Marijuana and other drug use during pregnancy is becoming more prevalent. This post points out the dangers of smoking weed while pregnant and how CPS will be involved. Will they take your baby away if you test positive for thc?

Pregnant women taking marijuana can have serious consequences (also during breastfeeding as well). Today we’re going to talk about the consequences of marijuana use in pregnancy.
Table of contents
How do I all all of this? Hi, I’m Hilary — many people know me as The Pregnancy Nurse 👩⚕️. I have been a nurse since 1997 and I have 20 years of OB nursing experience, I am also the curly head behind this website Pulling Curls and The Online Prenatal Class for Couples. 🩺 Please note that this post is written from my own experience in working in two states and also interviews with other nurses around the country. This seems to be the standard of care for women in both states where it is “legal” and not legal, however guidance is constantly changing.
I know a lot of you don’t like this information (hence, comments are off since someone mentioned they would like my house to catch on fire and my family die in it). I really am just here to tell you what will happen and remind you that honesty is TRULY the best policy.
Don’t miss my post on my sister site about wine during pregnancy (and I dive deep into the studies in that one since there are so many).
But, if you’re really looking to get prepared for what happens at birth — come join me in The Online Prenatal Class for Couples where we get you prepared for all of it in just a few hours!
Will they take my baby away if I test positive for drugs?
Positive drug use often leads to a social services referal, which often leads to a call to CPS (child protective services). From there, it’s up to them (but most often doesn’t end up in anything more than possibly a visit and a record of it).
BUT it’s complicated, so let’s talk about it….
It’s important for you to undertand that in my state (and most states) it does require a CPS call by us to notify them — most often done by a social worker (however, if the social worker wasn’t available I have made the call before as the RN). Drug use during pregnancy is considered a form of abuse and we are required to report all forms of abuse to CPS.
CPS may or may not visit you, but they will have a record of it in their system. If you have questions about the requirements in your state, I would recommend you to ask your doctor.
During your prenatal check-ups they will likely ask about your drug useage, and it may be routine for them to do a drug test on you. In some states this requires consent, and in others it does not.
BTW, if you’re doing marijuana and might be pregnant it is important to take a pregnancy test so you can STOP as soon as you are (I also have a little online pregnancy test — which isn’t as accurate, but good if you’re just wondering). The vast majority of women do stop taking marijuana as soon as they find out they are pregnant.
Of course, marijuana isn’t the only type of drug that we are testing for in these screen. A positive drug test can come from many types of drugs. Many on the drug screen are taken more seriously by a social worker than marijuana — and at times you could have issues with child endangerment from law enforcement.
Prenatal drug exposure is taken really seriously (as it should be) by child welfare.
Please note that if the health care provider does NOT notify CPS (or social services) we can lose our license, and it would be illegal as we are mandatory reporters.
If you test positive for prescription drugs that you have a prescription for, they may also discuss your opioid use and the safety of your family. This isn’t just about marijuana — it is definitely about the safety of children overall.
Please note that any actions taken on the baby’s plan for where it will live after it leaves the hospital is not up to health care workers. We are required to report things, and then it is in the hands of child protective services.
I love that you’re planning for all of this — and that is a HUGE step. If you’re a planner, check out my pregnancy planner full of places for memories, managing it all and your medical info you’ll need!
Marijuana during Pregnancy
It is my firmest desire that babies are given the most benign environment to grow in during pregnancy. That means limiting coffee, alcohol, drugs (especially those unstudied), etc — except when the benefits far outweigh the risks, and can’t be gotten in other ways.
That is what this article is about. If you strongly believe Marijuana is great during pregnancy, you and I will just have to disagree.
Smoking Marijuana While Pregnant
Marijuana is becoming legal in more and more states both for recreational and medicinal uses. Whatever side of the argument you stand on for that — the reality is that when you’re pregnant things are very different.
Is it illegal to smoke weed while pregnant?
It is illegal to take marijuana during pregnancy. It is still a federally controlled substance.
While, in some states where marijuana is legal, there is a bit of grey area — they really encourage moms NOT to take marijuana during pregnancy, just as we encourage them not to drink or take other controlled substances.
Taking marijuana during your pregnancy is a bad idea and is illegal — in some states.
ACOG (American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists ) has said that because there is very limited research, they recommend against marijuana use during pregnancy. This statement is also echo’d by The American Academy of Pediatrics.
It is illegal for a doctor to give you a marijuana prescription while you are pregnant.
Consequences for your baby for smoking marijuana during your pregnancy
**Honestly, there aren’t a lot of studies that have tracked babies of moms who smoked marijuana (because it’s illegal, and moms are unwilling to come forward for such a study.
There doesn’t seem to be anything specific like birth defects that they notice at birth. Which is good.
However, there are studies showing that marijuana use during your pregnancy can cause:
- low birth weight
- premature birth
- small head circumference
- decreased length
- stillbirth
If you’re interested in this, the CDC has a whole page on marijuana use during pregnancy.
Some drugs can cause a placental abruption due to the changes in blood flow in your body with these types of drugs.
There is a new study about marijuana use in pregnancy increasing kid’s anxiety and hyperactivity, showing there is a correlation between it and behavioral problems.
Studies are still being done, and the research on this topic is PRETTY poor, but most things show those consequences above are possibilities.
After birth, babies exposed to marijuana in utero have changes in brain development — things like changed responses to visual stimuli, higher-pitched cry or trembling. While it doesn’t appear that babies go through withdrawal, the longer term studies are noting things like change in school performance, memory, impulse control or attention spans.
You can learn more about these consequences in this article from the NIH. I’ve read a few studies and it seems that there just aren’t many out there. While the results are fairly inconclusive (and many studies seem to contradict each other) the majority point to possible brain issues as the child develops.
There is a recent study out of Australia that continues to link it to lower birth weight and complications.
Smoking weed while pregnant — cps involvement
Depending on your state, your provider can sometimes take a urine drug screen with or without your consent.
In my state, we do need a consent to test YOUR urine but we do not need one to test your baby. So, if you refuse, we just test the baby’s — and it also looks extremely suspicious.
Remember that honesty is always the best policy and CPS will note that if they are required to come.
The results of that urine drug screen (which always includes a screening for marijuana) will be noted in your chart. BTW, you can also test at home.
If you test positive for marijuana during your prenatal care, the hospital will likely ask to test you at delivery. They will also make a call to social work, and they will follow CPS guidelines for their area.
**If you plan to refuse the drug screen, we will screen your baby (that does not require consent). We will also call social work about your refusal and that refusal will be noted.**
From that point, it is out of our hands. It is in CPS’s hands at that point.
Nurses may also take your baby’s first stools to test it for marijuana to see how far into your pregnancy you took the drug (which may be a relief for those who mistakenly took it early in their pregnancy, before they knew — those stools will back you up). This is called a meconium screen.
If you are currently pregnant and using marijuana you need to stop. If you are taking it for a “medical condition” you need to talk to your doctors about alternative methods that could be safer.
**If you disagree with this article I strongly encourage you to talk with your doctor about your drug use and what to expect after delivery. **
As a note, often marijuana use during pregnancy can also show as other substance use disorders, or use of other illicit drugs — so that will be considered by child protective services as well. Substance abuse while caring for children (or growing them in your womb) is certainly a cause for concern. They may talk about drug treatment programs with you.
Nurses will also keep an eye on baby using the Neonatal Abstinence syndrome scoring to make sure baby isn’t having any withdrawls from illegal substances.
Baby Testing Positive for THC at Birth
So, in summary, if a mom or a newborn tests positive for THC at birth they will send a social work consult, which will then go to CPS and they may follow-up with you. Most often, nothing at the hospital happens — although the nurses may watch baby closer for any withdrawal symptoms (although most often there aren’t visible signs from withdrawal from cannabis).
In some states they also can’t assist you with breastfeeding if you test positive for THC (we’ll talk more about breastfeeding in a bit).
Can they take your baby away for smoking pot while pregnant?
If it is illegal in your state — I do believe that they can take your baby away (but only with other issues of neglect or a lack of safety). That does not mean that they WILL take your baby away. Family court’s goal is to always keep families together if at all possible.
Will they take my baby if I test positive at birth?
Likely, no. However, it will trigger a CPS visit to you, and possibly one to your home. If they find other mitigating circumstances, that could become a real possibility. It could also be a possibility for any other children you have in your care as well.
They may also commit to some random drug tests to make sure you are a safe parent.
Cleaning system while pregnant third trimester
While it varies, you can test positive for around 3 weeks after you’ve smoked. There is a good article here that talks about how long marijuana stays in your system.
There really isn’t anything you can do to clean your system out in that time frame.
I have really heard it all before:
- “I haven’t smoked for MONTHS”
- “I was just in a room where other people were smoking”
- “I never smoked”
A positive, is a positive, is a positive. If you believe there is a false positive, you can ask that they take bloodwork. I have seen false-positive results in a pregnant mother, but they are extremely rare.
And once we have a positive — we can test your baby’s stools to see when during your pregnancy you smoked.
If you believe it is a false positive, ask for a blood test to be taken (which is more sensitive).
What happens if I fail a drug test while pregnant?
Your health care providers will likely council you on it and will note it in your prenatal care record. Most providers do a drug test on the first prenatal visit as part of universal screening for many things (like chlamydia, ghonorrhea, anemia etc). They may or may not need your consent to specifically do a drug screen.
The most important thing is to always be honest with your doctor, so that he/she can give you the care you need. If/when CPS visits you, honesty will be super important for them!
Honestly, what that provider does with the info really varies, but most often they will at least council you to stop.
I think we all understand that new mothers really are trying to do their best for their baby. They want families to stay together.
Using a planner can help you keep track of any information you need to stay honest and on top of things.
Alternatives to Use of Marijuana during pregnancy
A lot of women take Marijuana during their pregnancy because of morning sickness, or other medical conditions.
I’d encourage you to talk to your healthcare provider about other options. A lot of people take this with this (but talk to your doctor first). I have a whole post on Unisom use during pregnancy on my sister site.
Check with your provider, and be specific with your symptoms, to see what they think will be right for YOU.
Marijuana and Breastfeeding
The compounds in Marijuana are found in higher concentrations in breast milk than they are in the user’s bloodstream. It can have similar consequences for your baby as noted above, and also noted in the study above.
In Arizona, we are unable to help you breastfeed if you have had a positive screen during pregnancy. It was not like that in California, but it is something to keep in mind.
FYI, my friend Katie has a great Breastfeeding & Alcohol Calculator — in case you’re looking to drink and breastfeed.
Marijuana in Pregnancy Faq’s
My baby is smarter than other kids because I took marijuana.
While not a question, I do get this a lot in the comments. Again — as I said above, the studies are pretty poor, but most do point to some delays as kids get older.
Will my baby have withdrawl symptoms from marijuana
No, they will not. There has been some noted irritability in babies of moms with substantial marijuana use, but nothing tangible.
What if I test positive for other drugs?
Again, we will call CPS. That’s all the hospital does, but CPS makes calls like that, not us. Other drugs are certainly more problematic for both you and the baby.
Will my baby have withdrawls from other medication
Yes, we have moms who take both prescription and elicit drugs during their pregnancy and their baby will have withdrawals. It was on the most painful things to watch as we wean that baby from the medication. So sad. 🙁
Where do you get off telling me what to do?
I don’t. I am just explaining what will happen. I am also sharing that as a labor nurse who has seen THOUSANDS of babies, the less we can do to affect their environment, the better.
A note on comments: I turned them off. People just couldn’t be civil.
And, like I said your best starting point to get prepared is The Online Prenatal Class for Couples. It GUARANTEES you’ll be more prepared for birth — and studies show you’re going to be happier about the whole process too.
Or, if you’re not quite ready for the full class, check out my free prenatal class — It’s your first step towards being your own birth boss.
Alexis says
While I agree you shouldn’t smoke while pregnant, your article doesn’t include any statistics or facts and, it’s utterly subjective. This would carry more weight if you had science and statistics to back it up. I mean common, not even one academic nor medical reference.
Hilary Erickson says
I do have an article referenced…. there, frankly, aren’t a lot of studies as it is still illegal fedrally, so the studies are a bit thin — but do point to it not being good for your baby.
Consuella says
There is no evidence to base any of this on.
Hilary Erickson says
While long-term large studies are not readily available, there is a lot of evidence that it is a poor choice.
There is long term research that the LESS you mess with your baby’s growth environment the better.
William @ Business Education says
There are already enough things that can go wrong with a pregnancy without marijuana consumption being involved. Many people tend to be less careful when it comes to marijuana because it has become more and more common to see people smoking it, however, there should definitely be more publications that explain how dangerous it can be when expecting a child.
Hilary Erickson says
Very much agreed!
Chelle says
I’m pregnant with twins and getting close. I’ve suffered from nausea since I was eight weeks. The doctor has me on TWO anti-nausea medicines, both of which curb the act of heaving, but do nothing to make me hungry. Every time I’ve tried to stop smoking, I would go days without eating. I could try to force myself but it wasnt near what I should be.
Even now, Im still trying to figure out a way to stop and at this point Im sure I’ll just have to accept the fact that my nutrition is going to suffer for the upcoming final weeks. Its a weighted scale. Which is worse, enough thc to kick start my hunger so I can eat properly, or not eating because under no circumstance do I feel good enough to eat?
Its sad that marijuana isn’t regarded the same as excess caffine, alcohol, or cigarettes. That it is somehow worse, which I understand it’s illegal, but in cases like mine, where it is the ONLY thing Ive found to help with the excess hormones of a multiple pregnancy, it should be acknowledged that it has benefits. (Unlike the other things which are just “frowned upon” but have no legal consequences.)
Hilary Erickson says
I hope we find a solution at some point to use it in a safe way. More research is certainly required….
Minkyboodle says
It’s drug use and during pregnancy everyone is informed it is best to withstain from using ANY kind of drug – legal or illegal- you’re risking the child’s health…or at least they’re pretty sure you are. Moms have decisions to make now. Some choose differently. Anyway, I was more curious about you mentioning the drug testing in the article- I don’t believe they can give you any test without your consent and knowledge of what test they’re administering. Also most women that are using marijuana illegally when asked if they’ve have or are using, lie. So I’m just curious to where this drug test is coming from? They don’t have you blow into a breathalyzer during an ultrasound and if they did doctors need consent. . (Also, I’m neither for, nor against the use of MJ – everyone will make their choices and that’s their thing.)
Hilary Erickson says
As I said in the post — it depends on the state. I know we USED To be able to do a drug screen without their consent (I am in AZ), but we do need one now. If they refuse the baby is automatically drug tested after birth (this does not require a consent).
Heather says
I believe marijuana is found in the urine and blood so it wouldn’t have to be a breathalyzer test. They test your urine every time you go in for an appointment so it’s not far to think they wouldn’t test for that at the same time as everything else.
Hilary Erickson says
Most often they’re not testing your urine on your prenatal checkups — most states require your consent before they do that.
Angelique says
Agree to disagree with this article. For some people who are pregnant, marijuana is the only thing that helps with nausea, headaches, and so fourth that are pregnancy related. My Dr is not pro marijuana, but I have always made it clear pregnancy or not that I do smoke. I have cut down a lot but this pregnancy has been hard, and rx meds have not been able to help me with all day nausea, my migraines, and lack of sleep, but if I do the wax form of marijuana it will help curve all that. My Dr is fully aware and I am 31 weeks pregnant. For the record for the forst about 13 weeks or so I didn’t touch it. 2nd trimester and 3rd on the other hand I have. I don’t use nearly half as much as I do when I’m not pregnant but I do use it. My Dr hasn’t said anything about that except baby look and sounds great so he is not concerned. Everyone is different though.
Hilary Erickson says
I am hopeful, that studies will show what part of the plant is safe and I think it would be a real godsend if we could safely quell nausea in pregnancy.
If you’re honest with your doctor, that can go a long way (and is always best). 🙂
Elizabeth says
I read that study linked from top to bottom and it literally says in the summary that the effects of marijuana use is inconclusive. I’m not saying I’m for or against it, but I’m definitely against the fear mongering, misleading tactics used in your post. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Hilary Erickson says
I want to be 100% clear that the REASON I wrote this post is that there un-suspecting moms out there, thinking it’s OK and then get a CPS visit. I’ve even seen babies taken away. It makes me sad.
1) Be transparent with your provider — that is ALWAYS important.
2) There are NOT many valid or conclusive studies on pot during pregnancy — that much is true. BUT, that’s the same for most other drugs. Most point to brain development that can’t be seen til’ the child is in preschool/school. That’s a long-term study and it needs a LOT of kids. It isn’t easy… and can’t be federally funded at this point.
3) I’m the one that has dealt with that mom who realizes she may have made a big mistake. THAT IS ME. I have those feelings. Hence, the article. Ever thought of that? That I go to the desk and cry over outcomes that I wish we could have prevented. Hence, the article. People need to know that in the majority of the states it’s illegal. The end.
I get it, people like it. People also like beer, coffee and smoking. We encourage you to stop ALL of those during pregnancy. BUT, the consequences won’t be as brisk.
Emma says
The consequences that you listed are completely false and based off of zero evidence. Even the article you quoted says that there is no solid evidence that links marijuana use to a malfunctioning baby. The only consequence of thc use in pregnancy is that it shows up on a drug screen. What you failed to mention is that CPS, DCFS or any other social service CANNOT legally take a child from a mother based on a thc-positive tox screen alone. There has to be another drug or social factor involved. I work in a drug rehab for pregnant women and I’ve also worked with women who use THC for nausea during pregnancy, I’m married to a physician who witnesses the same scenarios with new mothers, and I know how drugs impact babies. I have never seen an unhealthy, unhappy baby by a woman who used THC as necessary for symptom control. Furthermore, your claim that babies withdraw from cannabis is an outright lie. Marijuana is less addictive than caffeine, of which pregnant women are allotted 200mgs per day. I would never want any pregnant woman to use any substance unnecessarily during pregnancy but I do also understand that occasional THC use helps some women eat and have a healthy pregnancy. You should educate yourself and not spread blatant misinformation to attract blog views.
Hilary Erickson says
Clearly, didn’t read the article.
I said there are NO signs of withdrawl.
I never said they will take the baby, but sometimes they do — due to other factors, and if a mom had PROLONGED use during her entire pregnancy — that might be a mitigating factor.
“malfunctioning baby” Nice.
As I said, it looks like most of the evidence points to issues later on when brains are more necessary. For things like READING.
Heather says
THC has been proven to impact the motivational center of the brain, especially in a person whose brain is not fully developed (i.e. a BABY and the teens and young adults that are using this stuff). I’ve seen proof of that when I was in high school and from the men my dad tries to hire to work with him. To say there are no negative effects is foolish.
Hilary Erickson says
Brenda says
Right on! Well said
Amber says
I know some doctors that prescribe marijuana to pregnant women for nausea. Could they get in trouble? Or could the moms get in trouble by CPS?
Hilary Erickson says
A regular doctor (as far as I know, at least in AZ) can’t prescribe cannabis. It is also illegal for any doctors who DO write prescriptions to write one for a pregnant woman.
Sara says
Oh wow. Some of these comments…. Well, I actually read your article (I read most of them) and appreciate what you had to say. It’s such a controversial topic in the U.S. right now, so kudos to you for jumping in head first. I don’t mind that you don’t have a thousand articles to back you up, like you said there isn’t a lot out there. Personally, I don’t have a problem with the medical use of Cannabis when prescribed by a doctor, however, I am strictly against the recreational use of the stuff. That’s being said, I live in Tennessee which has some of the strictest laws against the use of any illegal substance during pregnancy including Cannabis. It has just been in the past 5 years where the laws changed and CPS can no longer take your newborn away if there was a failed drug test after birth (Cps can and does still take newborns for harder drugs and alcohol use). More recently, after the laws changed I had a cousin that smoked Cannabis during her pregnancy two years ago and although her child wasn’t taken away, CPS did get involved before she was even discharged. Her kid is now two and CPS still does random check ins. So, if you have to smoke while pregnant for medical purposes I would make sure you know your state laws. It may not be worth it.
Hilary Erickson says
Yeah, I do think honesty with your doctor is the #1.
Anna says
As much as I love your blog and love reading your posts, I really wish you would have stayed away from this topic. You, as an LDS member, have formed BIASED opinions about the use of Marijuana. It’s hard for anyone to listen to your opinion about anything that the Mormon church is against. I.E. Marijuana, Alcohol, Coffee, Smoking… Several doctors in Colorado prescribe MJ to pregnant women for help with Nausea and other symptoms. While I agree with you that certain drugs and alcohol should end when pregnancy is known, not many women will listen to your opinions when they are so biased with the Mormon Church. (BTW, this is coming from a lifelong member of the LDS Church who is a L&D Nurse in Durango, Colorado.) Your way of scaring women stating that their children will be taken away is unacceptable.
Hilary Erickson says
Well, we are clearly going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
Heather says
I had no idea she was a member of the LDS and I still think her opinion was valid and worth reading. It’s a shame that doctors are so willing to prescribe something that has not been fully studied. Also, you are coming from a different climate considering Colorado is one of the minority of states that has legalized marijuana. Family services in other states could very well use marijuana use as a reason to investigate a child’s home for potential neglect/abuse if it’s still illegal in that state. I didn’t see it as a scare tactic.
Brenda says
Thank you!!!
Katie says
Thank you for sharing such a well-thought out article. Pregnancy is hard, and I know first hand how difficult it is to deal with terrible morning sickness. I do believe it’s important for mothers to know that can happen if they do use cannabis during pregnancy. It’s just not been studied enough, and that’s not a risk I’m personally willing to take for my unborn child. I live in Colorado, and I’ll tell ya, legalizing pot has caused a lot of problems. Not my favorite thing about this state.
Hilary Erickson says
Thanks Katie, for your well-thought out reply. 🙂 I believe that morning sickness SUCKS — and I’d love it if we could safely use the anti-nausea components to help it — but until we REALLY know…. I think it’s best to say pot-free when you’re pregnant. 🙂
Sarah says
This article is just ridiculous. My mother smoked weed while pregnant with all 3 of her children. Never once did we struggle in school or failed. We never needed any type of tutoring. We were just as bright as kids who’s mothers did not smoke weed while pregnant, hell probably brighter than most. Show us some facts” which is clear they have none” then you can go preach but until you can prove your words just keep you mouth shut on the subject. You can’t even prove they take children away for only marijuana use mainly because they don’t.
Hilary Erickson says
I said you’d get a visit. I would agree that most kids aren’t taken away — but if they find other things once they get to your house…. then that’s just another red flag. The idea is letting your baby grow in as a benign environment as possible…..
Kimmie says
Pot is different today it’s got so many chemicals in it n laced w other drugs u don’t know what’s in it nomore. It’s just not safe why risk it
Hilary Erickson says
This is a good point!
Caridad says
First, people include statistics for both sides. This is a very biased post. I’m sure my comment will be deleted for being pro-marijuana but, I think there are many people out there that can benefit from the plant. It’s a medicine that should be used only with proper research. There are healthy ways to use marijuana while pregnant and people should be aware of this natural way that can ease many pregnancy symptoms.
Hilary Erickson says
ha! not deleted!
I agree that the plant can be very helpful with research.
BUT, so far, for the whole plant, shows there might be problems. And for now, it’s illegal while pregnant. I’d olve to see a proven technique to help, espeically, morning sickness — hopefully, someday!
Reggie Drewek says
I personally don’t care if you are an adult and smoke marijuana despite it being illegal in my state (WI). I don’t think it’s smart because the product is likely not pure as it’s illegal here. However, if you plan to become pregnant, are pregnant, or breastfeeding you should not do it. There is not enough research saying that it’s safe. We as parents want the best for our kids, why risk it? Developing brains and an illegal substance don’t go together. Alcohol and tobacco are legal but not recommended for pregnancy or breastfeeding, marijuana needs to be thought of the same way.
Hilary Erickson says
I would hope most adults realize this — the comments on this post shows otherwise. 🙂
Marie says
I cant take this post serious because not only the spelling of some of the words but the fact that you keep saying “when you take marijuana”. You dont take it like the pills prescribe by drs. You smoke it
Hilary Erickson says
Or, you eat it……. I think “take” is actually really appropriate.
Brenda says
Sorry lady but you are not well informed on marijuana. Generations in my family have smoked herb during pregnancy and we are all very educated, smart and productive adults. Alcohol was not used but joints were smoked to quell all day sickness. I used it for all 3 of my pregnancies because of hypermesis. The drugs doc offered had many risk. Zofran isn’t even FDA approved for pregnant women and it is offered like hotcakes by docs and midwives. And it doesn’t help me! Before I allowed myself to smoke weed while pregnant I did major research fro Denmark to Jamaica to Europe and US, which has the least studies. I have 2 masters, and in my state it is legal. I get organic herb wirh low thc and higher CBD. There are advocacy groups if CPS chooses to harrass us here who will give legal aid, counsel and support. Please study MJ hard before wriri g such an opinionated only article.
Hilary Erickson says
I am super aware of my lack of understanding about marijuana, but as I said I wanted to write this article for people who wanted to understand what would happen if they tested positive during their pregnancy. As I said, I promote a benign environment during pregnancy. I am sorry you disagree.
Hilary Erickson says
A note on comments: I will absolutely delete any name-calling. I understand that some people use it with a clear conscience and feel that it does not hurt their children. I am interested to see further studies, but like ANY DRUG I need to see further studies and tests. I also understand the process when someone uses marijuana during pregnancy. I am certainly willing to have a respectful conversation. Also, all comments are moderated by myself before being posted.
Mallory says
Why would you report something to cps that someone didn’t give you permission to do ? I’d be pissed if you called cps on me without my consent lmao. Especially with it being a doctors office.
Hilary Erickson says
I am not sure that you understand how CPS works. I am a mandatory reporter. So, if I suspect any abuse of children I am required to call them by law. I don’t see a mom hitting her kids and then say, “M’am would it be OK if I called the cops on you?…” and then wait for her answer before I do?
Ellie Knowles says
I feel like this whikr article is just.. omg
First off you said women have other forms to help them if we have a medical diagnosis that we can use marijuana to help with. I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant with my first child and he is perfectly healthy. Actually growing 2 weeks above schedule. I smoke 420 because it helps me eat, and helps my anxiety. I have seizures and I’m also bi polar. My doctor said under no circumstances am I to take psychotropic medication. Weed is honestly the best option. So when I’m not calm or having anxiety attacks id rather smoke. They have a lot of drugs that are a lot worse. While 420 tests have been inconclusive.
Hilary Erickson says
I agree that there are worse drugs. But, again — this post is about what will happen to you and your baby when you test positive. Just be as honest as you can — they will take note of that.
Matt says
How come cps doesn’t get involved when pregnant women smoke tobacco??? If you ask me it’s one of the more damaging things you can subject a fetus to.. I’m a man and father of 2 going to be 3 soon my wife is 28 weeks pregnant and came up positive for marijuana she hasn’t smoke since she found out she was pregnant which because of insurance issues we didn’t know until week 8 for certain..I have ptsd and use for medical purposes but she smoked with me..a positive is not a positive always there are chemicals that have very similar traits to delta 9 that’s the by product of marijuana after it’s metabolized in your body and that’s what they test for in urine sample I have also been on parole for my entire adult life I’m 33 now you can do the math so I know a lil bit about false positives and it’s more common than you could ever want to imagine either the way what’s to say it’s bad? I’m curious is all. If there is no research for it or long term as you say why so against the medical field breakthroughs and cures sometimes happen by chance or mistake so what’s to say weed isn’t beneficial? I know tobacco raises blood pressure not good if expecting it constricting blood vessels again not good…so say you have had multiple miscarriage and your super stressed out marijuana is scientifically proven to relax ppl in the proper dose stress equals negative effects on the body as well as fetus..I don’t want to rant but how can you advise against something that in my opinion you have no idea about..from a research standpoint the benefits are way more then the negative on every single level and more and more are coming to light for those reasons is why most states have legalized it medicinally and more and more for recreational because there is proof to back it up you have no proof..can cause low birth weight really? Could it just be that child was under weight do non smoking women have underweight babies? Thats rhetorical.. how many women out of 100 go full term ? 63% go 40 weeks plus so 37% left to taint the numbers that in your opinion cause these things to happen. But hospitals have no problem pumping pregnant women full of all kinds of things that are deemed “safe” by who’s standards tho? Honestly as a country we need to understand our world changes at a rapid pace and the laws that govern need to coincide with such changes we still use laws from the 1800’s for crying out loud ..but hey what do I know I’m just a dad that works hard provides for his family smokes marijuana and tries to do his best. We need not to judge ppl but try to be understanding of’s ok for doctors to prescribe benzos for post pardom it’s ok for them to prescribe oxycodone for pain in pregnant women but no weed is bad! Thank you for listening happy life happy babies for all the mothers and ones expecting my blessings and prayers to you !
Hilary Erickson says
My post is about what will happen if you test positive. I agree that smoking is also horrible, but it is legal in the US. Marijuana is not. And, in most states, it is not legal to use it when you’re pregnant (and the others it is a VERY firm grey area). If we noticed a mom drunk we’d certainly call CPS, and with tobacco, we give her materials and support to stop as well.