Being creative as a mom can be a huge outlet for you, and it can also be huge for your family. Today we talk with Jen Crookston and Paula Iniguez about how they find creative among lots of kids and jobs as moms.
Today’s guests are two sisters who grew up in Eugene, Oregon and have since transplanted to Utah. Between us we have 13 children ages 22 down to 3. We started our blogging adventure in 2011 as the Real Housewives of Riverton as a joke because we don’t think there is much REAL about the Real housewives shows. In October 2011 we had a post go viral on Pinterest (when that was still a real thing) and a million page views later we thought we should take it more seriously. Since then we have been sharing everything from favorite recipes and craft projects to home remodels and the in and outs of day to day life with children big and small. These days we are focusing on anything that might make the day to day of women easier. That might mean a healthy meal that even the pickiest eater will enjoy or a way to get that stubborn stain out of your carpet. We’re willing to give almost anything a try and hope that you always leave our site uplifted and feeling like you can do anything you set your mind to. You can find them at Creative Housewives and Cricut Inspiration
Big thanks to our sponsor Family Routines — if you feel like you can’t find the time to be creative — finding some routine can give you the breathing room to find yourself, and how you can creatively add to your household.
In this episode
We talk about HOW you can find areas of creativity in your home.
Using creativity in parenting, housewife, and creative projects you can enjoy!
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Producer: Drew Erickson
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[00:00:00.210] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, guys, welcome back to the Pulling Curls Podcast. Today on Episode 107, we’re talking about getting creative, but it’s not like, you know, sewing. We will talk about. But it’s like how much creativity life needs, especially as a mom. So let’s untangle it.
[00:00:25.880] – Hilary Erickson
Hi, I’m Hilary Erickson, the curly head behind the Pulling Curls Podcast, where we untangle pregnancy, parenting, home and even travel. We know there’s no right answer for every family, but hopefully we can spark some ideas that will work for yours. Life’s tangled, just like my hair.
OK, guys, before we get started, could you give me a review? I love reviews. They are the very best, the seriously the very best. Could you give me a review? Thanks. Today’s guests are the Creative Housewives. Jen owns My Crappy Farmhouse on Instagram where they are remodeling a crappy farmhouse per her own words. They have loads of children between the two of them. I want to welcome my friends, Jen and Paula.
[00:01:19.070] – Hilary Erickson
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[00:01:56.710] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, Jen and Paula, welcome to the Pulling Curls Podcast.
[00:01:59.560] – Jen & Paula
[00:02:01.040] – Hilary Erickson
So exciting. I love it when I have friends come on the podcast.
[00:02:04.630] – Jen & Paula
We’re so excited to be here, so excited.
[00:02:06.430] – Hilary Erickson
OK, so you guys are the Creative Housewives, right?
[00:02:09.310] – Jen & Paula
[00:02:09.730] – Hilary Erickson
So are you creative?
[00:02:11.560] – Jen & Paula
Depending on the day. Sure, though. Yeah.
[00:02:15.850] – Hilary Erickson
All right. So I’d love each of you guys to speak a little bit about how you use creativity and like your home life, so be it. Like physically being creative or like emotionally creative or financially creative. All right. Who wants to start?
[00:02:30.370] – Jen & Paula
Well, I’m the older sister, so I’ll start. I’ll just say that I get to start this, but makes sense. So when it comes to being creative, I think that we have had to do all of the above. I think that when people see creative housewives, they immediately think like crafty or whatever. But but I know Paula and I’ll let her speak to more than more on this being creative in the kitchen. She is a pro at.
[00:02:51.190] – Jen & Paula
But you touched on being creative financially. And as you know, we have a lot of children between the two of us. And so so finding things to do and the ability to provide for the kids and all the things that they’re wanting to do and stuff, we’ve definitely had to be creative at times. And and then I even think like being creative in parenting in general, like how we’re going to have like which parent is going to do what and what things you literally are just going to let go and just be like where it doesn’t matter.
[00:03:24.670] – Jen & Paula
Like as I’m looking at my laundry over to the side, there are some days when where we’re right on top of that and other days when it’s like that’s just not going to happen today. So how and I don’t know if you want to get into that later, like, very specific stuff, but I think that for sure I know me personally when it comes to being creative. It is in every aspect of parenting.
[00:03:44.590] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. Having well, because every kid, like every day, it’s just a new situation, right?
[00:03:49.900] – Jen & Paula
Yes. Yeah. There’s no like with seven kids, you it there are some things that it’s just like, yeah. By the time you got to the last one, it was like I got this. But when it comes to parenting seven kids, it is parenting seven different individuals. There is no way I share the story a lot. My oldest was so easily motivated by money like we could get him to do or not do anything if there was money on the line, like it was just and then we had our daughter and she could not have cared less about money when she was little like it.
[00:04:20.860] – Jen & Paula
Just that did not motivate her in any way, shape or form. And so it was learning to parent all over again, like, OK, what are the things that she is excited about? What types of things? Like she’s doing something wrong. How can we convince her to stop doing that because she just didn’t care about the things he cared about.
[00:04:37.180] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. What do you think, Paula?
[00:04:39.220] – Jen & Paula
I think Jen really hit the nail on the head. You do with with different children. You do have to parent them differently and you do have to get creative in figuring out what is most important to them. And I have I have one kid that you look at him like you’re disappointed, then that breaks his heart, the fact that someone’s disappointed in him and it’s not even just his parents, his teachers, if like they’re like, yeah, you know what?
[00:05:03.580] – Jen & Paula
I really expect you blah, blah, blah. He’s like, oh, man. And so he knows next time he needs to do better to try harder. So it really is just very different for for each child and also in our homes. Just being creative, as Jen talked about, I love to cook and bake. So especially especially during the whole pandemic and things not being open or as readily available as they normally were. We were trying to figure out how to mix things up at home.
[00:05:30.640] – Jen & Paula
We thought we were really, really helping those businesses by doing curbside and everything. And after a while, about like, oh, we don’t want to do another curbside pickup, like we were actually craving those more at home meals and stuff, even though we were stuck at home so much. So being creative in coming up with just different things to keep your family happy at mealtime, keep them eating what they, what you’re making. So I’m not the type of mom that makes a lot of different meals because one kid doesn’t like this.
[00:06:00.490] – Jen & Paula
I try really hard to make things that the whole family will at least like something of. So they’ll walk away from the meal feeling full. But that is with a lot of different appetites, a lot of different preferences, being creative, putting all of that food into one meal to make sure that people are being nourished, actually physically nourished and eating, but also being creative in how Josh and I parent when it comes to all of the different activities our kids are doing.
[00:06:27.400] – Jen & Paula
We’re being pulled in a million different directions. And so we kind of do have to get creative. Our oldest is eighteen and so he drives, but he can help take one kid to one practice. While I’m taking someone somewhere else and Josh is taking someone somewhere else. And just kind of I think creativity in life is just almost something that you have to have. You have… And some people are more creative in some ways than others, which is great.
[00:06:52.210] – Jen & Paula
And that’s why I think we can all learn from each other, but it really is where your there’s different things that you have to make things work one way or the other. Josh was out of work for seven months, about two years ago, and so we had to get creative. All right. Well, we are going to have to prioritize this over this and make sure that we’re putting things that need to be first, first, and then figuring out how to make the other things work one way or the other.
[00:07:17.950] – Jen & Paula
And so it’s just creativity. I think everybody has it. I don’t think they recognize that they have it. And so we just try to help people recognize that creativity is not something that’s really as hard as you think.
[00:07:28.690] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, it doesn’t need to be pulling out your cricket maker. That would be the swearing housewives in my house.
[00:07:35.530] – Jen & Paula
I mean, we love our cricket machines 100 percent, but sometimes. Yeah, it’s what I can cut this with my paper trimmer and some scissors. I’m not going to pull out the cricket for that. But that is one one aspect of creativity or I’m just literally going to print it out from the printer period. There will be no cutting involved. This is what you get.
[00:07:56.590] – Hilary Erickson
Voila. I love how you guys mentioned spouse roles because I hadn’t even thought of that either. But I think that’s so true. We get a lot of people at church that are like, well, Drew is going to provide for your family and blah, blah, blah. And I’m like, we have very different roles. Like Drew does all the laundry folding and he does most of the cleaning at our house. And I do the organizing. I a lot of times get the stuff in the laundry, but we have different roles and we’re we’re like working to our strengths here.
[00:08:21.970] – Jen & Paula
Yeah, well, it it’s I feel like the world has changed so much from my oldest daughter is taking some classes right now and she was talking about like not like gender roles, but kind of like those traditional husband and wife roles and stuff. And and she was reading some of them off to me and was like kind of like, what are your thoughts on this? What are you? And I had to laugh because I was like, I don’t know how your dad and I fit into that, because we are definitely not those traditional roles like through our marriage.
[00:08:54.910] – Jen & Paula
It’s been you know, sometimes I’ve worked outside of the home and sometimes I haven’t. And sometimes I’ve worked inside of the home and sometimes I’ve had it. I haven’t. And sometimes we had a billion babies running around that were little. And that was what my whole day consisted of. And the idea of putting dinner on the table was never going to happen if it was up to me. And and so I feel like I don’t know if I can say our whole married life, because he was in school for a while there at the beginning.
[00:09:20.260] – Jen & Paula
But for the majority of our married life, he was a he was a 50/50 in the kitchen. He he does. And it makes me happier than and ladies out there, if you’re not having your husband do the grocery shopping you may be missing out on, it was my favorite thing in the world when he started taking over grocery shopping, because when I would go grocery shopping, he would tend to question things like, do we need this?
[00:09:44.230] – Jen & Paula
Do we need that? You know, like when money’s tight, you’re looking at stuff. And that was not something I ever did. And I had to have surgery one time and he had done some grocery shopping. And I remember the like literally the kids like cheering because he had brought home like chicken nuggets and corn dogs and and that would have never like convenience foods like that were not something that was ever on my grocery list. It was like I mapped out the meals and I did the and and it kind of changed everything that it was like if you’re cool spending money on that kind of stuff.
[00:10:11.350] – Jen & Paula
And one night a week, it’s a fend for yourself. Everybody pick anything you want that I don’t have to cook and you are welcome to eat it. And that that just changed things for how I thought if I was being a good wife and mom, then I was making dinner every night and we were all sitting down and we were and having that just that little change. And it wasn’t intentional creativity. No. Is it different than a lot of people?
[00:10:35.170] – Jen & Paula
I tell people that it does all the grocery shopping and I had friends look at me and be like, so then what do you do? I promise there are things that I can still do if I’m not. The man does not do laundry. It’s just a given. He does not do laundry so well.
[00:10:50.680] – Hilary Erickson
It’s a give and take. I love that because it is kind of being creative, because it’s outside of what you think like the norms are. Because I agree, especially during the pandemic we started like having convenience food Friday where we would buy just like frozen treats and the kids would go out to the freezer and pick something. And that was as good as going out to eat to them because they love their pizza rolls. God bless them for sure.
[00:11:10.510] – Jen & Paula
And something that Josh and I learned, like Jen said, of being fifty fifty is and I hope that for most people, the fifty fifty partnership and marriage is not being creative. I want that to be the norm for people. I want that to be know. That’s how it is. A marriage is a partnership. But Josh and I decided a long time ago after having one of us at home, whether it was him or whether it was the one of us at home made our home run better.
[00:11:34.900] – Jen & Paula
It made things run more smoothly. So whether or not that was I mean, because sometimes it has been him that he’s been the one and the one getting kids out the door to school and making sure that clothes are ready and everything like that. And sometimes it’s been me at home, sometimes with the pandemic. It was both of us. You know, honestly, I prefer that we both get a work in. I’m home and everything, I think that’s fantastic, and we’re we’re both present at different times and and our abilities of things that we can help with our different parents.
[00:12:01.930] – Jen & Paula
If you can definitely have a situation where your spouse is the opposite when you need them to be the opposite, because there will be times when I am freaking out and somehow Josh is just super calm and like he’s like, it’s fine. And there are times when Josh is like, I can’t believe and I’m like going to work out. So somehow we always make that that work and just getting, you know, to figure out what works best for your family and get creative.
[00:12:27.100] – Jen & Paula
When you think of that, think of this might not be the norm. This might not be what’s what everyone else in our neighborhood is doing. But this is what works for us and it makes our family run great and it brings us closer together and we’re happier for it. So definitely trial and error, figure out what works and really focus on your family. Don’t focus on the outside of what everyone else is doing. Focus on what works best for you guys.
[00:12:48.670] – Jen & Paula
[00:12:49.150] – Hilary Erickson
And get creative because like for a while I worked swing shift, which I think a lot of people would be like, oh, the moms should work when the kids are done with school. But it worked well for us because Drew was done with school then and we only used a half hour daycare. And so there’s always lots of different options. OK, so we talked about like household creativity, but what do you guys like doing when you’re like you want to get your crafty selves on because you guys are pretty crafty?
[00:13:11.320] – Hilary Erickson
What do you like to do?
[00:13:12.340] – Jen & Paula
We are, yeah, I think so. I think Jen’s a lot better at crafty than I am. Like I said, I think that if you put our rules out there, I’m probably more the baker and the cook, and she definitely is. She’ll look at something and then be like, oh yeah, I’m going to make this. And I’m like, I don’t visualize that way. Not that type of creative. But yeah, I think that for me, I love cooking and baking.
[00:13:38.950] – Jen & Paula
It’s one of my favorite things, trying new things. I’m also trying to figure out ways to get my kids involved. They eat meals better when they’re involved, when they’re being able to create something in the kitchen with me, they are a lot more likely to eat what we’re making because they want to try what they need. And so that’s definitely one way of getting creative in the kitchen is get your kids involved, find out things they can do, even pippa.
[00:13:58.930] – Jen & Paula
She’s three. I give her a butter knife and some soft fruit and she cuts that up. I don’t care what it looks like. They’re going to eat it regardless. It’s fruit. Everybody eats it. You know, just figure out what you could do to get them involved and get them creating in the kitchen. And it’s going to be a lot more fun. And you’re going to get your kids eat a lot better.
[00:14:16.240] – Hilary Erickson
And they’re going to eat when they move out.
[00:14:18.100] – Jen & Paula
Exactly. They won’t starve to death.
[00:14:19.720] – Jen & Paula
It’s not going to be ramen.
[00:14:22.930] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, hey. Now I’ll take ramen.
[00:14:24.940] – Jen & Paula
It’s great, but every meal is a little rough. It gets a little rough.
[00:14:31.900] – Hilary Erickson
I have one moving out, but literally every time he uses the microwave, he goes, How long should I put this in? What is it like? Just give it a just give it a minute. Just try a minute.
[00:14:41.140] – Jen & Paula
I always tell my kids, start with twenty seconds, stir, twenty seconds, stir, and then you can decide if it needs longer. Isn’t it funny how we’re all different with that. Because Hilary, you said a minute. Paula, you said 20 seconds.
[00:14:52.120] – Jen & Paula
I’m always like a thirty second. It is without a bell. I’m like thirty seconds but for thirty seconds flip it over halfway through.
[00:14:58.910] – Hilary Erickson
I know we just got the new microwave and it’s a minute on it. One we bought the more expensive microwave and it’s got a minute button and I feel like it was a minute button for a reason. My last one had a thirty seconds.
[00:15:10.600] – Jen & Paula
I don’t want to say go you go. So I think like I have there have been times when I’ve been in a lot of Paula in the kitchen and it has been and I’m just like that. I am not that person that you can be like, here, try this. And I’m like, OK, I get a little skeptical, but I would never be able to tell you what was in it. It’s like, yeah, maybe if I had like lemon or something, I do not pick flavors out that way.
[00:15:33.370] – Jen & Paula
And so for me, creativity comes in most ways that don’t involve the kitchen from tearing down ninety percent of the house and figuring out how we want it to go back together. I am at my happiest when I have a project and whether that is breaking out the maker and creating shirts for my kids or I will never forget. There was one year that I was doing a lot of sewing. I love to sew and I was doing a lot of sewing and it was probably like ten o’clock at night.
[00:16:03.460] – Jen & Paula
And Belle I think was like eleven maybe. And so I had three girls right in a row. Bell was eleven. That would have made Anna nine in the seven and then Lyla would have been just a baby. And Bell was like, Oh Mom, we should really have new skirts for tomorrow. Like and she was and the fact that she was like a that she was like, if I say this to my mom, she could do this.
[00:16:26.800] – Jen & Paula
Like that was like huge to me, like I cannot let her down. And so Nate was like rolling his eyes, laughing at me because I was like, oh, go on, search for tomorrow. I might stay up tonight and make them all skirts. And he was like, You’re what? And I had so much fun doing that, using that part of my brain, figuring it out. And so that’s my creativity comes in those types of ways.
[00:16:48.490] – Jen & Paula
And also, like, even if my kids weren’t sitting down doing it with me all the time. Seeing me doing it like I’ve never had well, for like five minutes once I did, but I’ve never really had a designated crafting space, so it’s always been like right on the kitchen table, in the middle of everything. And so they’re there and they’re seeing it like, Mom, what are you doing? What are you. And it’s like, oh, I’m working on this or I’m doing this.
[00:17:09.430] – Jen & Paula
And I love that. Because when you hear them talking to their friends and stuff, call it pride, whatever. But it makes me so happy when my kids are like, oh, my mom could do that. Or, you know, like it’s like, oh, my mom is like it’s such it’s fun for them. It makes me feel good that they’re excited about it. And and specifically that year, that belle was like, we all need matching skirts.
[00:17:29.650] – Jen & Paula
I in my head I was like, this is probably the last time that she is ever going to want to match her younger sisters, you know, and like have that. And so embracing those changes and stuff like that in life I think is but it’s something that’s fun for me. Like, I know it’s not fun for everyone. I remember there was a talk in conference one year where they were like I think they specifically mentioned staying up to make like the matching bow for the baby’s outfit for church on Sunday or something like that, and made like skydiving me and being like.
[00:18:01.420] – Jen & Paula
And how many times have you stayed up all night because you were like, is it a necessity or is it something that made me happy? Yes. And do I believe that my house is a different place when I’m happy versus when I just feel like I’m down in a funk and not one hundred percent? And so luckily I have and I feel like Paula does as well, a very supportive family for like they know that that’s something important to me.
[00:18:25.090] – Jen & Paula
And so when I was like, I think I need a scroll saw me, it was like, why do you need a scroll? Saw her? And I was like, well, I saw this thing and I think I can do it. And he was like, OK. And so I think it’s been like two months ago we bought a scroll saw that’s still sitting in the box. So I haven’t actually had time to break it out yet.
[00:18:42.130] – Jen & Paula
But but they they encourage and they have fun with and it seems like they always have something that they would love. I know mom can do that. And so it always I think it ends up benefiting everyone when we’re doing the things that we love and finding. And for me, that’s creative crafting or construction, apparently.
[00:19:01.450] – Hilary Erickson
I love that you said the show is like, oh, my mom could do that. And I was trying to think what my kids would say about that. I think they’d be like, oh, my mom knows about herpes.
[00:19:09.990] – Jen & Paula
Are you worried that’s herpes? My mom could definitely help out with that. That’s very creative. And like you said, you can’t it is a little sense of accomplishment and being proud of yourself, of knowing how to do things, because just recently my husband’s over the young men at our church and they want to do something for Cinco de Mayo. So we make taquitos. I know how to make tortillas. So we are going to teach them how to roll taquitos and make their own fresh tortillas as something that’s like something that a lot of these kids, their parents probably don’t know how to do.
[00:19:42.790] – Jen & Paula
And that’s fine because everyone has their different strong suits. But I was like, that’s kind of awesome that he was like, oh, yeah, we’ll teach them how to make a couple of things to help learn about Cinco de Mayo and celebrate the Mexican culture and things like that. So that is it is it’s a little sense of pride that, like my creativity is, is something my other family members could also be proud of and be excited about.
[00:20:04.480] – Hilary Erickson
[00:20:05.200] – Hilary Erickson
And you can teach your kids. And even if that’s not a strong suit that they have, at least they know how to do it. Yeah, I love what I’m hearing is that everybody has different areas that they enjoy being creative in, because I think a lot of us feel like we need to be creative in the kitchen, where in reality my kids would probably be happy with the same five meals constantly. But I much prefer like a huge variety and all the different things.
[00:20:26.890] – Hilary Erickson
So that’s what I enjoy doing. But do what makes you happy. That’s what I’m learning from you guys, rather than being in the rut of like, well, everybody else uses their cricket maker. I need to use my cricket maker and learn some new swearwords. Oh, you just use your cricket joy.
[00:20:40.400] – Jen & Paula
Yeah, that’s a great joy. But it’s true that everybody is like there’s a lot of people who say, I’m not creative. You are creative, you’re just creative differently than what you think the norm of quote unquote creative is. And that’s OK. Like use that creativity to do things that make you happy. Like Jen said, if it makes you happy, if it’s not stressful, then I mean, there are times that cooking a big meal and like, oh, heavens, I can’t wait until this is over.
[00:21:08.770] – Jen & Paula
But I also really enjoy being in the kitchen. A lot of times he’ll be like, well, let me help you with that. I’m like, no, no, I’ll do it. I just want to do it like it has. It’s kind of my thing. It’s where I it’s something that I enjoy doing. It’s something where I feel I exceed what maybe some people’s normal expectations would be. And that’s just makes me happy like nothing else just makes me happy.
[00:21:28.630] – Jen & Paula
And seeing people fed, well, that makes me happy. Weirdly, it’s like, oh, look, they’re so happy. They know they’re all eating. It’s great, though. I just think that people need to not be stuck in in a rut of this is what creative creativity is so vast and so many different things you can be creative with. So don’t let yourself fall into a box of. Well, I’m not creative like this, therefore I’m not creative.
[00:21:52.850] – Hilary Erickson
Oh, I so much identify with that a lot because I would be like at the craft things a church and I would be like, I do not fit into this at all, even though I’m I’m I feel like I’m a creative person, especially now that I’m doing more on my job. But back in the day, I would have been said not creative. And people just roll their eyes when I walk up to their table because they know I’m going to ruin things.
[00:22:13.980] – Jen & Paula
But I think the other thing is, is that, you know, I think another way that you can look at being creative is by trying new things. You know, maybe being in the kitchen doesn’t bring you joy. Maybe breaking out a cricket machine and crafting doesn’t bring you joy. But another thing that everyone laughs at me about, well, I mentioned earlier my laundry. Part of the reason that my laundry gets backed up is because I actually love to do laundry.
[00:22:40.550] – Jen & Paula
Nothing makes me happier than, like, figuring out how to get a stain out of something or taking it silly. I’ve tried to talk about being creative. I have tried a lot of different things to get stuff out. But, you know, like I find that thing that makes you happy or that you feel like you’re using your brain. And I think that’s what it comes down to. It being creative is just using your brain. You’re not sitting there, just kind of blah.
[00:23:05.000] – Jen & Paula
You’re finding something to do and stuff and do it. But then don’t beat it to death until it doesn’t bring happiness. Because I feel like that’s the other thing is it’s like there were times when I was sewing and like I said, I loved to sew and all of a sudden people were like, oh, can you do this for me or can you do this for me? And I was like, Oh, sure, that’ll be fun. And so I’d be like, oh, well, you know, if I charge them this much, then basically I can make the outfit that I wanted to make for Lila and and make theirs.
[00:23:33.380] – Jen & Paula
And It didn’t cost me anything to make it, but I got to the point where I was doing so much for other people. I never got to do it for fun anymore. And so then I just stopped like it was like, nope, I’m not doing this for anybody else, like it was. And and so now my sewing is less. But when I do it, it’s something that I get to really be excited about. And so I would say be aware of that.
[00:23:50.900] – Jen & Paula
If you have something that you do enjoy doing and it helps you to be creative and stuff, don’t let somebody or yourself even take that away from you, from it being the fun thing, because then you have to find something new and then that might not be fun.
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– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
[00:24:05.520] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, sometimes in the kitchen, like, I love to be creative, but sometimes you’re just like making a meal, which can be monotonous. But sometimes I, like, remind myself, like you are baking for fun this morning, Hillary like this is supposed to be fun. Put on some music, take your time. Don’t be like it needs to be done by X, Y, Z, but you know, so sometimes you need to remind yourself that you’re here to be creative.
[00:24:26.480] – Hilary Erickson
All right. Great discussion, ladies. Anything and any other tips on being creative at home?
[00:24:30.410] – Jen & Paula
No, I mean, other than I just like I said, just jump in, you know, look and think about the things that you like to do and really think about it. Don’t judge your creativity by somebody else. You love that. Yeah, for sure. I second that wholeheartedly. Do what? What the Marie Kondo is that her name. But what sparks joy. Might that find your joy and then just let it continue to be that I’m in a couple of like crafty creative groups on Facebook and one person has shared something that they made and everybody else like you should so that she’s like, no, I do this for fun.
[00:25:05.510] – Jen & Paula
This is what I do because I love it, because I enjoy it. I don’t want to make it a job. And I was like, oh, brilliant, what a great way to think about it. Don’t don’t make something you love. Be something that’s just another monotonous that’s part of your life. Yeah. Like blogging.
[00:25:22.130] – Jen & Paula
Right. Right.
[00:25:23.600] – Jen & Paula
It’s over the fun at a blog for the money. Money. No, that’s all right.
[00:25:29.990] – Hilary Erickson
Thanks for coming on, ladies.
[00:25:33.440] – Hilary Erickson
Ok, I hope you guys enjoyed that episode. I just think that being a mom and having a family means you got to get creative. And I love that you can be creative in a way that you love because there’s a lot of great things we have to do as a parent that we maybe don’t love. But there’s a lot of things that we really enjoy. And when we take that and run with it, I think that’s when the real joy of parenting comes, at least for me. So I hope you guys enjoyed that one. Thanks so much to Jen and Paul coming on. It was a really fun chat.
[00:25:57.140] – Hilary Erickson
Thanks so much for joining us on today’s episode. We know you have lots of options for your ears and we are glad that you chose us. We drop episodes weekly and until next time, we hope you have a tangle free day.
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