HOW do you pick what to get rid of in your beauty supply? There are so many options and it can actually affect your health. Let’s talk about why you’ll end-up loving the end result!
Today’s guest is McKenzie Guymon from Girl Loves Glam — she is a lisenced cosmetologist and a down to earth beauty blogger (check out her album cover series!!!). She has a course to better everyday hair called Hairapy and have learned a TON about quick beauty with her — you can also find her on Instagram.
This post was inspired by my post on organizing your bathroom.
Big thanks to our sponsor The Organized Home. If you’re looking to declutter areas like this, and then organize it when you’re done. I think you’ll love it! Be sure to use the coupon code mentioned in the episode!
Decluttering Beauty Supplies
Tips on de-cluttering makeup and hair products mentioned in episode:
Magnetic Lashes (those are the ones I like the most)
Not storing medicine in your bathroom.
How much beauty products we each need
Why you might not want it displayed like beauty bloggers do.
Safely storing your makeup.
How to decide which makeup to keep
How often you should clean your brushes
How to get into a routine of good beauty habits
Extra care we should be providing our skin when we aren’t wearing as much during quarantine.
Importance of being able to SEE your makeup (how it’s similar to your pantry)
How you can return beauty products that don’t work for you
The new way to view the act of decluttering your makeup
My 3 product rule
Other similar beauty posts that might interest you:
McKenzie’s posts on hair care organization and makeup organization
Where to get started organizing
Producer: Drew Erickson
Check out my other household tips podcasts:

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Mackenzie Guymon 0:00
Hey guys, welcome back to the pulling curls podcast today on episode 59. We’re talking about plastic surgery. No, not boob implants. We’re talking about all those things, the makeup, the hair products in your bathroom that just take up space. Let’s untangle it.
Hilary Erickson 0:26
Welcome to the pulling curls podcast. I’m Hilary, your curly headed host on the podcast where we untangle everything from pregnancy, parenting and home routines. I want you to know that there are no right answers for every family and I find that simplifying my priorities is almost always the answer. It’s tangled just like my hair.
Mackenzie Guymon 0:51
Guys, did you see we’re untangling detanglers anybody knows that? Hey guys, before we jump in, I want to ask you guys to leave a review. If you are on Apple podcasts or if you have the apple podcast app you can quickly jump in find my podcast pulling curls podcast and leave a review. It does not need to be long. You can just leave stars if that’s all you want to do but I love it when you leave like a specific thing that you liked in words. It really means a lot.
Hilary Erickson 1:16
Thanks so much. Okay guys, today’s guest is the girl behind girl loves glam. We met at a conference and she is a licensed cosmetologist. She is a curly girl and she has little girls that are house with curly hair and she has a course all about doing curly hair that has been super helpful. I’ve gotten lots of tips from her I want to introduce today’s guests Mackenzie diamonds. This episode of The pulling curls podcast is sponsored by the organized home the realistic way to manage a home reduce clutter and clean less ever wished you could relax with Netflix rather than worrying about the state of your home or that last paper you need.
No more needing hours to prep for company be prepared for any doorbell. Let’s simplify organizing so you can enjoy life more save 15% with the coupon code untangled you Couldn’t find it at point curls calm and the menu under courses or in this episode show notes. Hey Mackenzie, welcome to the Boleyn girls podcast. Hello.
Mackenzie Guymon 2:12
Thanks for having me.
Yeah, so Mackenzie is my beauty guru. She told me all about magnetic lashes and she keeps me looking my very best on the off days that I care.
Yeah. And and sometimes they force you into things you didn’t like or right, like
it was a lot of effort for the magnetic lashes. For those of you that weren’t on my Instagram before my last conference. Of course we’re filming this or we’re recording this during quarantine. So, how much of us? I did magnetic classes once since then. For a photoshoot.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it doesn’t happen a whole lot now.
No, there’s no reason. Yeah. Okay. So where do you keep most of your beauty products
is in actually my closet. That’s it. attached to our bathroom, I have kind of one of those cubicle storage units that you can get at IKEA, IKEA, that’s just where I keep all my clothes. But then on top, I use it as a shelf for all of my makeup. And then at the bottom, it’s like all my all my skincare stuff, which sounds excessive. But it’s it’s actually like a really good system for me. And it’s taken me years to figure out like where the best place to keep it fits. And that is what works for me.
Yeah, I think everybody has to figure out what works for them because we’re all watching these beauty gurus on YouTube that have like a whole room with all their stuff and that’s not gonna work for most people.
So, yeah, and it’s, I mean it’s important to also keep in mind that it is beautiful it is as it is to have it all displayed like you see on YouTube. stuff is actually not super sanitary. And so I have a middle ground there so that you’re not getting dust particles all over or worse. If you haven’t close to your toilet at all and your bathroom, we all know the particles that end up in the air due to the toilet. So I’m kind of finding a middle ground there is ideal.
Is it problematic to store your makeup like you’re not supposed to store medication in your bathroom because it gets hot and steamy? Is that bad for makeup?
I don’t know.
Yeah, it can it I mean, every every item, I mean, just like food, like makeup will have a shelf life. And a lot of people don’t realize this, but if you look on the back, or like the bottom of any makeup product, it’ll tell you right on there. It’ll say like 6am or 12am saying like six months, 12 months, and some will go even further to say No, stay Keep in a cool dry place or whatever it is usually that’ll be more the case if it’s more like an organic beauty products. But it’s it’s probably best practice regardless to just keep things in a cool dry place.
Oh, so nowhere in Arizona
Hilary Erickson 5:20
or Florida or you know, you just have to live in Utah like me.
Mackenzie Guymon 5:25
Yeah, actually I’m thinking I keep some of my stuff not a lot of it in a window. So so that might not be my smartest plus all the light. Most of that hair care though, so it’s probably not as bad. No, no, she was it’s aerosol container and you want an explosion? Oh, maybe we need some excitement around quarantine. I don’t care. I don’t actually use a lot of aerosol stuff. Yeah, your hair. Like my hair doesn’t make a lot of things. Okay, so would you say you have a lot of beauty products.
Um, I would say in in comparison to the average person. Yes in comparison to the average blogger No. It depends on what scale you are using. But I really tried to whittle down a few years ago I tried to whittle down to only only my very favorite things and then buy a few things as I wanted to try them to share with with people and then I started my series on my website called album cover makeup where I take music albums I love and turn them into makeup looks and that just completely threw out the window any tray that I had to create simplicity in my makeup because I didn’t have red eyeshadow or you know i i have everything now it’s all control.
Well, but that’s almost like more stage makeup like you wouldn’t work out to PTO meeting.
Hilary Erickson 6:54
I wouldn’t go to a PTO meeting either way.
Mackenzie Guymon 6:59
Yeah, yeah. It is a little more stadia and you know I wouldn’t work glitter. Walmart.
Okay, well that’s good to know. I think your esteem probably went up in everyone’s eyes, right? Yeah. So it was like regular normal mom makeup How often do you declutter like normal looks? I
try to declutter almost every time I wash all of my brushes. It’s it’s like a ritual. But for me I work so much on system that if I don’t do the same thing each time, am I now admitting to everyone that I maybe had to cut to the LCD, maybe
my listeners embrace that because
they’re listening to me. But I, for me, it’s like, Okay, I’m, I’m watching all of my makeup brushes right now. They they’ll need to cry for about 24 hours. So while they’re drying, I’m just gonna kind of dig through these and if I have eyeshadow palettes or something that I’ve used up most of them and I’m digging in the very corners and any other pop or any other colors included in the palette I will never use, I’ll throw it away or you know just look and kind of take inventory of what I’ve got going on. And that’s kind of that’s kind of my ritual there and then I’ll just wipe down all of my acrylic containers that all my makeup sits in and just make a little little cleaning time. How often do you do your brushes? Ah, not as often as I should. But I would say every other week is typically I don’t say it to sound like I’m washing your brushes every other week. But I when I’m doing album cover makeup looks and all of my eyeshadow brushes are covered in bright pink and orange then I have no other choice.
Hilary Erickson 8:59
I Anyway, I don’t say about every other week, but more realistically, since quarantine, it’s probably once a month.
Mackenzie Guymon 9:07
Okay, we’re
Hilary Erickson 9:11
how often
Mackenzie Guymon 9:12
are we supposed to, like more mortals? Yeah, I would say, I mean, especially, probably the average person definitely doesn’t have as many brushes as I have. And it should really only take you maybe five to 10 minutes to do it. Ideally, if you could do it, like every Sunday or something just every weekend, wash your brushes, that would mean your skin would love you forever if you could do that. But if that doesn’t happen, then just you know try to do every other week. Yeah. You know when I wear makeup
My skin loves me because nothing’s on it right? Yeah, yeah, yeah,
some makeup I mean, obviously some makeup is really bad person. The mothers actually helps helps it because that’s the other thing I found is since not wearing makeup as much I have to moisturize more often because I’m realizing, oh, like, I didn’t do my whole makeup routine today. Therefore, I didn’t put any moisturizer on before I put my foundation on moisturizing my skin all day. So,
yeah, that makes sense. Mm hmm. I think women definitely need to be taking care of that section even though you’re not putting on makeup right now. Yeah. And SPF because we might be outside with our kids or whatever. So ladies, keep it healthy. Yeah,
yes. Viagra so, so important. So since you love routines, are there any rules you keep for decluttering? Or it’s just kind of like, kind of what you’re feeling at that time. So I I have found the most effective way for me is with like displaying or organizing my makeup is that I need to be able to see it or else I don’t use it. I wish not under luncheon but like under something so that you know dust isn’t getting in or anything. And then that way I’m not sweating but yeah I caught my skin but then my other makeup I try to keep visible to me or not use it and I think it’s that way for you know anything in our lives but I have one acrylic container that I just you know just the clear acrylic containers that you see but I keep all of my just like my everyday face stuff is in one of those. So that if I am in a hurry, I can just grab that and hurry and do my makeup. And I know I have everything there. Or I can even just grab it and put it in a bag and do it in my car while I waste so that then I have like a tower that holds all of my eyeshadow palette and Another one of those little lipstick ones that holds all of those. And those are the ones that I try to make an effort to use almost every single day to kind of force myself out of my comfort zone, using the exact same palette and stuff, but I think it’s important to see all of your stuff everything. Or else you’re gonna spend 40 bucks on an eyeshadow palette because you like to have the colors. And there’s these other $9 sitting in that palette and you never use it. And I just think it’s important that you can see everything you use it and then you force yourself.
Yeah, I think especially with makeup because a lot of us are in a hurry when we’re doing it. And so if you’ve shoved a pallet, you know, deep in the dark of your bathroom, you’re never gonna reach down there unless, like maybe you do, maybe you do but you have to be honest with yourself, I guess.
Mm hmm. Yeah. I mean, it’s it’s like whenever you clean out your pantry, and you get angry at your family because you said you said you wanted these cheese pudding cups. Why didn’t anybody know? They were gonna be like, Oh, we didn’t see him. But it’s the same thing with us. Even if we are the one that buys it, we forget or we just get into a comfort zone and then it goes bad or you don’t like it anymore.
Yeah, I think decluttering beauty is when I really facing like hopes that I had or maybe an excessive purchase so I feel like decluttering beauty takes more out of me. Do you find that?
Yeah, yeah, there are definitely times that I am especially in the space that I’m in. I will have an idea for a blog post or something. And then I buy everything for it and then I don’t end up doing it for whatever reason and then they sit there and look at these this like hundred dollar ticket that I bought for it and go like That’s a little hard to swallow there. But I have a few friends that they are okay with me and like with candy down makeup that they know that I only tried one or two times. And so that makes me feel like I’m totally wasting it because then I’ll just say, hey, like, Do you want to? I only used it once or something and they’re totally happy about it. So I feel good about that. But I think something though, if you do, go out and buy fun things because you want to try them and then you don’t like them. I think something people don’t realize is that places like Ulta and Sephora actually have great return policies on stuff. So don’t be afraid to try things just because you’re afraid that you’re going to regret the purchase because that is why those return policies are in place. So you can try things and then you don’t have To have the buyers are thinking, Oh, this sucks. You can take the back.
Yeah, and save your receipt, you know, just maybe even have a special spot where you keep your alter receipts so that in 30 days you can say now, you know, I just didn’t end up it didn’t end up staying, you know, this eye shadow said it would stay all day and it don’t. It’s a lie. Mm hmm.
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Hilary Erickson 15:20
Yeah. So you’re gonna do really good. Yeah, they’re really good about it. I haven’t ever had someone say, Are you lying? Or you know, like, they’re like, Okay, and then the, I mean, totally use makeup. They can’t resolve that. So it’s neat that they do that.
Mackenzie Guymon 15:37
Yeah. And I think that’s a reason why you might want to purchase it. So even if it’s a little bit more expensive than maybe Walmart or something like that. You at least have that guarantee that if it doesn’t work, you can take it back.
Yeah, yeah. Because Walmart will not. I haven’t had that experience. So Mackenzie has a course called hair puppy because she’s all about the curly girls. She has curly headed daughters. She has curly hair herself. So you guys should definitely check that out anything else you have to tell us about beauty? decluttering I’ma Just do it. You know, I think that people get very overwhelmed. And especially just, you know, with life and the life that we have right now that, you know, some people are going to be schooling their kids at home and others are going to be anxiously sending them to schools. And but i think i think the act of decluttering is actually very therapeutic. And so rather than treat it as a chore, treat it as a little mini time and listen to a good podcast like the point curls podcast, while you declutter, and you’ll feel really good about it.
Yeah, it makes your morning routine better and it makes it so that you might be willing to wear makeup without those sinking feeling, seeing the stuff that you don’t use that you may be wasted some money on. but life goes on. Mm hmm. Yeah. And I am a big fan. I have to say I don’t do it that much but putting makeup on even when you have no place to go, it really does put a little spring in your stuff. So
Hilary Erickson 17:12
yeah, yeah, it’s I mean, I know I do believe in the messy been getting stuff done phrase but I also believe in like, getting ready for the day and you can be crazy productive.
Mackenzie Guymon 17:25
So yeah, it just sets you off on the right foot and you love how you look when you look in the mirror and you think oh, I’ve put a little bit of time into myself, which you don’t always do really, really ever but worse lately. I feel like Yeah, but Kenzie, thanks so much for coming on. Hopefully this gave people some good tips.
Hilary Erickson 17:41
I hope so too. Thank you so much for having me.
Mackenzie Guymon 17:45
Okay, guys, I hope you like
that episode. I kind of have a personal rule that I’m allowed to keep three products that I am not currently using. I don’t know if that would work for you really need to decide like how stringent you’re being as far as like use like if you’ve used it in the last year from Mi three products out of my general routine. So that’s kind of how I do it just because you know I love numbers and data and all that kind of crap but hopefully you guys got some ideas and I would just encourage you to get in there and declutter it because it really does make getting ready earlier and just feeling good about yourself rather than every time you pull up that makeup thinking I spent, you know, X amount of dollars on this NARS bout that totally sucks. So just get rid of it. You don’t need that kind of guilt in your life. Just remember next time that you’re at Ulta maybe it’d be better to buy the wet and wild palette versus the expensive one. Thanks so much for joining us today. I hope we help smooth out a few of the snarls in your life. We drop an episode every Monday and we always appreciate it when you guys share and review. Until next time, we hope you have a tangle free day
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