This post is going to share how I found my motivation to clean & organize — even when I’m entirely overwhelmed by clutter and my life. You can find it — and it only takes changing how you view it, even if you’re depressed.

If you’re looking to get motivated, I also have a whole podcast on it!
Right now I am working with an accountability coach.
Losing weight is something I really want to do, but I’ve not had much luck with it the last few years.
I picked her for a few reasons, but mainly because she is overwhelmingly positive online. Her positivity is truly rubbing off on my weight loss journey.
I’m starting to feel positive that I truly can make a change — and that has changed how I view it. It’s been some of the best money I have ever spent.
Believing in myself has made a huge difference. Also, her input into things I could change that really could make a difference is super helpful!
It’s made me think a lot about motivation in my life.
Where do you find the will to do that which you really have no will to do?
How does that happen?
I do believe THAT is the key to most of life — and certainly the largest key to having an organized home.
But first: Motivation is a lot easier to find with a little help.
That’s why I recommed The Organized Home.
It’s all about finding the motivation to attack the problems. Things like decluttering, organizing, cleaning. Those don’t often self-motivate (although they can if you get a good start).
And once you no longer have missing keys, a pit in your stomach when you hear you’re having guests and it only takes a few minutes to clean instead of hours — you’ll find that motivation comes a lot easier.
But, I’m going to give you one of my very best tips here:
Finding the Motivation to Clean
If I ask you if you could do jumping jacks forever — you’d just laugh in my face.
But, if I ask you to do jumping jacks for a minute — you think “sure” — I could do that for a minute.
Doing it for a minute is easy.
So, sometimes the motivation comes from telling yourself it will be short and sweet.
And the BEAUTY of focused short and sweet time is that you can get SO much done. Way more than you think you can!
If you set a timer for 10 minutes and really attack an area.
Decide if you’re going to:
- clean
- organize
- declutter (although organizing and decluttering often happen simultaneously — you could easily JUST declutter an area as well)
And then just DO it.

Sometimes I’ll set a hiit timer for 5 minutes, and then 5 minutes more. I spend the first 5 minutes pulling everything out, and going through what needs to be tossed. The last 5 minutes are putting them away in a fashion that allows them to be obtained easily.
And, in JUST ten minutes I’ve changed a small area of my house.
And then, it’s time to feel the positivity you’ve just infused in your life.
Can you organize forever? no!? But, can you do it for 10 minutes — heck yes!
Don’t listen to the lies in your head that 10 minutes won’t make a difference. It really can, and it really will.
So, try it — see what you think and then hit me up in the comments section so I can be your cheerleader!
How to get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by the mess:
For me, I just start.
Sadly, there’s no magical cleaning fairy that will come and bestow motivation on you.
When I can’t figure out where to start — I turn the room into a clock and I slowly move my way around the room, like a clock.
I know that feeling — but honestly, set that timer, pick a point on the “clock” to be the 12, and move around the room!
How to get motivated to clean when depressed
Honestly, one of my BEST times to clean is when I’m depressed.
- It’s great to get up and move your body.
- It’s a good feeling to know that you have control over something. Even if it’s just your dirty bathtub or your cluttered closet.
The key is remembering that cleaning is a great way to boost your spirits.
If you’re depressed and reading this, just get up. I know you can do it — set the timer, and see — if in 10 minutes, you don’t feel a bit lighter!
The extra great news is that I have a full SECTION on getting motivated in my The Organized Home Course. The monthly version starts at a REALLY low price, and you can cancel at any time — all from within the class.

While you’re here — be sure to sign up for my totally free Five Word Organization Challenge below (it’s actually the free beginning section for the Organized Home). If you’re not quite ready for the full thing — start small with that one. Plus, check out my other organization & cleaning posts below that!
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