Are you hoping to save some cash on your birth class by charging it to your insurance! Me too! more and more insurance companies are offering classes (like childbirth classes) free if you have insurance. Today I’m going to share how you can get that done, and what effort it might involve on your part.
How to Get a Free Birth Class
Well, first off — many places offer a “taste” of their birth class for free. This free beginning class is a great place to start.
BUT I bet you want the WHOLE thing free — meaning understanding things from pregnancy through life postpartum, and I can’t agree more. There are three steps towards getting your birth class covered by your insurance:
- Call your carrier. You’ll want to call the number on the back of your card to see if prenatal classes are a covered benefit. If they are, see if there are any stipulations you must meet (like if the teacher needs to be lisenced, etc), and what type of documentation is required.
- Pick a class & buy it — The Online Prenatal Class for Couples has a couple of great options! It’s taught by a registered nurse and meets requirements for most insurances to get it covered.
- Submit it to your insurance — this is the tricky one — do the paperwork required to get it reimbursed. then, wait for the deposit — and BOOM, your prenatal class was free!
When you purchase be sure to get an itemized receipt. The Online Prenatal Class for Couples has all the codes you’ll need to submit for reimbursement, and indicates it is taught by a licensed RN (# provided if needed). Some insurance providers also require a certificate of completion and I can give you that as well.
Your carrier may also require a note from your doctor that you are pregnant and need a class (called medical letter of necessity, sometimes called an LMN). This should be easy to get if you call in, or ask at your next visit. Your provider wants you prepared!
Looking to get prepare for your birth? I have some easy options for you!
– Worried you’re missing something? Grab my pregnancy planner so you don’t miss a thing!
– Thinking about an induction? Grab Inductions Made Easy to feel prepared in just 20 minutes!
– Wondering how to get that baby OUT? Grab Going Into Labor Made Easy so you know how to (and not to) do it!
– Postpartum got you anxious? Check out Postpartum Care Made Easy so you can stay SAFE even when all your attention is on that little on.
🚨 AND if ALL OF IT has got you on edge The Online Prenatal Class for Couples is perfect for you — You’ll feel so ready before you even know it!
No matter WHERE you are at in your pregnancy journey, we have resources that can help!
I do have ONE other option, and that is:
Birth Classes Covered by HSA, FSA or Cafeteria-style accounts:
A birth class is almost ALWAYS allowed to be paid for by an HSA, FSA or other type of health spending accounts.
The caveat is that most birth plans can’t be paid for directly with the debit card these companies give you (usually they can only be used at provider’s offices and pharmacies) — so you will likely need to fill out some paperwork with the receipt to get reimbursed.
You can always try the debit card they may give you first though (I love that it saves paperwork).
A BIG BUT on these free classes:
One of the things I’ve found out is that a lot of companies offer “free” classes for birth, or breastfeeding, but actually charge your insurance for a breastfeeding consult. I honestly have no idea how they do it but your insurance usually only gives so many breastfeeding consults, and as these classes are usually split into several parts they may bill your insurance for a few of them.
Then, when you need a breastfeeding consult, you don’t have any “left” because the companies have billed your insurance for them already using those classes.
I would not recommend that, as a consult may be VERY necessary and you will want those visits available should you need them.
6 Things to look for in your birth class:
Obviously, if you’re trying to get it through insurance, make sure it meets the requirements listed by your insurance. Be that a licensed professional, or including specific things (like labor, not just pain management), etc.
Make sure it covers ALL aspects of birth — not just pain magnagement. You’ll be miles ahead understanding interventions and informed consent if you take the right class.
Check timing. Many online classes are actually done on specific timelines, meaning you have to take it on Saturdays at 9 am for 5 hours. I prefer one that allows you to take it whenever you want, and ask questions in the class that come up.
Make sure the teacher is someone you can trust, and has lots of experience. It doesn’t help if they’re only teaching things and don’t actually understand them themselves.
Make sure you DO it! So many classes are BORING and include a lot of information that is likely not necessary for you. I prefer a class that hits the most important points, gives you some extra info you can peruse if you want and sends you on your way. oh, and a big bonus if it’s fun!
Finally, you’ll want one that engages your partner and helps them understand what’s going on, and their role in all of this. You don’t want a cheerleader, you want a teammate — so get a birth class that supports that!
The Online Prenatal Class for couples does all of this. It really is your best option for birth education. And, even if NOT covered by insurance it has a best price guarantee!
Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Pay for Birth Classes?
Really varies by the plan you choose and the group that you are in. Call the number on the back of your card to see if your plan covers them!
Does Medicaid Cover Birth Classes?
More and more Medicaid insurances are covering birth classes. This insurance is likely to have restrictions on who can teach the class and possibly even where you need to take it, but call and ask! As of the last inspection, 15 states cover it (find out more here) including: Arizona, Colorado, DC, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Be sure to call your insurance even if you’re in those states (or not — as things change rapidly) to see how to get it covered.
Does Etna Cover Birth Classes?
The coverage for birth classes depends on the specific insurance plan and group you’re enrolled in. Contact the number provided on the back of your insurance card to inquire about the coverage for these classes.
Does Kaiser Cover Birth Classes?
Kaiser is tricky, and controlling, although some plans offer more flexibility. Often, a Kaiser insurance member would need to take the class through the hospital they’re delivering at. Kaiser loves control.
I’d recommend an outside class as well if that’s their plan, just because much of that is staying within Kaiser guidelines, less about birth.
Does Cigna Cover Birth Classes?
The extent of coverage for birth classes varies based on your chosen plan and group. Simply dial the number on the back of your card to confirm whether your plan includes them.
Does United Healthcare Cover Birth Classes?
Coverage for birth classes is contingent on your selected plan and group. Verify if your plan includes them by calling the number on the back of your card.
Birth Class Coverage by State
Some states are requiring that plans cover birth classes, but the legislation on them is difficult to track down, as well as how much they require the insurance to pay. Sometimes your insurance will only cover a portion of the class (so don’t get your heart set on a $400 class if they’re only going to pay $40).
So yeah, you basically just need to call and ask. Just dial while you’re working around the house or doing a mindless task and hope you’re not on hold long.
Are Birth Classes Free with Insurance?
My dad’s an economist, so no. There’s no such thing as a free birth class. 🙂 Or a free lunch, or a free gift. Remember you’re always paying through:
- Premiums (you’re paying for the class, just not directly)
- Your time to call the insurance provider, and submit the bill
- You may not have as many options for a class, and are paying through restrictions.
All of those are important to keep in mind, so sometimes people just pay for the class to be able to choose the one they think works the best for them.
Whatever you decide, prenatal classes DO improve birth outcomes (which is why more and more insurances are paying for them). So, come join me in The Online Prenatal Class for Couples where we prepare you in just a few hours.
Free Birth Classes
You can learn more about free birth classes << in that post.
Like I said before, many places offer a free class that offers a “taste” of what you’ll need to know. Quality birth classes take a lot of time and effort to create and do need to be compensated.
You may also think that you can just scroll someone’s website or social media to learn what you need to know.
Someone once said that you really only end-up needing about 20% of what a prenatal class teaches, but you’re never sure which 20% that will be (and it’s different for every birth) so you REALLY need to know everything from the beginning to the end to make sure you’re covered.
Yes, everything in The Online Prenatal Class for Couples IS on the internet somewhere. The key is really having it all in one spot, available for both you and your partner (allowing for discussion about how life will work during labor/with baby) and in a timeline that makes sense.
So, check your insurance, but get a class either way. This one even comes with payment options that make it really affordable!
Don’t miss my great big post on everything you need to know about birth classes << for more information this important subject!
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