Today I’m going to share my top 10 girl names as we close out 2023. These are some of my favorite names. I’m also going to share WHY they are a favorite, and it might help you decide how to name your baby and what some good options are.

But first, why am I an expert on baby names? Well, I’m not. Honestly, the people who ARE baby name experts I think are weird. I am a mom of 3 and I have seen THOUSANDS of baby names in my 20 years in labor and delivery. I hated naming my own kids. My husband is a teacher and I’m a nurse who’s delivered SO many Belles I can’t even count them all — so we’re a tough sell. Naming babies is HARD!
A NAME for the baby is important, but I have yet to see someone head home with their baby without a name — but I HAVE seen plenty of people walk into the labor room and exit the hospital entirely unprepared as to what to expect in labor, birth and life after baby. This is the easy way to get prepared. I’ll see you inside. Plus, you can mull over baby name together WHILE you get prepared. It’s a total win.
How I came up with this list. I actually polled my Facebook Page for baby names people were using and then just wrote down my favorites. I took the rankings I’ll share from this page here.
A few criteria that you may or may not agree with :
I like common spellings — It’s just so much easier to NOT have to spell your name every time (sometimes MULTIPLE times) someone asks how it’s spelled. Or to have to correct someone constantly when they spell it wrong. So, I like common spellings. Says Hilary with only one L (everyone spells it with 2, and I really don’t care but sometimes they feel bad, and then I feel bad)….
I like shorter names. While not ALL the names are short, as a PTA mom who’s helped in a LOT of Kindergarten Classrooms I have found that shorter names are easier for those kids. One of my kids has a shorter name and it was just SO much simpler. I’m a fan.
Some of these are personal people who I have a connection to and just liked possibly because I liked them as a human. As I tell you the stories of the people who I loved, I hope it sparks some ideas of people who YOU loved. It doesn’t have to be a relative. My relative “pot” was really slim. My grandma’s name is Gay. So — Yeah, that was out. I love her, but no. BUT you can use names of people, characters, that you love and hope your baby has similar characteristics too.
A note on “girl” names — yes, I know names can be used for either gender, but I still wanted to break it up a little bit. Sorry about that, but yes — you can name your baby WHATEVER you want, regardless of their gender (which, frankly — seems crazy that you really get to choose whatever you want, but I digress)…. I list my top boy names here.
Before we get going — come join me for the rest of your pregnancy. I’d love to hang out with you and give you tips for where you are in your journey:
Ok, without further adieu, here we go:
#27 for 2023
This one’s popular, and I tried to stay away from popular names, but I really just love it! I honestly don’t know many Hazels, and it was pretty popular when my daughter was born too. I would probably try to stay away from the top 10, but outside of that, if you love it — USE IT! I mean, think of all the Jessica’s and Jennifer’s in my day. They’re still living their best life. 🙂
Don’t miss my top boy names for 2024 here.
Also popular. This one seems old fashioned, but also is SHORT and I just like it. There’ve been a few celebrities with this name lately, and none seem appalling, so that’s a win.

Cassandra is #650
Here’s the point where you decide if you’re going to name them Cassandra, and call them Cassie or if you’ll just go bold with the name Cassie.
This name seems really great to yell — which is another high ranking factor in my book. My uncle’s name was Randall Maynard and you just try yell that. Man, it feels good –right? That harsh C of Cassie feels good too. 🙂
Wondered if a labor nurse or OB adjusts to life with baby better? Learn here.
#599 in 2023
This is one I have a fondness for because of my friend Marie who died last year. She was a lovely women who saved me on MULTIPLE occasions. Watching a sick toddler so I could go to work for money we DESPERATELY needed, letting us swim in her pool when life was just too hot in Arizona. She mothered me when my mom was far away. I just love her. I hope you have people like my Marie in your life too.
#3 in 2023
Now, hear me out — I know it’s #3. But if I had a baby I would name her Charlotte, and call her Lottie (pronounced lot-ee).
This one, again is someone from my past who had a big impact. She was the manger who hired me into a job I REALLY needed. She gave me the things I needed and was a valued friend for a long time. We’ve got a little shared trauma for nursing together, and I just adore her. Hence, baby Lottie. you like it?
For that one, I’d 100% name her Charlotte though, and call her Lottie. Not name her Lottie. Personal preference. 😀
And one thing my friend Lottie loved was kick counts. If you’re in your third trimester make sure you’re doing them RIGHT — grab my kick count cheat sheet here:
#34 in 2023
I have loved this name as long as I can remember. However, my last name is Erickson — so Madison Erickson sounded to SON’y….
Madison is a great spot in Yellowstone, Dolly was a great hostess… and makes great baked goods. Can also be shortened to Maddy — which I really like (and is great to yell).
Check out my post on how to tell if breastfeeding is working.
Emersyn is #134 / Emerson is #170 in 2023
Honestly, I’m not sure how I’d spell this one. Personally, if someone was called Emmerson << I’d probably spell it that way. I tend to go with the vowels than a y….
I just think it’s a cute name. Not sure what I’d nick-name them. But, I think those come on their own. Emmy is a cute one.
#46 in 2023
I have always been a fan of Naomi in the bible. The idea that you can hold so fast to someone else and make their people your people is a nice feeling.
I just think it’s a sweet name. That’s all.
Check out my post on 5 things many couples forget to do before baby is born.
#728 in 2023
Of course, this is likely shortened for Olivia which is #1. I can see why, that’s a cute name. But somehow I really like the name Liv.
It’s short, it’s catchy…. not sure if I’d name them Olivia or even Elizabeth and call them Liv…. there are options here. I just like the name.
#9 in 2023
I am apparently not “up” on top names because I just really liked this one. I don’t hear a lot of babies named it — but it’s a sweet name.
And a reminder that if you love a top name you can STILL use it. There are no name police that will come and handcuff you.
Although I’ve heard a few in the hospital where I thought we should send a CPS consult out to follow that baby home. For instance, Lucifer. Seemed like a poor choice, but maybe just because I’m Christian. I’m not sure how I even got through “oh, that’s interesting.” when the family told me that was the name…. And no, they didn’t make the top boy names….
There’s my top ten girls names for 2023. Which one is your favorite? Tell me in the comments.
AND, remember that while a name is important, getting prepared is ALSO important. The Online Prenatal Class for Couples is the EASY way to get prepared for your birth. I hope I’ll see you inside!
Or, if you’re not quite ready for the full class, check out my free prenatal class — It’s your first step towards being your own birth boss.
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