I am the biggest fan of vertical organizing (you can find out more about it in my 5 word organization challenge). It has really changed how I use spaces and makes it easier to grab something I need.
BUT it often comes with one challenge.
and one that I was born with.
I wouldn’t call myself short — but I certainly wouldn’t call myself tall. I guess I wouldn’t exactly call myself short….
But, there’s a fair amount of my kitchen and home that I can’t reach.
I’ve stood on a lot of dumb things in an effort to reach high things.
And that’s just dumb.
Kitchen and home safety needs to be a priority.
So, having a great step stool can really save you in the long run.
I have a couple that I really love.
A three tier step stool is super handy — and stable. It’s so much safer when you have your hands full and are reaching high. I would recommend a three tier, just since they’re more versetile.
Buy a Bosch Universal Mixer & get the cookie set for free:
☑️ Cookie Paddles
☑️ Metal Whip Drive
☑️ 2 Cookie Sheet Liners
☑️ Bowl Scraper
There have also been some re-stocks of fan favorites: See them here!
I also love a folding step stool — since it folds so easily and fit in a small space.
However, this stool slips a bit easier — I have had some close calls on it….
Both of these can also be extra awesome when kids want to help in the kitchen.
I woud like one of those flat ones to go in my closet in my room.
It just makes you more able to use all your spaces.
Which makes organizing a billion times easier.
It’s a simple tip — but if you don’t one — get one today!
If you liked this post — be sure to sign up for my 5 word organization challenge — and check out all my other organization posts below that!
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