These birthday (or any-time) gifts for pregnant women are great, they include great gifts for first-time moms (or second, or third). I even have some sentimental gifts for a husband to give their pregnant wife or for sisters to give the lady they love. These pregnancy gift ideas for expectant mothers are just the thing!

Being pregnant at a holiday (be it Christmas, or your birthday) is painful. Sure, if you’re early in pregnancy you can ask for maternity clothes or a gift card and enjoy a little shopping spree.
The further you get into your pregnancy you’re seeing the amount of time you can wear those clothes shorten. You’d probably much rather focus on something other than your expanding midsection.
One of the BEST things you could get a pregnant mama is the gift of a confident birth. In just a few hours they can get prepared for their delivery! Learn how to give a birth class as a gift << right there.
Here are some other awesome gifts for the pregnant woman in your life (stay tuned for all of them, since my favorite is at the bottom!):
FYI, this is part of my Gift Ideas for Families Series << that post has TONS of gift ideas for everyone on your list! Don’t miss my post on the best Valentine’s gifts for pregnant women or gifts for a pregnant friend that are NOT for a baby.

Best gifts for a pregnant women:
Early Pregnancy Gifts:
Honestly, I’d get her whatever she liked before. Pregnancy won’t be affecting her as much. Dresses are great at this stage, as many will grow with them. Amazon has a lot of great maxi dresses like this one.
You can also get her the other items in this gift guide as well.
Christmas gifts for pregnant wife:
Jewelry for Pregnant Ladies
Yes, the gift that keeps giving. Jewelry fits, it can make you feel great, even if you’re not feeling awesome when you look in the mirror.
It’s a good idea to steer clear of rings for swollen fingers, but jewelry can be the perfect gift for the pregnant lady.
Amazon has a lot of really pretty (and reasonably priced) mother’s jewelry. That is a great sentimental gift for a pregnant sister.
Slipper gift for pregnant ladies
Slippers are a perfect choice for an expecting mom. Get her something comfy to slip into when she gets home from work or after a long day at home. If it’s a cooler season, warm fuzzy slippers like these would be great.
A pedicure for pregnant friends
Oh man, the feet just HURT while you’re pregnant. Having someone rub them and having them pampered is the ultimate luxury. Make sure you pick a popular place — that probably means it is good about sterilizing its instruments, etc. You definitely don’t want to get infected in pregnancy. I have a whole post on my sister site about if pedicures will induce labor.
At the very least (and if money is tight) make a coupon and follow through on a serious foot rub. Grab some bath salts and essential oils for her to soak in. She’ll love it.
This one that she could do at home looks kind of fun. 🙂 While we’re at it — a whole-body massage wouldn’t be bad either. Plenty of spas have special pillows to provide a prenatal massage (just call to make sure first).

Gift a robe for pregnant women
A great robe can feel AWESOME to expectant moms, similar to a pair of slippers. And, because they come so big they work over the baby bump and you can buy her one that she can also use later. Be sure it’s got great fabric — this plush one from Amazon looks SO soothing! If it’s warmer, maybe consider something more lightweight like this.
A Prenatal Class for pregnant couples
It is likely that she is very nervous about the delivery day. A prenatal class is a perfect present to help give her information for D-day, especially for a first-time mom.
You can give them the gift of getting prepared for delivery in just a few hours with this online class.
Looking to get prepare for your birth? I have some easy options for you!
– Worried you’re missing something? Grab my pregnancy planner so you don’t miss a thing!
– Thinking about an induction? Grab Inductions Made Easy to feel prepared in just 20 minutes!
– Wondering how to get that baby OUT? Grab Going Into Labor Made Easy so you know how to (and not to) do it!
– Postpartum got you anxious? Check out Postpartum Care Made Easy so you can stay SAFE even when all your attention is on that little on.
🚨 AND if ALL OF IT has got you on edge The Online Prenatal Class for Couples is perfect for you — You’ll feel so ready before you even know it!
No matter WHERE you are at in your pregnancy journey, we have resources that can help!
If you’re buying it as a gift, just email me afterward and I will make their own account to make it all work!
Maternity Clothes as Pregnancy Gifts
Yes, a new outfit can do wonders for expecting mothers. As long as you have a month left — maybe consider a new outfit, it can be a wonderful gift. I wouldn’t go expensive, as that item might not get worn long. I have had good luck shopping maternity on Ross and at Motherhood. Amazon has great clothes at good prices. No reason to completely steer clear of clothes, but I wouldn’t make them the staple of your presents.
Also, be VERY thoughtful on sizing. Things have changed. That’s all I’ll say. It’s better to steer clear of this vs buying something too small.
A night out for pregnant friends
I’m all about experiences vs things and a date out would be a perfect pregnancy gift. Go to a play (if sitting isn’t uncomfortable), a movie, or a great dinner. Think of something SHE would really like and then blow it out of the water. That is a GREAT gift!

Birthday gifts for pregnant women:
A Water Bottle is a great gift for pregnant ladies
I’m the queen of saying how important hydration is. But, having a great water bottle makes getting water inside you even easier. That baby is a parasite that sucks the fluid out of you. Even though it seems dumb – or something you wouldn’t normally get her- this is a good gift that will help her feel a lot better in the long run, even after the baby arrives!
Gift Baskets for a New Mom-to-Be
I love a good gift basket. This is a great opportunity to include some of your favorite little things that don’t feel like a gift on their own. You could put all items in a nice diaper bag that they can use after the baby arrives. Here’s my tips for stuff to bring for baby to the hospital (which is ultimately a well-stocked diaper bag).
Just in case YOU are the pregnant one — I’ll also leave my hospital bag packing list here:
What to Include in a Gift Basket for Good Friends
Some things I would include in a gift basket are:
Cream for stretch marks, while they don’t all help with preventing or making them go away they can be soothing. Look for something with Vitamin E.
Pregnancy pops to help with morning sickness (more about if they actually help here).
A pregnancy journal is great for a pregnant mom who wants to remember all the little day-to-day thoughts and feelings. Or, if they’re the planner type this might be cool!
Body oil, body wash, body lotion, face masks, and nail polishes in a few different colors. Self-care products are a great way
Pillows for pregnant women
I saved the best for last because a pregnancy pillow is a very thoughtful gift. There are awesome pregnancy pillows like this one. arge body pillows can be comfortable to help support joints. Really even just a great bed pillow that she can use as she’d like is a good idea. Pregnant mamas know how important sleep is and great pillows can help her get good sleep.
I have a whole post on pregnancy sleep that might give you some ideas if sleep is an issue.

Birthday or Christmas Pregnancy Gifts
Either way — a gift for a pregnant woman should include 3 key points:
- Be thoughtful of her. She’s carrying a baby and her heart is very tender at this point. What could she REALLY use? What will she love? What will help her know you care?
- Her comfort is key. Anything that can make her comfortable is a win!
- An eye towards the future. Once you’re past 20 weeks, giving a gift for the baby is similar to getting her something. Get something amazing, something that builds the anticipation of the big day.

I hope you’ll enjoy this post on the best gifts for mums-to-be, they even work as gifts for pregnant teachers. These birthday presents for new mamas will elicit a smile or two. Even if it’s 40th birthday gift ideas for a pregnant friend. These non-baby gifts for expecting parents are a great treat and they will really appreciate you thinking of them.

Liz Bowman says
HI! I am getting little pop-ups from your site. Would you please remove me from your mailing list? While I LOVE babies, I am waaaay past that stage. : ) Thanks much! Liz Bowman
Hilary Erickson says
I don’t have this email on my email list — it would be in your notificaton settings either on your phone or within the chrome browser (if you’re on a desk/laptop)