old — I’ve got the gift guide for you!
*I just wanted to say that there is not a single item in here that I wouldn’t buy my 6 year old (or we already have). I’m not here to sell you stuff, I really want to give you ideas (and get some from you in the comments)!
Looking for a smaller girl — be sure to check out my Lil Girl Toys and my best gifts for toddler girls post.
A ream of paper – Now, I know what you’re saying, but the amazing Lara from Overstuffed gave me this idea. Really, Paige would be THRILLED at the possbility that comes from a ream of paper. Crazy exciting, no? Also, very easy to wrap. Bonus. Or, if you want to go a little fancier get this drawing pad. Or, even a larger one. Kids love to draw big!
Buddha Board This one requires water, so you want to be thoughtful of where you use it, but it really is SUCH A cool concept — and it’s nice to be able to to use a brush over and over and enjoy it. My daughter actually finds this SUPER realaxing, pretty cool!
Adorable USB Drives — look how cute these are! PLUS, they are large enough your crafty girl is less likely to lose them. THey come in other emojis as well: heart eyes and laughing (those people also make custom ones, how cute is that!)
If your crafty family has a Nintendo Switch check out Mario Kart Live. My crafty girl loved setting up the track. Such a fun game! It was more fun than I thought it would be (they sent us one to try out).
PipSticks – Shhh, don’t tell Princess P but we got a pack in the mail and she was SO excited about them, I’m not sure we could live without them! Plus, the idea of getting something new and exciting is THRILLING for little girls! Horray! You can even get 15% off your subscription with the code CURLS15
(I did get a package of PipSticks for free, but we will be paying for a subscription for my daughter for Christmas, shhh… don’t tell her).
Kiwi Co this is also a subscription service. It’s a super fun one for crafters. I did get some free product from them, Paige was SO excited. Then I told her we needed to box it all up to send it back to them. There may have been tears. #ILiedtoHer ~ It will be under the tree. 🙂 The thing I liked most about it is that they were learning about something WHILE crafting. Aka, not like coloring My Little Pony (which can also be very fun, but different).
❤️ FAVORITE Disneyland HOTELS of Pulling Curls Readers ❤️
– Portofino Inn & Suites — Walkable at a great price!
– Cambria Hotel – GREAT one for larger parties, and I love their price
– Hampton Inn & Suites Anaheim/Garden Grove – Free breakfast at a great price!
– Hilton Garden Inn Anaheim/Garden Grove – Free breakfast & rave reviews!
The price isn’t bad at all — well under 20/kit if you buy a whole year! This is a great one for distant Grandparents since the kid will LOVE you all year long! Kiwi crate is for kids 5-8, and Koala crate is for kids ages 3-4 but there are FUN craft activities in that one too. Princess P would’ve been happy with either of them. I do think that Kiwi crate has more “informational learning” that goes along with the age range in this gift guide. FYI — Kiwi Crate is the “brand” — but then they have Kiwi, Koala as well as Doodle and Tinker for older kids!
Nintendo for girls? — Have you seen the new Princess Peach game? A great one for girls, it’s 10+ It has some fun scenarios I think a crafty girl would love!
Barbies — {sigh} I think it’s time to try them out. So far I have been reticent to do them…. but they’re fairly cheap and we might as well give them a try. If anyone finds a barbie with modest clothes, I’ll buy her. 🙂
Crafty stuff — I thought this tiara kit from Melissa and Doug was super cute. I know Costco often has a big tub of crafty supplies available throughout the year. That type of stuff DRIVES. ME. CRAZY because it can get all over the house. But, Santa doesn’t seem to mind. That’s probably because he’s not here to clean up!
Build a Bear — I just asked my daughter what she wanted for Christmas and build a bear is on her list. I, of course, would recommend a gift card so they can enjoy the full experience on their own. I think the idea of giving the bear all the clothes. I just noticed that Amazon has a lot of outfits for bears you might already have. Check those out! I think our little boy bears might be getting a makeover this Christmas. 🙂 Check out the honey girls in this post.
Coloring books — she still loves to color in coloring books, and there are SO many REALLY cool ones anymore. Paige loves these stained glass type books. They have a lot of open areas to color (her fine motor skills aren’t quite up to tiny bits, neither are her crayons). Very cool! I also really like these small dover coloring books. Great for the car or sometime they need a special treat (or for stocking stuffers)
ABOVE ALL if you have a crafty gal, I recommend getting GOOD supplies. Crayola crayons, GOOD colored pencils, Crayola markers (at 6 we still need them to be washable — but in a few years I’ll get her these).
To make things extra easy, I’ve created an Amazon Store with all my top picks for my family. So if your family also includes older boys, or a husband you might want to check in there. Be sure to click on the gift guide for the crafty girl. I’m hoping to even add an area for my own favorite things so you can send the husband there ~ although you can always check out my favorite mom tools.
So, what have I missed? do you have a favorite thing for a crafty gal that isn’t listed? Comment below!
Check out my other Gift Guides!
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Jessica [Havok] says
I got a ream of paper as a kid before. And I was thrilled. Partly because I had a printer of my own, and partly because it meant I could do whatever I want with it and not have to constantly bug my parents for more paper (same with my own tape!).
Last year for Christmas I got a ream of paper (because I print a lottttt, and actually asked for it). I got a ream of 32lb paper for my birthday, since it is fountain pen friendly.
It’s an odd gift. But always worth it. I’ve also received just plain spiral notebooks for Christmas and birthdays before, and enjoyed that as well! Basically, paper. All of the paper. xD
Hilary says
You are basically a 6 year old. You know that, right? 🙂 I love it! Always love your Instagrams!
Kristi says
Hello! Where did you get the green couch with attached lamps? It is awesome. Thanks!!
Hilary says
ONe of my readers shared: http://freshome.com/2007/04/13/morpheo-sofa-with-lights/