I was sitting in a conference about six months ago when the speaker said that if someone else can do something 80% as well as you, you should let them do it.

She was talking about outsourcing – and hiring people to do things for your business.
BTW, this post is so close to my heart I did a whole podcast on it!
But, it really got me thinking about my life and what I was looking to make 100% through giant efforts of my own. When 80% would be just fine.
This isn’t the first time I had thought of this.
A church leader a few years ago gave a talk called “Good, better, best” and I immediately latched onto it.
I would find the best of everything.
To the point that I was spending a fair amount of time figuring out what was “best” when I could have just done “good” and moved on to something else.
I was having a conversation with my dad one day about my mulling over what is best and he said that talk was not directed to me.
In fact, he told me I was no longer allowed to think of what was good, better, best. My analytic spirit had taken it too far.
Surprise! 🙂
Today’s post is all about being OK with good enough. In relation to your cleaning and organization efforts.
This might take back some of you guys. I mean, I’m the creator of an in-depth home organization course.
And I will say that I 100% stand behind the course and the content in there.
But, I have had a few organization efforts (particularly, when I was pregnant – and often in our garage in our tiny house in CA) that almost ended my marriage (not really, I’m being dramatic, but I want you to get the picture). I was looking to do such a thorough job (feeling like if I did that, I’d never have to do it again) that I had started to lose my mind in what to keep and what to toss.
When, perhaps I could have pulled everything out, tossed what was obviously not going to get used, maybe set a timer mulling over the other things then put them back in a utilitarian manner, and go on with my life.
That would have been good enough, and I am pretty sure my husband would have thanked me.
There are times that you are going to clean or organize things to perfection (or as close to perfection as one can organize).
And there are times that you feel like some space could probably be better used, you take some times to give it a run through and that, my friends, is GOOD ENOUGH.
You know the best part of good enough?
It’s done. You did something.
Instead of waiting for perfection, you got it done.
And that is often the best reason to find “good enough” and move on to your favorite binge-watch on Netflix. 🙂
If you liked this post, as well as doable ways to organize and clean your home be sure to sign up for my 5-word organization challenge and be sure to check out my other cleaning posts below that!
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Jan says
This was perfectly what I wanted to hear…. good enough
Hilary Erickson says
I’m so glad. 🙂