Today we’re talking about preparing for a cesarean section delivery — even if it is not anticipated. What to put in your bag, and how to prepare mentally.
Today’s guest is my friend Lindsay Himmer, from The Lindsay List. She is a mom to three makeup and Bachelor meme enthusiast.
This episode was inspired by my post on Caesarean Section Tips
Big thanks to our sponsor The Online Prenatal Class for Couples — I aim to prepare you for 99% of labor and delivery, which includes an entire chapter on cesarean sections — which I recommend ALL couples watch or read because you just never know…
Have you checked a birth class off your to do list✅? I have a few I recommend:
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Now is the time to get started!
Preparing for a Cesearean Section
In this episode
How Lindsay wished she had prepared for her first unanticipated cesarean section
What Linsday puts in her bag
- House Dresses/gowns
- Boppy
- Abdominal Binder
Mindset on pain/recovery after a cesarean section
Other things that might interest you
What to put in your Cesarean Section Bag
What to put in your hospital bag
Preparing for your postpartum stay
My favorite breastfeeding classes
Producer: Drew Erickson
Check out my other pregnancy podcasts:
Have you checked a birth class off your to do list✅? I have a few I recommend:
❤️ Best class for couples {per BabyList}
👩💻 Best class available on demand
⚡ Best class JUST for pain management
👶 Best Postpartum-Only Prep
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 My favorite class is here.
Now is the time to get started!

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[00:00:00.330] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, guys, welcome back to the Pulling Curls Podcast! Today on Episode eighty nine, we’re talking about something no one wants to think about, even though one third of babies are born this way. Let’s untangle it.
[00:00:21.230] – Hilary Erickson
Welcome to the Pulling Curls Podcast, I’m Hilary, your curly headed host on the podcast where we untangle everything from pregnancy, parenting and home routines. I want you to know that there are no right answers for every family. And I find that simplifying my priorities is almost always the answer. It’s tangled just like my hair.
[00:00:46.720] – Hilary Erickson
OK guys, before we get into the podcast, just a reminder to subscribe! There are so many good podcasts out there, I don’t want you to just, like, lose this one in the mix. So just subscribe so you can find out about every single episode. OK, guys, today’s guest, I actually know her from church. I was her youth leader when I was just not much older than her. That’s how funny youth leader things are. But anyway, that’s how I know her.
[00:01:09.190] – Hilary Erickson
But she is the Lindsay list on Instagram and she has had several C sections. She has four little girls. And we actually I know this podcast is going on later. We have to postpone this interview because of all the blackouts in Texas. So I’m excited to have her on. I want to welcome my friend Lindsey Himmer.
[00:01:29.240] – Hilary Erickson
Do you feel prepared for your delivery? In just three short hours, you can be prepared for the competent collaborative delivery you want, you’ll know what to expect and how to talk with your health care team. And there are no boring lessons in this class. I’ll use humor, stories from my 20 years in the delivery room to engage both of you. I love how Alissa told me that she found herself laughing at things that used to sound scary. Most of all, you guys are going to be on the same page from bump to bassinette.
[00:01:54.050] – Hilary Erickson
Join the online prenatal class for couples today. You can save 15 percent with coupon code UNTANGLED. You can find the link in the show notes.
[00:02:05.110] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, Lindsay, welcome to the Pulling Curls Podcast.
[00:02:07.640] – Lindsey Himmer
[00:02:08.680] – Hilary Erickson
Yay! OK, so Lindsay, you’ve had how many C sections?
[00:02:11.860] – Lindsey Himmer
[00:02:12.360] – Hilary Erickson
Four, OK, and was your first C section planned or not planned?
[00:02:15.460] – Lindsey Himmer
It was very much not planned.
[00:02:16.630] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. As most are.
[00:02:18.460] – Lindsey Himmer
[00:02:18.910] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. And then was number two a planned C section? Or were you hoping to V-back?
[00:02:23.140] – Lindsey Himmer
It was a… Hoping to V-back, but knowing that that probably wasn’t going to happen because I was not a super great candidate for it.
[00:02:29.940] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. Why did your first C section happen? Basically?
[00:02:32.860] – Lindsey Himmer
Failure to progress.
[00:02:34.120] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. Which often means I mean, it depends on how baby’s position and all that kind of stuff that can have a thing, but often just your pelvis.
[00:02:41.680] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah, they said I don’t have a great pelvis for birthing babies.
[00:02:44.560] – Lindsey Himmer
I have a good pelvis for keeping them inside, but not birth.
[00:02:47.470] – Hilary Erickson
And then you could just keep until they’re teenagers and then just push them out and send them to college.
[00:02:53.720] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah. I don’t know if they ever want to come out with us.
[00:02:57.320] – Hilary Erickson
So you would have died on the plane. So that’s what you would have done.
[00:03:00.460] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah. And my cervix has been described as Pocker. So if that gives you any indication,
[00:03:05.680] – Hilary Erickson
I do not know.
[00:03:06.590] – Hilary Erickson
Well, I mean, everybody cervix is sort of covered like it’s kind of a bagel for everyone.
[00:03:10.990] – Hilary Erickson
So I don’t know.
[00:03:12.040] – Lindsey Himmer
Well, it just like never opened up. Like it was just like they couldn’t even clear my membranes. Nothing like it was just very closely the no.
[00:03:21.520] – Hilary Erickson
Except locked up tight. Yeah. Interesting. OK, so what do you think you… Like with your first baby. Do you wish you would have prepared more for a C-section? Is there anything you would have changed with your preparation in advance?
[00:03:35.110] – Lindsey Himmer
I wish I just read a little bit about what a C section could be like, because I think a lot of us go into it thinking we’re going to get the birth we want and thinking, oh, the C section thing’s not going to happen to me. And it might. Just having a little bit more knowledge would have made it a little less overwhelming. I was also I had been up for like over twenty four hours. So I mean, it was a little traumatic.
[00:03:56.980] – Hilary Erickson
And yeah, by the time the C-section happens, a lot of times you’re so tired, you’re just like, get it out, get it out. I hear that so often people will be like, well I’m just going to skip the C section chapter. And I’m like, no, just just run through it. Just don’t just run through the video really quick. Like, the video in my class is not super long, but I go through the whole process and so many people have later said, I’m so glad that I watch at least the video.
[00:04:20.950] – Hilary Erickson
Some people want a deep dive. I have a lot of information about C sections. I don’t think you need a deep dive because.
[00:04:26.200] – Lindsey Himmer
[00:04:26.890] – Hilary Erickson
Unless, you know, you’re going to see section. A lot of women already know.
[00:04:29.350] – Lindsey Himmer
[00:04:29.800] – Hilary Erickson
That they’re going to have one. But that’s good to know. I think that can help a lot of moms. So what did you do on the on your other ones to kind of prepare you for surgery on the other babies?
[00:04:39.070] – Lindsey Himmer
I just did some research with the first one after I’d had the C section. I was on my phone and on my computer Googling a lot of like, is this normal?
[00:04:48.130] – Lindsey Himmer
Like, I have really bad shaking with my first one and I found out it was from the epidural and just kind of the numbing. And it was very alarming going through. I wish I’d known it was normal because then I probably wouldn’t have freaked out as bad, but I couldn’t stop myself from shaking. And it was very just alarming and kind of traumatic.
[00:05:04.840] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. Some people get that with just the epidural. They get it more with the C-section. But a lot of people, it’s just very normal. And the worst thing is you try and stop it and it just makes it worse. So you’re just like, just relax and the shaking.
[00:05:16.270] – Lindsey Himmer
It’s… They’re like it’s normal. And I thought they meant it’s normal. Like you’re nervous, you’re shaking. And I’m like, this is not normal.
[00:05:23.980] – Hilary Erickson
Right. You kind of feel like you’re having a seizure because it’s a lot. Yeah. Yeah. But it is normal.
[00:05:28.930] – Lindsey Himmer
It didn’t happen with the other three. So I’m guessing, like you said, the epidural did because I had an epidural because I was trying to give birth, not with the C-section.
[00:05:38.080] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah. And it wasn’t working. So with my other three they did more of the spinal tap. So it’s a different way of giving birth. So I didn’t have the shaking with the other three. But there’s a lot of things where I would just look it up and be like, oh, this is normal for a lot of things with pregnancy in general, even on the even on pregnancy number four, I would look up things. I’d be like this can be normal and be like, this is the normal pregnancy.
[00:05:57.190] – Lindsey Himmer
But I’m like, oh, OK. Well, right.
[00:05:58.960] – Hilary Erickson
Because to you it didn’t happen, your other one. So it’s it’s obviously an outlier. And you’re going to die.
[00:06:03.460] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah, obviously.
[00:06:04.510] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. That’s so normal. I think people end up Googling a lot and can be really helpful because it’s nice to know that something’s reassuringly normal in the middle of the night.
[00:06:13.300] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah. Yeah, it was very comforting.
[00:06:14.710] – Lindsey Himmer
And I mean you can ask the nurses and stuff too, but sometimes just a quick Google search is all you need to just be like, oh.
[00:06:19.720] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, we didn’t have that when I was pregnant with Connor and it was a lot different when I was pregnant with Paige, although by then I was a labor delivery nurse, yada, yada. But then I had so many other worries.
[00:06:31.360] – Hilary Erickson
OK, what do you recommend moms put in their C section bag? Because I do think it’s a little bit different than your regular planning on a vaginal delivery bag. What do you recommend? C-section Moms bring? Especially people are planning on a C-section. Yeah.
[00:06:44.770] – Lindsey Himmer
So the first thing is I did not like any sort of type clothing at all. I did not like wearing pants. I so loose flowing dresses. I want to since I just wore the hospital gowns but so basically a… For me I just needed a nursing bra, something very, very comfortable and something very float like. House dresses are golden after a C-section. A lot of times they have buttons or the zipper,
[00:07:08.500] – Hilary Erickson
Probably when you go home, too, right?
[00:07:10.300] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah, that’s like all I lived in for weeks after giving birth. So those are my biggest ones. Basically, I always tell people because I’ve been asked this a lot, I always tell people to plan for your comfort. They’re going to have everything you need. They’re like even like binders. I always got them to just give me, like, a stomach binder for walking around and stuff. And I definitely recommend using those.
[00:07:31.120] – Hilary Erickson
Oh, no. We charge for those at my hospital.
[00:07:33.870] – Lindsey Himmer
Oh, well, at that point I’d already had enough like I already met my deductible. Didn’t really matter what they charge or charge me for anything.
[00:07:39.880] – Hilary Erickson
Oh no. They don’t charge your insurance. They charge.
[00:07:41.980] – Lindsey Himmer
Oh really.
[00:07:42.550] – Hilary Erickson
We expect cash at the bedside of people. Oh, Unabiding
[00:07:46.060] – Lindsey Himmer
That’s never happened to me before where it is. I guess so. I think it’s a little bit weird.
[00:07:50.020] – Hilary Erickson
[00:07:51.490] – Lindsey Himmer
But yeah, it’s basically just I always planned for like you’re going to be in the hospital longer. I, I kind of tried to trick myself into thinking it was like a hotel getaway and the worst hotel ever but and people were making me meals and I didn’t have to take care of my other kids.
[00:08:07.990] – Lindsey Himmer
And I know you probably are going to say, but I’m guessing this is one of the things you tell people not to do. But I always brought my own pillow and I have no regrets.
[00:08:16.060] – Hilary Erickson
No, I think if it makes people feel better. But I just want to be really clear that that pillow may not come home. Because or you may not want it to come home because who knows if you’ll bleed on it or whatever. I just want to be really clear that you just never know what could happen in.
[00:08:30.250] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah, but I loved having my own pillow.
[00:08:32.320] – Lindsey Himmer
I loved having like just like a blanket, like I have a couple of blankets right there on the couch or something kind of familiar and comfortable. I found it very comforting and then just a couple of like toiletries. But I think my favorite thing to tell people to bring is an Amazon fire TV stick that is..
[00:08:48.220] – Hilary Erickson
Oh, that you can plug in the TV.
[00:08:49.570] – Lindsey Himmer
Yes. And then you can watch you can connect to your Netflix or Amazon, whatever you watch and turns the stupid hospital TV into like I’m actually pretty good TV.
[00:08:57.730] – Hilary Erickson
I will say, wow, sounds like I’m trashing where I used to work, but I don’t think they didn’t allow people to plug stuff in. They were really weird. Oh really. So check with you. You can call the hospital and mine didn’t care. We had just installed a new TV system and apparently were nickel and diming people at my hospital. But they they were just weird about people plugging stuff in. Maybe there is a spot for a Fire stick.
[00:09:18.370] – Hilary Erickson
But I know people had asked about plugging their Nintendo in, which I was always like, for reals, you think you’re gonna have time for Nintendo? But they were like, no. So we did call the hospital. Yeah, no, I think that’s totally fine. But there were not spots when I would look for people. So you can always call the hospital. Like, if there’s something you want to bring along, those lines definitely call the hospital, especially during covid.
[00:09:41.260] – Hilary Erickson
People are trying to bend over backwards to try and accommodate you because we know we can do too or so. Yeah, call them and they cannot answer those kind of things.
[00:09:47.830] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah, that was a nice thing to have though.
[00:09:49.390] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. So you would wear the hospital gown for like a while and then you’d switch to your own gown?
[00:09:53.770] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah, it kind of depended for some, some hospital stays. I never took off the hospital gown. I just figured get your clothes dirty and gross and I’ll wear my own clothes.
[00:10:02.770] – Lindsey Himmer
And then sometimes the hospital gowns weren’t as comfortable, they were harder to nurse in and more kind of fidgety. So then sometimes I just wear my own stuff. I had a couple of house gowns are just kind of cycled through those.
[00:10:12.790] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, I think that’s really important that to put it in your bag, but don’t feel like you have to wear it because I agree. I always tell people not to wear anything that they’re planning to take home, at least for the first twelve to twenty four hours, because again you aren’t going to want to wash what could come out.
[00:10:25.900] – Lindsey Himmer
Oh yeah, I got the I mean, they’re always having to change the sheets and stuff, so…
[00:10:31.630] – Hilary Erickson
That’s our job. Like we’re used to that. And, and like you said, every gown kind of fits differently. I will say that when I go to pull out a gown, they feel very different. Sometimes I’m like, oh, not you, because it’s just we’re using harsh cleaning chemicals because of what we’re doing. And so sometimes I forget it’s not fitting.
[00:10:49.900] – Hilary Erickson
People can always ask for another one or bring your own from home. And when you’re done, like, really bleeding, I think that’s a great time to put it on. And Amazon has some really good ones. They’re really kicking up their game for like twenty five dollars because I can be a decent looking down. Yeah. Some of them on Etsy where they’re like one fifty. I’m like I don’t need one hundred and fifty dollar dress to bleed on.
[00:11:06.820] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah. I personally I don’t think that buying the hospital gown fancy dress is worth it. If it makes you feel good go for it. But I, I think the house dresses where you can wear them outside of just being in a hospital. Much better investment.
[00:11:21.760] – Hilary Erickson
Oh that’s such a good idea too because I think you can enjoy those when friends come to visit more than all those kind of things. OK, anything else?
[00:11:28.090] – Lindsey Himmer
You feel more put together.
[00:11:29.260] – Hilary Erickson
Oh yeah. And you’re probably going to want some pictures either way. Yeah. So I have something that you feel confident in. You’ve got to feel more confident than that blue hospital gown either.
[00:11:41.380] – Lindsey Himmer
[00:11:42.160] – Hilary Erickson
OK, anything else people should pop in their bags?
[00:11:44.980] – Lindsey Himmer
For mom? No. But for baby. I can talk about that if that’s.
[00:11:49.630] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, sure.
[00:11:50.950] – Lindsey Himmer
So for babies I love bringing my own blankets for them too, just because you can only see what they’re wearing. So again, I let them just wear the hospital stuff.
[00:12:00.220] – Lindsey Himmer
OK, that’s fine. But I like. Getting my own blankets on them and I usually have really soft stretchy ones and the nurses all loved them, too, and then either hats or headbands could be OK, don’t take pictures of stuff. But yeah, it was really pointless trying to dress them in little clothes that typically don’t fit them yet and are just they don’t love it and then they’ll cover it up with a blanket anyways. So for babies, my only thing for them was like cute blankets.
[00:12:24.600] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, I think that’s a great idea because a lot of times the nurse comes in, we have to completely undress them and then I’m kind of like, OK, you put your own clothes back on because I have no idea where the snaps go. But I like that about blanket, especially because if you’re planning on having a C-section, you’re going to be there longer, whereas if you’re just having a vaginal delivery, you’re only there twenty four to forty eight hours.
[00:12:45.030] – Hilary Erickson
But if you’re having a C-section, you got three days ahead of you. So you kind of want some more. You know, you want to be more excited about that baby and all those kind of things. And the nurses, we love it when there’s like exciting things for something to take us out of monotony. Yeah.
[00:12:58.710] – Lindsey Himmer
Oh, I forgot one of the most important things. A nursing pillow. Definitely like a baby. Yes. I like the Bobby Nursing Pillow. It has. It’s sort of like the hybrid between like the my breast friend and a regular Bobby. It kind of is their version of that. But like I know, a lot of people love them, my breast friend. And then the Bobby, find whatever feels comfortable for you. But when you have that C section, you do not want to be putting a lot of weight on your stomach or things pushing against your stomach and having like somewhere to kind of like lay the baby down.
[00:13:26.430] – Lindsey Himmer
The nurse them is huge, makes it a lot more comfortable.
[00:13:29.700] – Hilary Erickson
I totally agree because we end up using like five pillows to try and prop the baby up on your belly and then the baby kind of sinks into those pillows and you’re like, oh, so sorry about that. Then we re-prop them back up. But I agree. But again, just be aware, I would just keep the bobby out of your bed when you’re not breastfeeding. That’s usually what I tell my patients. Just in case you bleed or the baby spits up, then you’re not having to clean up the bobby.
[00:13:51.180] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, because it’s not the funnest thing to wash. It’s not the hardest. Yeah, that’s not the funnest. Most of those come with washable covers. Can you guess. I put laundry at a high.
[00:14:00.330] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah. The one that I recommend the Bobby like actual nursing use and wash the entire thing which was nice. You just throw the whole thing.
[00:14:07.800] – Lindsey Himmer
The washer has a little kind of stiff insert which is really nice when they’re really little because then they kind of they don’t sink into the pillow as much that you take out with the rest. It just you throw the entire pillow in. Oh, that’s not washes. And if they split up then whatever got into the bop. Yeah exactly. You’re clear. Yeah. Oh that’s handy. Yeah. I would recommend that if you’re planning a C-section. Yeah.
[00:14:27.030] – Lindsey Himmer
And the football look up and learn how to do the football hold. It really took me until like my fourth baby to figure out that one and it just made a huge difference once I figured that out.
[00:14:36.780] – Hilary Erickson
Lindsey, you should have another one now that you’re so prepared.
[00:14:39.270] – Lindsey Himmer
I know I told my husband. He got the snip snip, so I don’t think it’s going to happen. You’re not you never know if God wants it badly enough.
[00:14:49.230] – Hilary Erickson
Oh, don’t say that. It’s not funny. If God wants me to have another baby right now, that’s going to need to give Drew a new wife. All right. So this is awesome. Any other tips for moms for C sections? And you like mindframe for the pain or the recovery or those types of things?
[00:15:07.680] – Lindsey Himmer
Oh, yeah. Take the pain meds on time. Schedule it on your phone if you have to. In the hospital, advocate for yourself to get them as soon as possible. I watched that thing on the wall. I probably looked like a druggie. I always told them I was a seven to make sure I could get pain meds because once it starts to wear off, it takes a long time to get feeling normal again. And I made that mistake with some of my earlier babies.
[00:15:28.890] – Lindsey Himmer
And so I just I always stayed on top of it for the first little bit. Just you don’t want to go off it. It hurts so bad.
[00:15:34.800] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. And they are actually coming up with new really doing stuff about like some Ethicone to help any gas and chewing gum. So there’s lots of techniques that nurses are starting to implement to where they’re trying to make it just less painful in general. But that doesn’t mean that you aren’t supposed to take the pain meds. It’s supposed to mean this is in addition to that, to just try and make the recovery process a little bit easier for you guys as well.
[00:15:56.100] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah, this is not a time to be a hero or try to be strong and do it on your own. Grit your teeth and not the time for this.
[00:16:02.580] – Hilary Erickson
No, because you need to get up. So many people are like, I’m going to grin and bear it and I’m just going to lay in the bed the whole day. No. Yeah, that’s going to make it worse. Yeah. Were you good at getting up right after.
[00:16:12.210] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah, I was really good about getting up. I found wearing a binder when you start walking around makes a huge difference with being able to go longer and not hurt as bad after. Yeah. So I always, I find that really important.
[00:16:24.300] – Hilary Erickson
I’ve been in hospitals where they recommend it, where they don’t recommend it. I’m not sure why they don’t recommend it, but you’ll see their uterus like flop kind of right on that incision area. I’m a big fan of the binder, so I would ask your doctor if that’s something that the hospital will give you and if not, even if you’re having a vaginal delivery, I wouldn’t say it’s a bad idea to grab, for like twenty bucks on Amazon.
[00:16:45.930] – Hilary Erickson
I’ll link it in the show notes. But they have ones that go around your hip and your belly just to kind of give you the support you need as that uterus is shrinking back down.
[00:16:52.950] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah, and it doesn’t need to be fancy. There’s a lot I’ve looked up that can go run like ninety one hundred dollars and stuff. I don’t know, I’d say get a cheap one at least at first and see if. You really want it long term and you’re going to change sizes, too. You’re going to start off a lot bigger and then within like a week or two, you’re going to start to get a lot smaller. If you’re spending a lot of money on one that fits you, it’ll fit you for like five days and then that’s it and it’s over.
[00:17:15.640] – Hilary Erickson
A lot of the doctors I know that they do say that you’re becoming dependent on the Byner and you obviously want to keep those muscles working. So you obviously want it off when you’re, like in bed or. And a lot of people don’t like how hot they are. I’ve heard people saying they’re itchy and hot. Yeah, I don’t like the end of the matter when you get up. Yeah. One of my hospitals, we had seven patients. Twenty four.
[00:17:33.670] – Hilary Erickson
Seven. Wow. Which I thought well not when they showered and stuff, but we put the binder on them the whole time and I wasn’t a big fan of that. So I think there is a happy medium for the binders, but there is definitely a sore spot in my heart for them. Yeah, big fan. So ask your doctor if your hospital nickels and dimes you to buy a binder.
[00:17:51.910] – Hilary Erickson
If it was so weird when we started charging, but I don’t work there anymore. So there we go.
[00:17:56.500] – Hilary Erickson
Anything any other tips for moms, any tips for dads. So another tab.
[00:18:00.520] – Lindsey Himmer
Ask the nurses what you can take and take everything you can possibly do. I’ve had a lot of nurses who are super sweet too, who were like, OK, I’ll go grab you a couple of extra pads or extra. I like the panties personally because I’d rather just throw them away than have to clean my own. So I always stocked up on all that stuff and they’re really good about it always.
[00:18:19.780] – Hilary Erickson
And if anything is disposable in the drawers, obviously linens and stuff like that, obviously we clean and whatever, but we have to throw the rest of it out. We can’t like even those blue chucks and stuff that are left in the drawers. They’re handy to have. If you have a kid who’s feeling sick, I pop their head on one of those cases so they don’t ruin my couch.
[00:18:35.800] – Lindsey Himmer
Yeah, and I was got a lot of the like the pads.
[00:18:38.140] – Lindsey Himmer
I know that they’re more for vaginal burst pads have icepack in them, but putting one of those cold called icepacks right up against your incision feels amazing.
[00:18:45.880] – Hilary Erickson
Oh, good idea. I’ve never worked at a place that we don’t take anything like that. It must be a Texas thing to have.
[00:18:52.180] – Lindsey Himmer
I’ve been to three different hospitals. They all have this stuff, so I don’t know where your work is.
[00:18:57.870] – Hilary Erickson
OK, let’s really do. A lot of times we will give them an ice. We’ll just make them an ice pack with a Ziploc, just spending some like eat some ice. So I kind of see what makes people feel better, but I think that’s a good idea. Just, you know, anything you could do to kind of help it feel better is good because obviously you want to be on this pain meds forever. So we’re working away you off and to still move and all those kind of things.
All right. So much good advice for a C section. Moms, remember to prepare even if you don’t think it’s going to happen to you because you have enough babies. One of them will be C section. Thanks, Lindsey. Thanks for coming on. Yeah, thanks for having me. OK, guys, I know no one wants to think about it, just like Lindsey said. I think she said it so perfectly that you just kind of ignore that thing and especially if you’ve already had one vaginally.
I think a lot of people, hundred percent ignore any C section information, but you never know. So often baby gets in a weird position, something happens. Who the heck knows? It’s just so good to be prepared for it. And honestly, you can just forget all that information in the past. So I do have a full chapter on caesarean section deliveries in my prenatal class. It is not that long, but it just prepares you and your partner for what could happen if that ends up happening.
So I totally recommend it. I can’t tell you how many moms I’ve had who are so happy that they took a look at that section instead of skipping over it. So I think it’s Chapter nine. Don’t quote me on that.
Thanks so much for joining us today. I hope we help smooth out a few of the smiles in your life. We drop an episode every Monday and we always appreciate it when you guys share and review. Until next time, we hope you have a tangle free day.
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