Gratitude is my superhero. It saved me when nothing else could, and today I want to talk about how I bring gratitude into my day, to give you some ideas on how to spark gratitude at your house!
This episode was inspired by a lot of things, but this post on hope kind of outlines how hope saved me when I was lost (and how it can save you too).
In this episode we’re talking about the many ways that I incorporate gratitude into my day. Some links you might find helpful:
Producer: Drew Erickson
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Hilary Erickson 0:00
Hey guys, I want to welcome you back to the pulling curls podcast. Today we’re on episode 16 and today we’re talking about gratitude. Gratitude is my personal superhero and today I want to share why it’s my personal superhero and why I feel like it’s a thing that we need more than just around Thanksgiving. Gratitude really can save you let’s untangle it.
Welcome to the pulling curls podcast where we untangle everything from pregnancy parenting home routines, even some family travel because heavens knows our lives are tangled. I’m your host Hilary Erickson.
Guys, it’s Thanksgiving week, we’re talking gratitude. Are we just thankful for the turkey or is there more to it? gratitude is my personal superhero. And today I want to share why. So back in I don’t even know what year it was 2014 ish. My husband left his job at the high school. We had moved here for that job. It was our sole job and it just wasn’t working out. He was miserable. His school was a piece of work and it just wasn’t working. So it was trying to find something different. And we just felt like there would be something new and great for us. But it was taking a long time to find our new and great and I was extremely depressed now situational depression for sure I was depressed because I was really worried about where money was going to come from and all that kind of stuff.
I had zero hope in my life. I was starting to be like, this is our new life. We are going to be on food stamps, I’m going to work night shift, I was so just down. And I know you guys have been in that same place too. And people would say, use gratitude to help you and I would just be like, like, we should be about the words that I was thinking in my head because I was like, That makes no sense. What on earth do I have to be grateful for he left his job, he hasn’t found a new job. Like that’s all I could focus on. But I decided to start letting gratitude help me out. And I have to say that starting to realize all the good that’s in your life, even if it’s that you have enough money in your bank account to pay your mortgage. You know, even the small things my dinner tasted really good tonight. It does start to help you to build some hope in your life. I wanted to share how I Work on gratitude in my life. There’s two things that I do.
So every morning I write down what I am grateful for in my planner, I use a Happy Planner, it has three slots. So the first section is for gratitude. The second section, I write intentions for the day. And then in the third section, I write a to do list and if I have any appointments or things like that, so in the top section, I just write the things that I’m thankful for now, these things can’t just be like the dishwasher or the washing machine because I am grateful for those every day, but I want them to be a little bit more personalized and exactly what I’m feeling at that point in time, but it’s still definitely can be small things like my daughter folded and put away her laundry. That was a really funny TV episode that I just watched again, yummy dinner. You guys seeing a thing? I love good food. And that’s always something to be grateful for. Because honestly, the fact that dinner ever turns out is sometimes a miracle, am I right? And I find that as I write these statements of gratitude, it really gets me in the right position and the right frame of mind in order to write my intentions. Because, of course my intentions could always be like, make more money, get a giant sponsor post, you know, really monetary things. But once I think about gratitude, I think about maybe my intention really is that my kids get themselves up for school better, or I’m able to book a hotel room for our next trip easily and efficiently. I mean, intentions can be anything, they don’t just have to be business or monetary related. It can just be like, I hope my son goes to church this week, things like that. And so a lot of times by doing the gratitude initially, it really puts my intentions in the right spot and things that I really want versus just like, please make me rich or something stupid like that.
And then at night before I go to bed, I think of five things that I’m grateful for in my prayers. Now I am 100% a morning person and I give pretty good morning prayers, but by the time bedtime comes I know I go to bed at like nine I am not late owl at any stretch of imagination. But at night I just you know get on my knees you guys Know that I’m really churchy. But I am a big believer in praying in the morning in the night I feel like it sets my day in the right spot and then it helps me to go to bed better and sleep better through the night if I do say prayers and I thank God for all the great things that are in my life, I think it helps you review your day in a very positive way. Because sometimes by the time I get to bed I’m, I’m already not in maybe the best mood. And so when I go through these things with my Heavenly Father, the things that I’m grateful for, again, they aren’t going to be giant things often times it’s going to be that my daughter put away her laundry that she cleaning her room without a big to do that I got a piece of mail that made me happy, like they don’t have to be big things but I try and do five I just kind of count them on my fingers and I think my Heavenly Father for them and then I get into bed and I also think that it puts you in a great mindset to feel positive when you go to sleep and then hopefully you’ll be positive when you wake up because I believe positivity breeds more positivity and by showing the universe or God or whatever you believe in that you’re grateful for the good things in your life. I do believe it will bring more good To your life.
So that’s today’s Thanksgiving episode. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving. I’m actually not working this year. But I want to give a big shout out to all the nurses policemen and all the people that have to work these kind of holidays because it’s not a lot of fun, but it’s something that you need to do.
If you’d like to know more about gratitude. I have some posts on my blog that might give you some other ideas about how it all works. I’ll also link about how I use my planner in my life and it might give you an idea of how to set up a notebook or a planner that you might want to be more grateful in.
If you liked today’s episode, I would love it if you’d Share Subscribe and review. In fact, that could be a thing that I’m grateful for. I love reviews. I don’t get a ton of them I must admit so everyone that I get I’m super thankful for. I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving and until next Monday. I hope you have a tangle free day.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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