Our school has a “meet the teacher” a few days before school starts.
Parents line up HOURS before the doors open in over 100-degree heat just to find out their child’s teacher.
And then….. mysteriously….
They work the rest of the year and can’t be bothered. They’re much too busy.

But {smart} moms get to know that teacher. They’re helping in the classroom (or spying, — helping is really just a guise for spying), they send them emails and get to know them. Parents, teachers and students working together is as good as it gets.
If you’re a busy mom I really think the #1 time you can spend at the public school system is helping out in the classroom during the day. That’s right, I didn’t say the carnival or at other PTA events (although I obviously find those important, I find them secondary to being in the classroom). I said be in the classroom. And stay to talk to the teacher at recess or any moment you can. Find out that they are a person with needs outside the classroom. Be their friend.
And I’m not saying to be their friend to use them, but actually be their friend. If there is something you can help them with, help them.
Having a teacher in your list of friends can never hurt. You might get a little nudge into the right classroom, they might be more apt to contact you if they see a problem or something you could help with.
Because you’re friends, and you’d do the same for her.
First and foremost, remember that your teacher is a professional. If you really think you could teach your kid better, then by all means, do so. I get REALLY aggrevated when people treat teachers like slaves or that they know better. This person has a degree, they spend a TON of time with YOUR child and plenty more. They’re selfless and sweet, treat them as such.
I have a great post about talking to teachers.
Be in the classroom, see their friends, see who they should be friends with and let everyone know that education is important to you. It’s what {smart} moms do. 🙂

**{Smart} Moms is a relative term. I had to give it a name, but I am the first one to say I’m not smart all the time. Some teachers are easier to warm up to than others, I just find it easier when I make an effort. This series is just a list of things I’ve found to make life easier — not to say — WOOT WOOT, I’m SOooooOOOO smart! {said like Steve Martin}
Check out all my other {smart} moms posts:[pt_view id=”4256a9870e”]
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