I bet you found yourself wishing shaving was easier (like it was pre-baby). And maybe you’re wishing a LOT of pregnancy could be easier, but I’m here to say I have made at least ONE part of pregnancy easier — and that’s getting prepared. If shaving is getting tricky now is the PERFECT time to join me in The Online Prenatal Class for Couples where we get BOTH of you prepared in just a few hours. The real beauty is you could shave your legs while you watch it in the privacy of your own home!
Ok, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty:
Shaving While Pregnant
Table of contents
- How to shave your pubic area when pregnant
- How to shave while pregnant
- Shaving legs while pregnant
- Mirror for shaving
- Shaving stomach while pregnant
- Hair removal cream during pregnancy
- Pubic hair growing during pregnancy
- Pubic hair maintenance during pregnancy
- Waxing While Pregnant
- Shaving After Delivery
- What does your nurse/doctor think about pubic hair during delivery?
I should say that a LOT of this varies depending on how far along you are. You can easily do things in your first trimester, that won’t be as easy later on. So, much of this is for ladies a bit further into pregnancy.
How to Shave Your Pubic Area While Pregnant
Problems with shaving your bikini area during pregnancy:
Pro tip: Talk with your provider on this subject if you have any complications with your pregnancy. They may have things they don’t want you doing for specific reasons just for you! For instance, any infections will change how you take care of things “down there”.
and a video…. (I’m nothing but thorough) 🙂
Pubic hair growing during pregnancy
And yes, it’s not just the hair that feels different.
Feeling like you’re missing a lot with what your body does in pregnancy & labor — grab my insider tips here:
How to shave your private parts during pregnancy
Pregnancy mirror for shaving
And while we’re talking toiletries — grab my hospital packing list here:
Laser Hair Removal During Pregnancy
I also a few other articles on things you should/shouldn’t do:
- When Should I Start Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea?
- Can Curb Walking Induce Labor?
- When To Start Eating Dates During Pregnancy?
- Sleeping Positions To Induce Labor: Best Positions To Dilate
Why you shouldn’t shave pubic hair while pregnant
Something else to think about:
Shaving legs while pregnant
Honestly, the more you can get your husband involved, the better — which is why I created this.
Shaving your face while pregnant
Shaving stomach while pregnant
Here’s a few other posts on personal care during pregnancy:
- I’m So Nervous About Birth – What Do I Do?
- What Does Round Ligament Pain Feel Like
- Should You Buy Your Own Fetal Doppler?
- When Should I Start Using A Birthing Ball?
- Can A Hot Bath Induce Labor At 39 Weeks?
Hair removal creams during pregnancy
Shaving if you’re in preterm labor/bedrest
Waxing while pregnant
A lot of women still get a Brazilian wax while they’re pregnant, but I’d call the spa you use to make sure they will do bikini waxes on pregnant women. Be sure you’re going to a reputable salon that uses clean wax and clean technique.
Waxing before delivery
If you’ve been doing it during pregnancy that’s fine. I would not wax right before delivery if you haven’t been waxing lately. It’s just too risky that your body won’t react well and you’ll be in a LOT of pain.
Pregnancy is NOT the first time to go waxing.
If you’re going for a C-section, we will shave the top part of your pubic region hair (just above your bikini line) before surgery. It’s part of our job and we would MUCH rather do it vs you hurting yourself doing it.
Pro Tips like that (but about ALL of birth, including C-sections) are all over this class.
Shaving after birth
I would give yourself some time to heal a bit after delivery and certainly, don’t shave in the vaginal area until your 6 weeks are up, just like vaginal rest. It would definitely increase your chance of infection before that area is totally healed-up.
Here’s a few other postpartum posts that might interest you too:
- Your Post-Baby Plan: Setting Yourself Up for Success in the Fourth Trimester
- The Postpartum Mindset: Navigating New Parenthood with Dr. Fran
- Breastfeeding Not Working: Transition from breastmilk to formula?
- 10 Things to Have on Hand After Baby is Born for MOM
- Things To NOT Do After You Have Your Baby
Shaving While Breastfeeding
Honestly, I can’t see this as too much of an issue unless it’s nipple hair, but you can always ask a lactation consultant.
Ok, time for the big question… the one every whispers to me…
Should I Shave my Pubic Hair Before Giving Birth?
As you get closer to your due date it is normal to wonder this question. Often around 38 weeks of pregnancy, many women find this question quite pressing.
No, it is 100% up to you. It does NOT MATTER!
{I hope you can hear me screaming that in this text, because I really do mean it}
I want to state this categorically. There is NO reason to avoid healthcare or seeing a doctor because you aren’t shaved/waxed/clean down there.
A lot of different nationalities/cultures have different feelings on that area of the body and shaving in general. It really is a personal choice.
When I worked in CA very few people shaved their pubic hair.
In Arizona, more do it, but probably not the majority. Mostly just he culture of the area.
And I don’t care. At all.
The good news is that we also realize that it’s an almost impossible task to do it like you used to!
Sometimes, if the doctor plans to give you an episiotomy, he will cut some of your hair so that it makes for easier/safer sewing up — but it’s not a big deal at all.
I have a slogan I always say — “You’ve seen one vagina, you’ve seen them all” — and frankly, it’s pretty true. They all look pretty similar and as soon as I leave the room I basically forget what it looked like because I’ll just be seeing another one in a few minutes.
We really look at vaginas in a very different way than normal people and we mostly just want you comfortable and happy. 🙂
But, let’s be honest — there’s likely a WHOLE lot that you’re not feeling confident about when it comes to delivery day. When you’re ready, come join me in The Online Prenatal Class for Couples where we get you prepared in just a few hours!
Shaving During Pregnancy FAQ’s:
While it depends a LOT on personal preference, the safest way to shave is likely with an electric shaver as it’s the least likely to cause irritation, nicks or cuts.
We do shave the top of your pubic hair prior to a cesarean section (to prevent ingrown hairs in the incision area and infection) but no shaving is done prior to a vaginal birth.
All of that is up to you — arms, legs, belly, underpits are all shaven according to personal preference. Full hair growth has no risks (or benefits) that we are aware of. Go au naturel if you want!
There is no firm weeks of gestation rule in which you should stop shaving at a certain point. It is a matter of preference, but make sure it’s YOUR preference, not for your providers or anyone else.
It is normal for your lady bits to have a distinct odor, don’t worry about it, it’s normal and you shouldn’t be embarrassed. Shaving may help (or sometimes hurt) that situation.
There can be health complications like infection, or an increase in bladder infections (UTI’s) especially with pubic hair removal.
I’d guess before the eight month of pregnancy.
Here’s a few other labor posts to help you out:
- 6 Things To Know About Your Fetal Growth Ultrasound
- How To Dilate Faster
- Can You Use a Microwave Heat Pack While Pregnant
- The EASIEST (and best) Labor and Delivery Nurse Gift Ideas!
- 5 Mistakes Families Make Preparing For Delivery
In just three hours you can be prepped and ready to go! And yes, having your mind ready is WAY more important than shaving your lady bits. If you like this kind of open, frank and honest advice — check out the class.
Or, if you’re not quite ready for the full class, don’t forget my free insider tips — It’s your first step towards being your own birth boss.
Micheal Elston says
Very Informative post !! It gives me some great Information that I’m looking and I hope you have a great knowledge about It. Thanks and keep sharing !!
Hilary Erickson says
So glad you enjoyed it!
Sarah says
This article has me cracking up!! You are so funny and informative all in one breath. I love it! I’ve had 2 homebirths and cared less about shaving anywhere in the last 5 days before delivery, haha!! I do remember early on while pregnant with my first FEARING the dreaded hair exposure. But now I’m like, “Hey, Eve had hair and nothing to trim it for hundreds of years. I’M GOOD. I can’t wait to read more of your posts and maybe even take your pregnancy course. I’ve been studying midwifery for about 5 years now. Time to make a move and get certified as a doula soon.
Hilary Erickson says
Awh, I am so glad. It is something a lot of people worry about, so hopefully I put their fears at ease. 🙂
Diana says
I wish I had shaved before birth. I was a bit embarrassed when my nurse had to shave me before taking me back for my c-section.
Pulling Curls says
Oh don’t be embarrassed – 99.9% of people have to be shaved by us – even if they shaved before.