There’s LOTS of reasons why you haven’t started organizing — some are true, and some are not. Today I’m going to talk about 5 of the most common ones, and what you can do it turn your “boat” around and really make a change in your home!

Don’t Know Where to Start
I hear this all. the. time. Hilary, I just don’t know where to start.
Go with me here… let’s pretend you pick a spot to start, and ultimately decide that wasn’t the best place to start…. will that really have “consequences”. Let me give you three options on where to start:
1️⃣ If you have a family, I often like to pick a spot that is just mine that I know will stay organized — and will feel good. It reminds me that a good system works and will make a difference for my family.
2️⃣ Pick somewhere that is just a mess, and making daily life hard. Something that REALLY needs doing. Follow my 5 word challenge as you make a change with it:

Right now, you’re probably thinking — Hilary — that is insane, why would I do a PROBLEM spot first? That seems overwhelming. The main reason is you’re going to see a benefit from it. Areas I’ve tackled that made me wanted to cry (but ultimately made a BIG difference in me and my family’s life:
- Lunch Snacks
- Medicine Cabinet
- Coat Closet (coats go in, but never seem to leave when we grow out of them)
Note: You’ll notice none of those areas are HUGE. I didn’t organize my entire pantry — I just did the lunch snacks, and it made a difference!
3️⃣ Pick somewhere small. If you’re just still overwhelmed by making that choice just pick somewhere small. Be it a:
- Drawer
- A shelf, or even a portion of a shelf in your closet or kitchen
- Just one TYPE of clothes in your closet (aka just the shirts — or even just the SHORT SLEEVE shirts)
Just like working out you don’t want to overdo organizing, or it will hurt a lot, it will be hard to create systems that work and you won’t want to do it again.
When you start small it gives you small victories and you can attack it again the next day!
Looking for more household tips — be sure to check out these posts:
- Family-Tested Organizing Tips
- Clever Kitchen Storage: Smart solutions for smaller kitchens
- Dish Storage 101: Make Your Cabinets Hold More
- Want Your House to STAY Organized? Follow these tips!
- 19 Easy Kitchen Organization Tips to Make Life Easier
You Need The Right Containers
Oh man, I really feel like those Instagram organizers have fed this one to us a LOT. You have to remember they make money when they sell that family the organizers in addition to their fee to help organize — so, of course they’re going to want them to have all the fancy containers.
And I agree, they do look so pretty — but as I look at them I sometimes realize that there is literally ZERO chance my family would be able to use them right.
Or, honestly if they’re safe. There’s been a trend to “decant” your detergents that can lead to unsafe spaces for kids as those pretty containers aren’t safe for little ones!
Let me give you a few options:
Get a few dollar store containers — honestly, they’re very useable and handy! Start with those, and then if you find one that’s working but you’d like a different look you’re not out a bunch of cash from your first option.
Pull the things out, see what you need. See what height your items are and then quickly make a trip to a favorite organizing store (I share my favorite places to shop for organizing supplies in this podcast):
Now, the organizers of the internet will die when they read this, but I think it’s a good option:
Start with Amazon Boxes: I know you’ve had some packages come, and you likely have a few cardboard boxes lying around. Start with those. Similar to Dollar store items you can figure out what works (and what you’d like different) and then upgrade when you’re ready.
I actually used an Amazon box to organize my makeup and never went back!
I try to keep a small variety of these types of boxes on hand in my garage (but don’t overdo it). Don’t overdo it though, those boxes can take over your house!
And while we’re here — getting in a good cleaning routine can help a ton too:
You’re Busy
You may be telling yourself that you’re just too busy to organize your home.
And I am here to tell you that you’re too busy to NOT organize your home.
Organizing doesn’t need to take full days. One of my favorite things is to pick a small spot (I’m talking small here — one drawer, one category, etc) and set a timer for how long I have to pull everything out and sort it, and then set that timer again to put it away.
The timer helps me to make decisions quickly. Too often we labor over decisions that just aren’t worth our time. You can always keep a “maybe” pile where you’re deciding on those items.
Pro Tip: I have a maybe drawer in my closet for clothes I’m just not sure if I’m done with or not — if I check back and I’ve missed those items (and they fit) I bring them back into the rotation
What DOES take a lot of time is….
- Putting things away when things don’t have a designated spot
- Trying to find lost items that didn’t have a home and now you really need (looking at you library books and passports)
- Pulling things out to find what you need and then putting everything back in an area that’s just too full
THAT is keeping you busy. Taking 30 minutes to organize a spot before you flop on the couch for your Netflix time will feel so rewarding, and will start to make your life less busy and honestly, more enjoyable.
Now, if you’re sitting there thinking — easy for you to say, Hilary — want to come help me? Honestly, I do — I can — I can be your organizing buddy (and it costs less than you think)!
You’re Pregnant & Tired
Ok, my pregnant friend (and I have a lot of you since I’m also The Pregnancy Nurse®) I get this. There truly are days that you’re just not feeling up to organizing. I want to acknowledge that. However, you may have days that you feel wildly zesty and really want to make a change.
Take advantage of those days (especially nesting pregnant mammas).
I know it’s not just the pregnant peeps who have this issue. You may have recently had surgery, or have a long term illness that is preventing you from doing everything you’d like to do.
But you will have days that you feel better — and when you do, start small. Make a change and promise yourself to do it again on your next good day!

You’re Overwhelmed
Ok, so it mostly all boils down to this one.
❤️ FAVORITE Disneyland HOTELS of Pulling Curls Readers ❤️
– Portofino Inn & Suites — Walkable at a great price!
– Cambria Hotel – GREAT one for larger parties, and I love their price
– Hampton Inn & Suites Anaheim/Garden Grove – Free breakfast at a great price!
– Hilton Garden Inn Anaheim/Garden Grove – Free breakfast & rave reviews!
I honestly think a lot of the excuses above are really just the overwhelm.
Which I entirely get.
I recently re-did my sewing cabinet and I’d pulled out all the thread and notions and when the new cabinet was in place I just wanted to burn it ALL DOWN instead of put it back.
But you know what I did instead? Following those 5-word organizing principles I:
- Sorted things into “like” categories
- Got a few dollar tree bins for the drawers so I could contain those categories
- and I made it work.
Was it perfect? No. Did it need to be? Also, no — because everyone knows my sewing is ALSO not perfect 😅 (far from it).
Overwhelm is normal. Honestly, just ignoring it can also be very normal, which is how we get shows like hoarders.
However, you can make a change. When I learned the principles in The Organized Home it changed everything for me.
I was able to declutter faster
I was able to know how I wanted to use a space (so my brain was engaged in the process from the start)
I created systems that actually worked and made my life easier.
If you’re tired of feeling like your house controls you rather than the other way around I would 100% recommend joining. I think you’ll enjoy the changes you’re making!
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