So, your blog’s called Pulling Curls… you must talk a lot about hair, right? Wrong. In this post, we’ll cover How to style curl hair, and also what styling products for curly hair.
Because my blog is called Pulling Curls.
I’ve had curly hair forever. My mom used to just pull my hair until the tangle was too much and then she’d just cut the tangle off — and that’s how we did haircuts.
I used to brush it every day.
Yes, I looked like Rosanna, Rosanna Danna.

Enter, college — where I had roommates that shared in the curly festivities, who mentioned maybe I didn’t need to brush it every day. Maybe ringlets were cool?
Fast forward, everyone said I’d lose the curls when I had a baby. 3 babies later, they’re tighter then ever.
Unlike my abs.
So, without further adieu — here’s the 2014 edition of how I style curly hair.
**This post contains affiliate links for convenience in speaking about the products. I do receive a small amount from each sale — you can read my disclosure here.
I only wash every month. I use T-gel shampoo, only because I have a SUPER itchy scalp. It comes with the curly territory. I don’t have oil glands on my head. I may look like I have oily hair, but it’s only an excessive amount of product — if I didn’t style my hair it will never look greasy. And trust me, I’ve tried. 😉
Most of the time I usually just wash (and by wash, I do scrub my scalp, just not with shampoo) with conditioner (I do this 2 times/week). Most often I use Aussie, but if it’s cheap enough I’ll use a Herbal Essence or something similar. My main concern is a VERY thick, moisturizing conditioner. And by thick, I mean Crisco would be great. thankyouverymuch! I also don’t wash out the majority of the conditioner. I start conditioning at the ends, and then move up my head. I comb through it in the shower with a wide-toothed comb. This is the ONLY time I comb my hair. I do a quick rinse at the root area, and out I go. No squeaky clean for me!
After the shower, I just squeeze out the water with a washcloth. I don’t pat, I don’t rub, I don’t do anything like that. I need my hair wet to dry right:
RIGHT after that (do not stop, do not pass go, do not yell at kids — RIGHT after that) I put on Hair CPR. I found it in the “black ladies hair care”section of my local Walmart. It does a good job of locking moisture in, which is what I REALLY need. I run that through all my hair (using about a nickle-sized puddle on each section). I actually don’t have a lot of hair as curls are decieving.
Then, I scrunch in a moderate-hold gel while holding my head upside down and WHAMO, I’m done.
It air drys while I am free to yell at my kids. 🙂
That’s what I do. I’d love to hear from any other curlies! It can be a lonely world when you choose not to straighten. I’ve just decided to use my time in like 900 other ways instead of straightening. 🙂 I did do it a few months ago when I got a cut (which I only do yearly, or a bit sooner), but I leave straightening to a paid professional.
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Kris says
I have coarse curly/wavy hair. I wash with shampoo a max of one time per week; use Biolage conditioner any time I am in the shower. At one time bath and body had an argan oil I used any time I got my hair wet but they quit selling that. Now I use Avon’s Skin So Soft (10-11 sprays) on my wet hair right out of the shower. Works great. If I use a hair color that dries my hair out I use VO5 leave-in conditioner… The same stuff my grandmother used!! LOL. But it gives great shimmer, shine and moisture! I’d highly recommend it if you have coarse hair.
Hilary says
Oh… huh, skin so soft. Interesting. Is it a conditioner? My hair is SUPER fine, the V05 just weighs it down… 🙁
Shakti says
This post is awesome! I’ve always been told by hairstylists and friends that I need to invest in all sulfate/silicone/paraben free things that are quite pricey, my budget for hair products alone was $100+ (and most of those products ran out fairly quickly because the sizes weren’t that much). I was also given a huge list of rules to follow, which I ended up stopping because really who’s got time for that! Now I kind of just do what my hair likes instead. I’ve been trying to find cheaper alternatives to the rather pricey products. Would you have any suggestions?
Hilary Erickson says
I use mix chicks with a little biosilk lately…. because I use so little of each they last a LONG time.
Darla says
Love to see what other curly girls are trying on their hair!! Walmart has an affordable hair line called Ren Pure Originals. I just tried the Argan oil conditioner because it is free of parabans, etc. I am spending a fortune on salon products for my hair.–ugh!!! I like the Argan Oil conditioner just as well as the salon stuff that was 3 times more expensive. I’m going to try the shampoo as well.
Hilary Erickson says
Huh, I’ll have to check out that Ren stuff!
Linda says
I have had curly hair from birth and always hated the curl! I would roll my hair on coke cans hoping to straighten it. And always envied all the girls at school that had long straight hair like Cher! About 20 years ago I accidently found that I liked the curls! One day just as I was getting out of the shower my phone was ringing. So I put on a robe and answered it. My friend who loved to talk and talk was on the other end. About an hour later I went to the bathroom and discovered CURLS that really looked good and were in style. So since then I have worn my hair curly. Until recently. My hair has become gray(I always kept color on it) and very dry. It frizze more than curls. I have been trying a number of conditioners, even left conditioner in and using my wide tooth comb to get tangles out. It hurts to see all the frizze and very little curl! Help!! What do I need to do?
Hilary Erickson says
Huh…. I bet grey has a different texture. I’d find a hair stylist that has curls. 🙂