Hypnobabies + Online Prenatal Class Offer
With both friends, cousins and patients I have seen a lot of people have luck with the Hypnobabies Method
I am a Hypnobabies partner but I believe their method has the least bias and can be helpful for many stages of parenthood.
I have chosen to offer The Online Prenatal Class at 50% off if you purchase it with Hypnobabies
Only valid on future purchases. I reserve the right to remove the offer at any time.
I believe this to be a great combination because... Hypnobabies teaches a different way of mind control to manage your pain and stress at delivery. They do NOT teach about your delivery or what to expect -- so between the two courses I believe you will be WELL prepared!
Here's how it works (be sure to follow the directions):
Purchase Hypnobabies
Purchase Hypnobabies here (to qualify — purchase either the classic or the online Hypnobabies courses) — you can even save 10% with code hypno1528 -- this deal isn't applicable for smaller sets.
You MUST purchase through my link.
Let me know
Fill out this form (it’s going to ask for your name, email, date & time of your purchase so I can match sales). Please do this right after your purchase.
I will email you a code for 50% off
I will email you with a 50% off code (most often with in 24 hours). Then, head to The Online Prenatal Class and purchase any option at 50% off!
If you’re planning to do this deal, do not purchase it until I send the code — I will not refund purchases made before I send the coupon).
Any questions please email me hello@pullingcurls.com