Sure, pregnancy is great. 9 months ago you made a baby. You were sure it was the right thing to do (or you weren’t, either way is fine) but picking at clothes and bedding and dreaming what your little bundle of joy will look like is fun! Babies are fun, right?
But there’s that nagging feeling. Before that baby — comes a big mountain to climb — the delivery. Plenty of people are nervous about labor and delivery.
That’s where your helpful neighborhood labor and delivery nurse comes in (me). After doing over a thousand (probably — I stopped keeping track after 15 years) of deliveries I know a thing or two about childbirth anxiety.
Here’s the top 6 things people are nervous for about their delivery (and it’s normal to be nervous with each baby, this isn’t just a first-time mom thing):
Don’t forget that knowledge is 100% power — and that is REALLY try with anxiety — The Online Prenatal Class for Couples GUARANTEES to get you feeling more confident about your delivery!
1. What if I don’t know what I’m doing?
I’d say that unless you’ve done it MULTIPLE times, most people don’t have delivering a baby down pat. It’s an awkward thing. I mean — well, I’m sure you get the picture.
Suffice it to say, no matter how many books you read or classes you take… there are times where you will be clueless. Newsflash, that’s why you’re paying us. I do know what to do…. and if I am left clueless we have other nurses, and sometimes even doctors who know what they are doing. You’re surrounded by competent people. Never fear.
Also, be sure to grab all the right stuff for your bag!
2. What if I poop?
The short answer: No one will care. This is a HUGE event. A little poop won’t get in the way. Most people do it. Seriously, don’t do an enema. All will be well. I have a whole podcast on it:
And, a whole post on my sister site on avoiding pooping at delivery.
3. What if I have to have a c-section.
The national average is about 30%. And while it IS a surgery, we do them all the time. Most often your husband will be there with you, you will be numb, and as soon as the baby is out they can give you something for anxiety. You will see your baby after. Your nurse will guide you through the whole thing. We GET that you are nervous. I’m a bundle of nerves when my family goes into surgery. We understand it. You can even try something like this for healing afterwards.
Also, I have whole posts ENTIRELY on C-sections (and every mamma should read that, as it is a possibility for any of you).
I had a recent podcast with a friend who loved her c-section, worth a listen!
4. What if I tear?
Well, you just might. But there is truly NOTHING you can do about it. Sure, you could do perineal massage ahead of time — but the verdict seems out on that one. It is something you’ll get through and again, it’s something we do every day — we have tips and tricks to help you through. You’ll soon enough be using your baby exit area as a playground. 😉 Also, a lot of people seem to like this spray as an alternative to the Dermoplast they give you in the hospital.
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I also have a video on how to take care of your bottom after delivery:
5. What if it hurts.
Ok, it’s going to. Ask for drugs. If you’re planning or even considering an epidural be sure to let your nurse know that early on. There are times that emergencies arise and people have to wait about an hour for an epidural. During that time we can use IV pain meds, or sometimes positioning or distraction to get you through. It is going to hurt, but you WILL make it through. The more you clench-up the longer labor takes. Try to relax into the pain.
Yeah — that’s easy, right? I’m sure most men, when kicked in the “family jewels”their first reaction is to “relax”right? Yup, yours will be too. 🙂 If you think you’re going to go “natural”– take some classes ahead of tim e. Those people have good tips and tricks that we, as labor nurses, just don’t have time/ability to teach you when the pain is bearing down hard on you.
I have a whole post all about epidurals during childbirth that you might find helpful too! Looking to go natural — I have a post with your best moves to get a natural birth.
And of course, I have a whole chapter on pain management and a bonus video on natural techniques in The Online Prenatal Class for Couples.
Looking to get prepare for your birth? I have some easy options for you!
– Worried you’re missing something? Grab my pregnancy planner so you don’t miss a thing!
– Thinking about an induction? Grab Inductions Made Easy to feel prepared in just 20 minutes!
– Wondering how to get that baby OUT? Grab Going Into Labor Made Easy so you know how to (and not to) do it!
– Postpartum got you anxious? Check out Postpartum Care Made Easy so you can stay SAFE even when all your attention is on that little on.
🚨 AND if ALL OF IT has got you on edge The Online Prenatal Class for Couples is perfect for you — You’ll feel so ready before you even know it!
No matter WHERE you are at in your pregnancy journey, we have resources that can help!
6. What if something goes wrong?
This is a big one. I won’t lie that I am a MESS in my own deliveries. I watch my fetal monitor strip (mistake), I grab that baby right after to give it a good going over. Things DO go wrong. Don’t get me wrong. Life is a miracle. We have no idea how many things have to fall into place to make a human baby. It makes the mind boggle — but at any point in that reproduction process, something can go wrong. The reality is, that at some point you need to give your baby to God. If you don’t believe in God, I’m not sure what you would do. You’ll never be able to protect that baby from everything. Just hang on for the ride of your life. Pick good doctors and a place you feel safe.
Expectant moms are nervous. It is a BIG change – Scary!. Tell your nurse that you’re nervous. She will give you a hug and tell you she’s got your back. She truly does. I care for my patients like I would my sister {or the sister I never had}. I want things to be perfect. I want a bundle of joy to cuddle and go home with. I want to answer your questions and I want to be a resource for you. Use me up. 🙂 Hang in there expectant moms, it’s a wild ride. but you have friends on your journey.
I really do promise (and studies show) that an online birthing class can really help!
Not sure we’re a good fit check out my free class — It’s your first step towards being your own birth boss.
Anne says
Great advice especially when you are a first time mom to be. I experienced the same way when I was in delivery room.
Hilary says
I have friends more nervous the 2nd time around! 🙂
AnniD says
What if your biggest source of anxiety is your midwife?
We don’t have delegated midwives on the NHS, our babies get delivered by whoever’s on shift at the time and the midwife for my first son was physically and sexually violent towards me whilst I was in labour, to the point that I refused to let her touch me and ended up locking myself in the bathroom and delivering my son myself in the tub. I get that women go a bit nuts when they’re in labour, but all professionals I’ve spoken with since my son’s birth have had the same response – a nervous sideways glance, an uncomfortable reassurance that it won’t happen again, and a swift dismissal of whatever horror story I told them.
Now, 7 years have passed and I’m finally pregnant again. And yes, the woman who delivered my baby and the mind-numbing fear of being violated like that again next time is what has kept me from trying again for so long. So, as a clearly competent and compassionate individual, what would you suggest I do to protect myself from violence from my next midwife?
Hilary says
Oh Man AnniD. I have no idea. The NHS works so differently than our system here. At my hospital I’d recommend you talk to my manager before you come. I will say that the mind does play tricks on women when they are in labor. I would maybe talk to someone — a psychologist or social worker to maybe work through what you felt before. It will all come again this time. Being prepared will only help you. good luck! Please come tell me when you have your little bundle of joy! 🙂
Jess says
This was great advice and great humour! I love this… “You’ll soon enough be using your baby exit area as a playground” and thank god for that!
Hilary says
Haha! I thought it was a pretty good line, myself!
Janet says
I was so nervous about my labor and delivery as a first time mom.. Your articles really helped to prepare me for my labor and delivery. Thank you for sharing information like you do.. With the help of my doula and my husband, I delivered a healthy baby boy after 8 and half hours of natural labor. I was more prepared for the realities of labor and postpartum because of you.. Thanks!
Hilary Erickson says
Awh… Janet — that is SO nice of you to say! I absolutely love hearing things like this — thank you so much!
BabyDevelopmentSuccess says
Thanks for sharing your knowledge about delivery!
Hilary Erickson says
You’re welcome!
Dee says
Im more worried about where Im going to have my baby. Not the delivery itself.
I live in South Africa which is a 3rd world country with alot of problems! Do nt get me wrong i still love my country despite all our problems.
Covid 19 has impacted so many lives. I am six months pregnant. This pandemic has set myself and my husband back financially. Therefore we cant afford medical insurance. My baby is going to be born in a “General Regional Hospital”. That has positive Covid 19 cases. Just to add to that we do nt have a reliable health care system. We have such a very bad Unemployment rate. Therefore our General hospitals are not coping! I visit the clinics every month, because they have to refer me to a Regional hospital. I get there about 5am for me to see the sister after 8am. Its a three channel process.
Hilary Erickson says
I am so sorry. I am so grateful you’re getting care though. That’s so important!