Problem: I was overweight, I was sedentary and I wasn’t sure how I could incorporate physical exercise into my daily routine.
Now, I know my friends, who know me in person, will say.
Hilary, you’re overweight — who are you to write a post about working out?
And yes, that’s true. I am. It is my BIGGEST struggle. I’m sure this new year has plenty of resolutions about my eating, but I must say that working out is something I have under control.
If you liked this post, be sure to check out my post about my course Family Routines:
When I get into a system that works for me, I stick with it. This post will show you How to Plan Your Workouts, or at least how I plan my workouts.
I detailed what I am doing right now in my Core post, but here’s the gist of it (and it is altered when I get a bee in my bonnet to do something else):
Mondays: Video (see below for some of my favorites)
Tuesdays: Garden — because I call this a “workout” I feel like I should do something bigger than just go pull some weeds in the garden. Time to get out the blower and wrestle up some leaves or something like that. This has allowed me to actually garden, and get something done while getting some cardio in. I also often walk with friends this AM.
Wednesdays: Video or a run (which I hate — see below)
Thursdays: off (I usually work on Thursdays, and I am just not the person who can pull an 11 hour shift PLUS a workout — hats off to my friends who do it, you know who you are).
Fridays: Video
Saturdays: Try to get active with the family
Sundays: Off (I am in charge of the children’s group at church so I pretty much just sit around eating bon-bons). 🙂
I have a pedometer on my new phone, it makes me WAY too happy to count my steps and see how much I’m walking each day.
I tried running, for a solid 6 months and just hated it. I just think my body isn’t meant to do it. I can’t think while I’m doing it, I start to worry I’m having a stroke. It’s JUST not my thing. I do add it in every now and then.
SO, that’s MY system. What are the tips for your own system?:
- Decide if you need a gym. I knew that getting out of the house and getting my buns to a gym would be one more obstacle in my way. Perhaps it’s a reason to GO for you, I think everyone needs to figure out themselves and if that’s going to help or hurt.
- I really like the “class” feeling — hence, I like videos. If you hate videos, don’t do them. BUT, I would recommend trying a few. I often see decent ones at Goodwill — so check it out!
- At what point in your day, can you workout and get it done! I know my body and my morning is my most awake and active time. So, I do it RIGHT when I get up, usually around 5:30. My body just gets up at that time, I don’t actually have my alarm set until later, so if my body NEEDS more sleep, it will get it and I will workout after the kids go to school.
Anyway, that’s my system, maybe it will help you get into a zone of your own.
I’ve tried a LOT of workout videos!
❤️ FAVORITE Disneyland HOTELS of Pulling Curls Readers ❤️
– Portofino Inn & Suites — Walkable at a great price!
– Cambria Hotel – GREAT one for larger parties, and I love their price
– Hampton Inn & Suites Anaheim/Garden Grove – Free breakfast at a great price!
– Hilton Garden Inn Anaheim/Garden Grove – Free breakfast & rave reviews!
Here’s my top 5 (not in order):
1. Jillian’s 30 day shred — Yipes, this is a toughie, but it gets it done FAST. Don’t let her fool you into thinking it’s only 20 minutes (it’s just shy of 30). She lies, and is a horrible person who give you a good workout. I hate her, a lot.
2. The Firm — I love these purple ones. They give you a GREAT workout in just about 20 minutes. You do weights and cardio, which is a big thing for me (doing weights for women is extra important to help build up your bones). I’ve done almost all the Firm videos. I’m always on the lookout for them at Goodwill. I think they’re well done and give you a good workout (and usually not quite as hard as Jillian).
3. New York City Ballet Workout. This is long (probably too long) but I really like how long and slender I feel when I do these. it REALLY works your core and your legs (and my arms are’t big fans of being held out at my sides for long periods of time). I don’t do it often, but I do enjoy it when I do it.
4. Lindsay Brinn — she is OBSESSIVELY happy, but I still like her workouts. I have linked to her pregnancy videos, as I think they are some of the best out there! You can stay active and feel good about yourself even while carrying a watermelon around in your abdomen. 🙂 I am also mulling over her new series. Anyone done it?
5. Booty Ballet — is this a crazy hard workout? No. But sometimes I just need to have fun, and cheer the HECK UP. So, I do one of these.
I’m not going to lie and not mention that about every 4 months my body just CRAVES me not working out. It seems to happen t the same time as the kids are off of school for a bit, and so I let it go — but I always pick it back up. I think that’s the key, that working out is your “norm” which you sometimes deviate from.
I am in the market for some new videos. I’d love to hear what you love over on our Facebook group. What keeps you into a good system of working out?
This just in: After writing this post I really started to think about how I wanted to lose some weight this year. I finally have a lot of the things in my life in “order” but weight certainly isn’t one of them. Longtime readers will know I lost about 40 pounds at one point, and I need to do it again. The weight has slowly crept back on.
In mulling over my favorite videos and what I, personally, need to work on I settled on Lindsay Brinn’s Pretty Fierce. I was actually offered a copy for free and I will be following the plan, starting today, for the next 60 days. INCLUDING the meal plans. I have actually NEVER done a strict meal plan like this, but it’s only 2 weeks of the meal plan. I have actually never followed a strict workout plan like this either. There will be workouts on days that I have to work after, I have chosen Sunday as my rest day (although this coming Sunday I am doing Yoga, per the plan) I have just vowed that I will do them. There’s only 8 work days, and only 5-6 have workouts. I can DO. THIS.
The other part of my plan is being nicer to myself. If I am getting a 70 minute workout in (most of them are not that long) I need to allow myself a nap after lunch if I need one. Things may need to drop and that is OK. I really need to make this a priority!
Yes, I want to be healthy and be around for a long time, but I’m lying if I’m not saying that I really need to lose some weight, and inches, as well. I am just under {seriously, when you say this number out loud on a blog that thousands of people read every day — it means you’re really serious about it} 200 pounds. I want to get to under 170. I really think that’s a weight that my body can handle and I feel really great at. Anyway, that’s my goal. I know it won’t happen in these 60 days, but I’m hoping I can shed 10 pounds or so. If I can get below 190 I am going to buy myself a new Jawbone Heart Rate monitor/calorie counter (which i just saw isn’t available for 10 weeks, so that may have to change).
I’ll give follow-up posts each week to say how it’s going! I hope you’ll follow along with me {you’ll want to follow my regular newsletter to get the weekly posts they won’t be in the systems emails}. I also hope to do daily or somewhat-daily pop-ins on my Facebook page during the process. Come cheer me on! 🙂 If you’re on Pinterest, you might find my Health and Wellness board interesting!
Havok says
At one point I had tried one of Jillian Michael’s videos, something that focused on the abs, and oh it was horrible. And painful. And WAY too long of a video!
I can’t remember who they’re by, but there is a series of videos called something like ‘Walk Away the Pounds” that was pretty simple, yet vigorous as well. They’re not easy, per say, but there’s more option involved with them, the lady who runs them was super positive, and the music they had in the background was just right.
Hilary says
I’ve done her abs one — is it shredded or something? So far I like Lindsay. Stay tuned. 😉
Gloria says
I have lost 50lbs in the past. However, 20lbs have crept back on over the last three years. My workouts are regular, but I need to start making better food choices on a regular basis.
Hilary says
Food’s my problem. I am interested to see how this diet with Pretty Fierce works for me.
Chris Baker Cox says
I have been doing Weight Watchers for about 4 months, and am down almost 30lbs. Doesn’t seem like much, but believe me it is! I have about 70 to go! Yikes that seems like a lot! Anyway, I am doing Leslie Sansone’s Walk Away the Pounds 4 Fast Miles. If you do all 4 miles, it’s about an hour. Some days I do all 4, Some days only 2. They are great cardio workouts. I work up quite a sweat!
Hilary says
That is GREAT Chris! I like Leslie too, I am glad they are working for you!
Jennifer says
I love this list! I am finally trying to get back in shape after my last baby and I don’t really have time to go to the gym so videos are key. I love your schedule too! I include gardening in my workout plan as well as super heave cleaning, the kind where you break out into a sweat on the days I don’t do a formal workout. I will definitely check out some of those videos!
Hilary says
I hope you like them!
Bethany Learn says
I see gardening as a workout too! When I select “other” on my Apple Watch, it proves that it’s basically cardio 😆 and I also hate running. Too much bouncing. I’m more of a racewalker and everything elser… like weights, tabata, yoga, Pilates… I’m actually a fitness instructor, and I’ve filmed a lot of my workouts for Fit2B. Since you mentioned needing new ideas, I’d love to have you try them. They are diastasis aware, kinda like Lindsey Brinn, but very unique, full body workouts but you feel chill afterward. I’d love to have you review them! Let me know 💕
Hilary Erickson says
Interesting, I’ve never heard of fit2b.