This post is going to dive into how to clean a kitchen that seems like it hasn’t been cleaned in a month. Sometimes you just have to do a kitchen chore, and I even have a monthly kitchen list that will help you get every important nook & cranny. We’ll even give you some ideas on how to deep clean your house in 2 hours!

Maybe you’re like me — When I walk into a kitchen that has stuff EVERYWHERE I am REALLY overwhelemed. My OCD gets the best of me and I just want to SCREAM.
You see I LOVE a clean kitchen, but actually doing the kitchen cleaning isn’t my favorite (sound familiar).
I want to scream about how I have no help, how my kids are slobs, how life isn’t fair, how I should just get a real job instead of cleaning up after my family. BUT, none of that is productive, and the reality is that I am a stay at home mom, and it’s my job to clean up after our family (to a point). And frankly, no one else is going to do it. {insert clip of Cinderella crying}
If you find yourself with huge messes frequently, I 100% recommend this. An organized area is SO much easier to clean (and you’re less likely to have huge messes that way).
BTW, I also did a podcast on getting my family to help clean:
In what order would you clean these items in the kitchen?
I somehow wish there is a magic potion that will allow me to clean my kitchen fastest. BUT, by choosing an order, you forget the fact that it ALL needs to get done. So, I have come up with a plan that shuts my brain off, and just gets me moving.
And before we get going — grab my cleaning printables that can make any room a little easier to get through:
How to clean a messy Kitchen Fast
For me, I need a starting point that allows me to see progress but still keep my head down and CLEAN.
So, what I do is start by my fridge. If I can start to get SOME clear surfaces, that are clean I start to get a whiff of accomplishment. Then I head to my stovetop and I keep moving around the room counter-clock-wise. This particular way works really well because I end-up by my sink. Here’s a picture of our kitchen:

So, as you can see I start there just to the right of the fridge, and move my way around….

And I finish up at the sink and the middle counter. Behind me (as I’m taking the picture) is my table. I sometimes take a swipe at that if necessary.
So, when you go in your room, pick a point to start and then just start working in a circle getting each area entirely done before you move on.
I know this seems overwhelming simple. Like duh — just pick a spot and start, but because I have a routine every time I feel that overwhelm it really shuts off that panic-ing part of my brain and lets my body just take over.
Do you get overwhelmed by your home often?
A huge moment for me, was when I realized that an organized life is one that is WAY easier to clean.
And perhaps a little more organization might help you out. This course changed everything for me!
No more, hours of notice needed before having guests because I was embarassed for others to see my house.
No more misplaced an important documents or being unable able to find things when I needed them.
I always wondered why I couldn’t enjoy a peaceful time on the couch instead of always stressing out about the state of my home.
It seemed like other people could do those things — and it IS doable, this course taught me how.
I promise it will give less Cinderella moments, and more laying on the couch watching Netflix moments. 🙂
Kitchen Cleaning
Kitchen cleaning does involve a lot of surfaces. I have found a few posts that might help you out:
- Cleaning Floors with vinegar and baking soda
- Kitchen Cleaning Checklists (this might help kids know what needs to be done too)
- Cleaning Counters
- Using baking soda to clean in your kitchen
- Also, I am the creator of a Home Organization plan that also takes home organization step by step, room by room…. check out the Organized Home.
So, next time you walk into a room and want to SCREAM because it is SO dirty, think about just getting it done. Most often, my kitchen takes me less than 15 minutes to clean up. After that I can feel good that it’s DONE and I can move on with my day.
Of course, sometimes I choose “option b” which is pout about how put upon I am and how I wish my family would PICK. UP. THE. SLACK. but, that is a job for another day. right?
If you like this post, remember that organization is really going to help you make cleaning EASIER. Check out The Organized Home!
And if you’re not quite ready for that, join my 5 word organization challenge:

This post was originally written in 2014 and has been updated.

Lynness says
I was just cleaning the kitchen and thinking I might need to kill 2 birds with one stone. We have a problem getting kids (and hubby) to come to the table when dinner is ready- they’re all absorbed in whatever. I thought I might decree that the last to the table helps me clean up the kitchen afterward. (When they’re older, it’ll be just them doing it, but for now, all but hubby and oldest need my help.)
Hilary says
Ooo, that is a good idea! My kids are already assigned (of course). But since yours are smaller I think that’s great!
Havok says
I’m a fan of option B, ha! Then again, I’ve tried to suggest to my Mister that the soda cans can, in fact, fit into the garbage can we have for them, but it only happens half the time *sigh*.
I do like the idea of going in circles – start in one spot and just move the way around. I nromally start at the cleanest counter and move towards the worst, but then I always find I’ve missed things. Going around in an actual order, or sorts, would probably help get more done!
Hilary says
I think at least I don’t have to think about it. I just know I start there. Freaking @%&@ family. 🙂
Robin says
You’re awesome! I whine and moan the entire time. Perhaps I should just WINE and moan!
Hilary says
Oh man, if I drank… I’d be a total lush.
Robin says
My issue is that they don’t put enough wine in the bottle for two.
Tricia says
I am famous in this house for ranting while I clean. I hate to clean, or more precisely, I hate repetitive tasks. And cleaning, if nothing else, is painfully repetitive.
I often have said that people are either good cooks, or good housekeepers. I have never encountered someone who was both. I am a good cook. Enough said.
I, too, clean in circles. But as a SAHM, as you know, you often get interrupted halfway around the circle and sometimes never finish it for days. Ah, the life of the stay home mom.
Hilary says
i find it REALLY hard not to SCREAM while I am cleaning-up other people’s stuff (especially when they are home). I think I’m decent at both… but, my family my disagree. 🙂
Annie says
The method that has worked in my house has been to make them THINK that they made the choice. Option #1 = you help Mom straighten up the kitchen. Option #2 – you do this chore….and pick the chore that they hate to do the MOST. The oldest one HATES to clean the bathroom…..especially the toilet. The youngest one hates to pick up after the dogs.
Guess who gets help in the kitchen?
Hilary says
I LOVE it!!!! Life’s all about choices, right? 🙂
Melinda Todd says
On my phone reading this article there is an ad with a giant image of a bug right after you say, “here is a picture of my kitchen” 🙂 LOL I laughed! I’ve never thought about cleaning in a circle but makes sense.
Hilary says
Oh my gosh, that IS funny! 🙂
Shirley S says
You make a great point that it all needs to be done no matter how you organize the work. We just had a cabinet painting about 6 months ago. We, well I, have not done a good job of making that painting worthwhile. I told myself today to just create a clean surface like you talked about. After I made one section clean, I got excited and did some more. Now half of my kitchen is clean. Thank you for the inspiration.
Pulling Curls says
Love hearing this! Keep pushing forward, you’ve got this!
Qjb says
I certainly don’t mean to come off rude but
I didn’t really find much information besides you clean in a clockwise direction.
Hilary Erickson says
Fair, it’s definitely not brain surgery — but when you’re SUPER overwhelmed having a place to start and just FOCUS can REALLY help.