Anyone remember way back in the day when I had the inner turmoil on whether to buy a wheat grinder, or NOT to buy a wheat grinder? I’ve had it for just over 2 years and I now make about 90% of the bread we eat in this house. The other 10% is probably gourmet breads, as I haven’t had a lot of luck with the french bread variety… I make 4 loaves at a time from the Deals to Meals recipe. I probably do it every two weeks, or so. We often take a loaf to a friend, when needed. 🙂
Would I do it again?
Honestly, I think I would. But, I’m probably only at about 80% on this one. I love the bread, it’s super yummy and I like that we’re saving money now, but it was a lot of money to start with and hauling the wheat with us was less then fun…. negative amounts of fun, in fact. 🙂
I also would’ve bought a Bosch mixer instead of a kitchenaid. Well, actually if I still lived in CA I’d still prefer Kitchenaid, as they take up less room on the counter, but now that we actually HAVE counter space I would rather have a Bosch. I have to add about 1/4 white flour as to not spark out my mixer’s core, and if I had a bosch, I wouldn’t have to do that.
I do love my Nutrimill — I’m glad I bought that one, as it comes with a lifetime warranty, and I plan on living a LONG time — and possibly even passing this baby onto my own little baby P. 🙂
Anyway, if you’re on the fence and you have the funds, I say do it. I do think that the flour fresh from the mill is pretty unbeatable.
And heavens knows I love a good carb. 🙂
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