Prenatal Classes online can be a GREAT way to get your childbirth education done. Finding an online prenatal class for couples is easier said than done, however. The internet can be a sketchy place — so how do you find YOUR home where you can get prepared in your own way!

Online Prenatal Classes
There are starting to become more and more online birthing classes. Which. is. awesome! When I taught in-person classes I taught them on Tuesdays at 6 pm. Which left families racing to the hospital right after work, in the worst traffic. They were starving, tired and not in a great place to learn.
It was also a horrible time for ME to teach as well. One of the most important times to be with my own family (dinner time — family routine is really important to me). So, I had to stop.
But I found a new way to help new moms.
What’s the difference between a birthing class, or a prenatal class?
I mean, in the big picture — nothing.
Both are set to prepare you for your upcoming birth.
BUT, in general, birthing classes mostly talk about the birth event and some preparations for afterward. They mostly talk about the process of birth and what your body will do. Often, they take a more natural approach than prenatal classes, but not always.
Prenatal classes often take a bit more medical view of things. They will discuss medical care during pregnancy, during labor and afterward. I have a whole post on the alternatives to hospital birth classes.
In conjunction with that, they will talk about what your body will do and what to expect at each step.
They tend to be a bit more medical, and will likely talk about pharmaceutical pain management options more — but not always.
What to look for in an online prenatal class:
I have 3 things I think are really important in an online childbirth class:
Experience of the Teacher is important in an online prenatal class
Many online birth classes are taught by people with only a few years of experience. I would want someone with at least 10 years of birthing experience. You aren’t really considered a “mature” L&D nurse until you have at least 8 years under your belt.
The longer you’ve practiced, the more you have seen. The more you’ve seen of past and current practices.
As an L&D nurse for almost 20 years (seriously, I gag when I say that, I feel very old — but with age comes experience — learn more about me here.) I have seen the “pendulum” swing back and forth on several things like VBAC’s, inductions before 39 weeks and more. That type of experience is very handy when you’re looking for a teacher.
Allowing you YOUR birth is important in an online prenatal class
Many prenatal classes (or birthing classes) are taught by someone who feels passionate that birth needs to happen in one way or another.
One particular birth method (Bradley is the one I am thinking of) often makes moms feel very guilty about how their birth played out instead of just supporting them to feel great about themselves and their baby.
Many online courses take a similar stance that birth has to happen in a particular way, and don’t prepare you for other options.
It is important that an instructor INSTRUCT but not place their passions onto you.
Birth happens in many ways, many things can happen and complications can arise.
You need input on natural birth, vaginal births and also cesarean. AND, you want someone who’s experienced in all three of those.
And of course, that they assure you that your body & medical team will do the things they need to do to get you a safe mom and safe baby.
Learn your best way with an online prenatal class
It is important to know what way YOU learn best.
Do you learn best by:
- Reading
- Video
- Images
- Looking things up more on your own?
I tend to do the best with parts of all three — but often diving into what I am most interested in helps me learn the best.
I put all 4 of those options into my own class. Because I want you to have the birth you want, and learn the way you learn best. I want all of that for you!
You can check out all the reviews of my online prenatal classes!
When should I take a Prenatal Class
While doing the class online gives you a lot of freedom — I don’t recommend purchasing it til’ you complete your 1st trimester. Then, be sure to start the class by 28-30 weeks (you could also start earlier if you’d like) and complete it before about 33 weeks.
Of course, with doing it online, it allows you to review the material as you’d like after you complete it. It’s super handy when your doctor brings up a new concern or worry to be able to reference back (and even ask questions).
I have a whole post on when you should take an online prenatal class that goes more in depth with my thoughts on it, but those are the cliff notes!
Best free online birthing classes
I am a big believer of getting what you paid for…. but I think it’s also important to be able to check out the style of the teacher you are considering. I offer a free online course that does just that, thousands have taken it and adore it. There’s really nothing to lose by checking it out:
There are other free classes, but I have found them to mostly be videos alone, and poorly filmed. Yes, you can find a lot out about labor online. You can also find a lot of very biased information. A lot of false information and it will take a TON of times to weed through to find the actual truth.
That’s why paying for a class that seems solid to you is a smart plan. It saves time, and it will keep you from believing lies.
Online birthing classes for dad
I am a big believer in doing your parenting together. That means taking a class together.
Which, is why my class includes couples questions for you to go through together.
I am a big believer in doing things together as much as possible. A strong relationship starts with you two and extends to your parenting.
I love how Camille from Friday’s We’re in Love used it on their 2nd baby.
Online Lamaze Classes
Guys, many of our moms did Lamaze. It was totally the thing “back in the day” but I haven’t had a patient who took actual Lamaze classes (the brand name Lamaze) in years.
Most classes now incorporate some of the breathing techniques taught initially in Lamaze. So, you get the benefit of knowing about birth PLUS the breathing!
I do teach breathing in my natural pain relief techniques section. People love it. 🙂
Online natural childbirth classes
Most “natural” childbirth classes aim you towards that. I prefer to show you all the options and let you pick what works best for you.
However, I am pretty transparent that I don’t really go over natural pain management techniques enough to get most moms through an entirely natural birth.
I have had a lot of patients have luck with Hypnobabies. I talk more about that in my natural birth post.
Prenatal Classes Canada
Carly of Mommy on Purpose is in Canada and took my class and said it was very helpful.
She said the epidural part differs a bit, but otherwise, it was helpful! So, I think my class is a great option for Canadians!
Prenatal Classes Outside the United States
I have had a lot of students outside the US who said that the classes were helpful.
I especially have many people in the military outside the US take the class and loved it.
I don’t know what I don’t know about hospital care outside the us — but so far no one has pointed out big changes — so I think it’s a great option!
The Online Prenatal Class for Couples
The Online Prenatal Class for Couples is the class I created that I felt hit all the “targets” that I could do, and still keep it at a reasonable price point.
It has videos, images, written material and also links for deeper dives if you find yourself interested in a particular topic.
It also comes at 3 price points, and the most popular one, being under $100. Katie Clark from Clarks Condensed felt like it was well worth the price!
I think you’ll love it. In fact, I guarantee you will know (and understand) more about birth after taking it.
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