And no, I don’t mean “May I Meal Plan” — but since you asked. Yes, yes you can.
How is late May already? Has someone adjusted the space time continuum?
Just wondering.
My ❤️ hotels for your Disneyland trip:
– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
Ok, back to meal planning. Here’s what’s on tap for the next couple of weeks. I should say that Conner is going to be gone much of next week at a scout thing, so there are some recipes that really only serve 4 and that will work next week.
Stew Meat in Crock Pot — I have some older stew meat I need to use up. I’m going to use the one to put in tacos about 1/2 down that page. I mostly just need to use it up. I think it should be tasty.
Burritos — my old standby. Hoping to put some lettuce, tomatoes and salsa in them for a little veg. I just realized this is fairly similar to the stew meat – -but I’ll try to put these on opposite ends of planning period.
Pepperoni Chicken — a family favorite. Get in that chicken protein while still having some pepperoni. Best of all worlds. 🙂
Ham Fried Pineapple Rice — I was just going to do ham fried rice, with as many vegetables as I could throw in it — but the pineapple in this looks delish, don’t you think?
Italian Crescent Casserole — I made this one other time Conner was gone, it was a hit!
Baked Lemon Chicken with Mushroom Sauce and some sort of Vegetable. I bought mushrooms at costco. I love baby Bellas!
And finally — Italian Pasta Salad
. I bought some tiny pepperonis, and I think the kids would like that in some sort of italian pasta salad. Probably pasta, tomatoes, broccoli, salad dressing from food storae and tiny pepperonies. Oh, and maybe some olives.
That’s it for this meal plan. Do you have meal plans of your own? Link below!
Sarah says
This is the best article/blog I have read on bullying in a LONG time. THANK YOU!
Judi Fox says
It is a good list! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. The only tough thing to read is that statement “I honestly see NO reason not to vaccinate”. There are risks to vaccines. The FDA / CDC / and Department of Health and Human services say those risks are low and I am not arguing that at all. I am not saying this because people shouldn’t get vaccinated and I am not saying that vaccinations are some evil conspiracy. But we forget that even LOW risks means yes there is a risk and that there are children that we should not vaccinate and we shouldn’t be so black and white about it. For the sake and health of all children we really shouldn’t be an all or nothing for every single child.
There are 3 children dying per year (on average) from the MMR vaccine – you can see that on the US Department of Health and Human Services website. I am not saying this to sway people from vaccinating because of those 3 deaths. But that there are situations in which there ARE reasons to not vaccinate and I wish those 3 children and 800 serious cases of adverse reactions were not happening each year. Those are the numbers we don’t see reported in mass media, but they are real numbers from the CDC website. It just means that those 800 serious cases do have a reason to not vaccinate any further and should have a pediatrician listening to their specific case.
Hilary says
You are right — I am surprised I said I never saw a reason for not vaccinating, because I totally do. Kids who’ve had a previous reaction or allergies to eggs. I totally do see it. Thanks for pointing that out. 🙂
Margaret Weddle says
I have often said that “bullying” is mostly a difference of opinion, difference in birth order (sometimes it DOES make a difference!!), or difference in how they are treated at home. Your 5 questions help bring much of it into perspective! Thank you!
Daniela Escobar says
Thank you for sharing this !
campisaacmama says
I couldn’t agree with you more. Our school has a “zero tolerance” policy on bullying. My son tagged his friend too hard, you know, during a game of tag, and was sent to the office for “bullying”, served 3 days of recess-detention, and got a referral sent home for ‘services’/counseling. Seriously?!
However, when I discovered that a group of children had been relentlessly calling my daughter ‘feces’ among other hurtful things, and trying to get more kids in on it, trying to get other kids to not want to sit near her or play with her… which had in turn completely changed her attitude about school and life… I was singing a different tune. When an 8 year old who normally cries if she’s too sick for school starts trying to stay home every day and cries because she has to go to school, there is a problem.
There is a difference. Bullying is relentless. It is mean spirited. It is meant to wear down another person and make them feel horrible about his/herself.
Hilary says
I think we as parents need to clarify for our kids. Hopefully it will trickle down to the schools. That is horrible about your daughter, I am sorry.