There is a firm foundation about what you should be doing to have a healthy pregnancy & breastfeed. Stop paying attention to gimics and ideas that really won’t help you

I have seen SO many “lactation cookies” or “pregnancy smoothies” acting like you NEED those things to have a healthy baby.
The reality is that healthy pregnancies and positive breatfeeding experiences hinge off a few things:
How do I know this? Hi — I’m Hilary an RN since 1998 and I’ve worked in Labor and Delivery since 2001. There are things that moms through the ages have been doing that help them create healthy babies. What can you do to be the same?
A note first: Some pregnancies have problems. Some women have problems breastfeeding. A proper diet, or lactation cookies aren’t going to solve that. I just don’t want to guilt moms into thinking they can solve everything. 🙂
Foundations of a Healthy Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Drink Enough Water
This is honestly the key to SO. MANY. THINGS.
So much breastfeeding issues is busy moms who don’t remember to get enough water.
So much pregnancy issues are due to not getting enough water. Dehydration is probably the #1 thing we see in L&D showing in many ways:
When we ask them if they’re drinking enough water — we get blank looks.
I mean, spending your $500 dollar copay so that I can tell you to drink water doesn’t feel good, so just drink 6-8 LARGE glasses of water/day (or more). I know you’re going to have to pee a lot, but it is worth it!
Where are all the articles about WATER on Pinterest? Ok, I have one. 🙂
** Water can’t solve everything, in fact I have heard that some breastfeeding moms can have issues if they drink too much water — so you’re just looking for a very light yellow pee in the toilet.
Sleep Enough
Sleep seems to be the first thing to go during pregnancy & breastfeeding.
During pregnancy you’re uncomfortable, and busy trying to get everything on your to-do list done before baby. STOP IT. This is why you have a partner (or I hope you have a supportive partner) who can help you. Let them help you! And, try to get as much sleep as you can… on your side. 🙂
When you’re breastfeeding you have a sleepless newborn. Often instead of napping with the baby you think to do things like shower, fold laundry, or have a conversation…
Or, sometimes napping just doesn’t work for you (I found myself to get very anxious during daytime naps on my last baby).
Sleep and that time of relaxation is SO important for your body, and you can imagine how important it is when you’re also supporting another human!

Proper Nutrition
Proper nutrition looks like eating the rainbow.
It doesn’t look like a smoothie with super processed protein powder (honestly, some of those make me nervous during pregnancy as the ingredients are a complete mystery). Especially one that claims to increase your milk supply.
Eating the rainbow, when added to sleep and hydration are really the key.
That and a vitamin. I am a believer in prenatal vitamins. Ask your doctor/provider which ones are best for you.
I will say that eating the rainbow can be hard when you just want to lay on the couch. This meal plan makes it easier. 🙂
This doesn’t have to do with Pregnancy (although if you drink a lot, you’ll certainly find a high frequency of being on the toilet)… but one of the KEY points to proper breastfeeding is DOING IT.
And if your kid is done, pumping.
And yes, that. is. the. worst. But just find a good book, or a show you want to watch and sit down to do it. Tell those boobs you need more milk and hopefully, they listen (but pumping or feeding your baby more frequently is the only way to really talk to your boobs, sadly).
The Real Answer About Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
There isn’t a magical cure for your issues.
A lot of it is anatomy, your baby’s anatomy, and just trying to pay attention to what you’re doing.
And listening to your body. That’s the hard one. I’m the worst at this, and it’s even harder when you have a little preson who relies on you for their every need.
There really isn’t a quick fix….
So, the next time you see a lactation smoothie, or a lactation cookie… or the fact that ice cream can increase your milk supply (?) remember you KNOW what you should be doing (and you don’t need the foundations marketed to you), just try to pay attention a bit more. 🙂
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