Keeping a clean home with kids is magnified during the summer months. Cleaning your kids with kids will reap benefits far beyond the feeling that you CAN keep your house clean with kids.
Summer vacation… I feel like I’m getting pecked to death all. summer.
I quite literally feel like life just doesn’t happen without me.
Add that to more people home, and less time to clean.
Well, I just want to go hide under a rock…
Keeping a clean home with kids
This is a big one. And, do you know WHY it’s big?
Because this is a life skill people need.
They need to be able to clean up after themselves and know where important items are.
In reality, you’re giving your kids a tiny version of the Organized Home each and every day they’re growing up.
Keeping a clean home with kids is important.
Now, does it need to be spotless? HECK no! But basic cleanliness helps
- Health
- Less lost items
- More peace at home
BUT, it’s not all up to you. read on you fellow-frazzled mom…
Something to consider:
One of the easiest ways to keep your house clean is to have it organized. I’ve got a great course that’s for busy families — bite sized chunks of organization all through your house.
If this sounds familiar — this course is for you!
- You always need hours of notice before having guests because you’re embarrassed about the state of your home.
- You’re always worried you misplaced an important document or won’t be able to find things when you need them.
- You’ve ever wondered why can’t YOU enjoy a peaceful time on the couch or enjoying your family instead of always stressing out about the state of your home?
You can even get 10% off the course with code PC10.
So, make for easier cleaning by organizing now!
Cleaning your house with kids
Now, your kids are HOME — they aren’t doing their full-time job anymore (school) which means they’re available for EXTRA jobs.
And frankly, when kids put their mind to it — they can be AWESOME at deep cleaning things.
I use these printable cleaning checklists to help my kids stay on top of cleaning. They are absolutely awesome — I think you’ll love them (and it makes checking their work a LOT easier if they’ve gone through the whole checklist themselves).
For us, it’s done well to assign tasks to each day — very similar to my own weekly cleaning schedule template so we all stay on task. BUT, you’re going to need your cleaning schedule to work for you!
How to teach kids to keep the house clean?
I get it — teaching kids to clean is one of the hardest parts of parenting — but it’s one of the reasons we don’t have a maid.
My best tips for teaching kids
- Make expectations clear (that’s why I love those printables above)
- Check their work (or once one kid is an “expert” they may be able to check-off other kids)
- Make it as positive as possible
- Don’t be afraid to pop in every now and then to show them how it’s done – and when you do — make it FUN!
Losing your mind with kids? Don’t miss my post on how to spank.
Can’t keep the house clean with kids…
I think this sentiment is pretty standard among moms.
When kids are gone, house is clean.
Kids home, house is a sty.
But I would certainly…
- Voice your frustrations
- Assign tasks, so expectations are clear
- Make it a priority to keep the house clean.
You can’t go CRAZY one minute that the house is horrible, and then ignore it for 2 weeks and then go crazy… although, I’ve certainly done that before. 🙂
Clean house for kids?
The reality is that having a clean house FOR kids is also a priority.
- Less allergies with things cleaned up
- Being able to find the stuff you want is awesome-sauce
- Being a great example of things actually getting done is something that will aid them the rest of their lives.
Ok, to sum it up
- Have kids help pitch in
- Make expectations clean, and stick to them
- Have LOADS of fun both when cleaning and when NOT cleaning — you’ll never get these carefree summers back!
If you liked this post — grab my weekly cleaning schedule, and check out my other tips below that (and don’t forget to grab the Organized Home to get started making life easier today!)
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