Are you feeling overwhelmed by clutter and struggling to manage your space? I have the perfect solution to help you tackle common organizing challenges. Learn how to maximize closet space, streamline home management, and build cleaning routines that fit your busy lifestyle. Sometimes, some expert tips and organizational hacks made just for busy families, will help you find practical strategies to conquer your home’s biggest organizing hurdles and create a space that works for you.

This post isn’t talking about getting a professional organizer to help you out. I think that’s out of the budget for most people (if it’s in yours, I think it’s a GREAT way to get you going!) — but there really are other ways to help.
Cliff Notes: This is really going to support you in all these good ways, and most of all it’s going to get you going! Get started right here.
Ok, I want to talk about 5 ways you can maximize your organizing time and how a course can support that.
Figure-Out Where to Start
When you have a whole house that needs organizing you may be stalled out by the idea of where to start?
Since The Organized Home is set into specific areas it makes it really easy to just pick an area. Or just pick the first area and start.
I may also subtly remind you that often “I don’t know where to start” is mostly your excuse for stalling out — that starting anywhere is fine. Don’t let that stop you. Just start!
Get Going!
I hate to say it, but putting a few dollars (keep in mind you can start that course for as little as $9 with code MAXIMIZE) really does start to put your money where you mouth is. For so long you’ve said you want to get started, but do you really mean it?
The great news is $9 can really get you going!
Also, I really encourage you to start – I talk a lot about the benefits that we’ve seen in ours, and my student’s homes to remind you it’s worth it.
Get Your Head on Straight
So many people just jump into organizing by buying some bins or pulling out everything they own — when in reality you need to figure out what you really want from that space.
Do you just literally need it to hold a LOT of stuff (hello tiny home friends, I see you — and I was 100% you for 10 years of my life with 3 little kids)?
Or, do you need it to be quick and easy to grab and toss back.
What do you really want from an area.
If you follow organizers on social media it’s easy to think that decanting things, and matching bins are the most important part — but taking a good organizing class will remind you that what YOU want is the MOST important.
This really helps when you’re ready to declutter. You already know what you want — and you’ll prioritize those to make the best of it!
If you just want help decluttering, join my 5 word organization challenge — it will help you declutter so much faster!
Get Ideas!
Ok, this is the fun part — the part why I LOVE to follow smart organizers online (no, I don’t follow the ones that are all about matchy beautiful homes that I will never have).
Getting ideas for how people organize the stuff we have is amazing.
Things like under sinks (an under-utilized spot for sure), hidden storage in living rooms, or making closets work for the clothes (and shoes) you have.
It’s just nice to have lots of different brains to pick from.
In The Organized Home I share troubles I had in areas in my home and how I created systems that work and make my life easier. Sounds great, right?
Prettier often isn’t easier. If your goal is pretty, that’s awesome, but especially when doors are covering something from the general public I find that functional (and my budget) reigns supreme!
I even share how I got my organizing items on a budget and some of my favorite places to shop for them in here.
You Don’t Feel Alone
Ultimately, a lot of us feel alone organizing our home.
We may have kids who have NO desire to organize (which is normal, until they realize how much more fun it is to play when they can find what they want to use).
We may have a partner/spouse who is very happy with the house as it is. It may seem that they sabotage systems you set-up to get them to fail. You may feel like THEY are the hardest part of organizing.
The thing is, I get that. I’ve had three kids who are not natural organizers, my husband is very much a clutter-cat and really likes piles of things around him.
I teach you in The Organized Home how I allowed him to both have his piles in his space, but also keep the house organized and functioning otherwise.
You will just feel like you have a helpful buddy in the process. I know how helpful that is!
So, there’s my best tips for maximizing your organizing time.
I will confess that I got my house the most organized as I had 3 young kids, worked as a nurse, was building this website and I had a heavy-duty church calling, plus being PTO president.
Every minute of my life was packed, but I realized how much time it would ultimately save if I created systems that supported me, rather than me constantly feeling like I had to support this house.
I want that for you, it’s easier than you think and just $9 will get you into The Organized Home. You can 100% cancel at any time, there’s no obligation to stay — I just want you to make a change at home, and I’m just sitting there waiting to help you.
(if you don’t believe me — check out the reviews on that page — it really is making a difference for hundreds of families!).
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