How do we handle parenting when our kids need something we can’t give them. When we are over-stimulated as a parent, how do we handle a kid that needs more than we can give.
Today’s Guest is Julie Vick. She is the author of Babies Don’t Make Small Talk (So Why Should I?), a humorous advice book for introverted parents navigating the early years of parenthood. She has written for New Yorker Daily Shouts, Parents magazine, Real Simple, and McSweeney’s Internet Tendency; and most importantly, one of her tweets once appeared in In Touch Weekly. Learn more about her at julievick.com.
Big thanks to our sponsor Family Routines — don’t let your home be the drain for your life! Get some help by the people who live there.
In this episode
Defining what an introvert is.
How to set boundaries
What to do when your kids need/want things that you can’t emotionally give them
How to be aware of your kids being over-stimulated
Other things that might interest you
Why my kids hate me and that’s OK
Producer: Drew Erickson
[00:00:00.190] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, guys, welcome back to the Pulling Curls Podcast. Today on episode 161, we are talking about being an introverted parent. Let’s untangle it.
[00:00:18.870] – Hilary Erickson
Hi. I’m Hilary Erickson, the curly head behind the Pulling Curls Podcast: pregnancy and parenting untangled. There’s no right answer for every family, but on this show, we hope to give you some ideas to make life simpler at your house. Life tangled just like my hair.
[00:00:39.970] – Hilary Erickson
Okay, guys, today’s guest is the author of Babies Don’t Make Small Talk, So Why Should I? A humorous advice book for introverted parents navigating the early years of parenthood. I think it can be harder than we pretend it is. Like when your baby wants something that you can’t give them. Anyway, today I want to introduce our guest, Julie Vick.
[00:01:02.750] – Hilary Erickson
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[00:01:39.690] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, Julie. Welcome to the Pulling Curls Podcast.
[00:01:42.180] – Julie Vick
Thanks so much for having me.
[00:01:43.680] – Hilary Erickson
I’m really excited to talk about this because I think people label themselves as an introvert or not, but I think all of us have time where we veer either way, and so I think it’s a good thing to think about. And for my pregnant moms, if you’re pregnant out there, keep listening because I think this is something you can talk about with your partner in advance.
[00:02:00.300] – Julie Vick
Yeah, definitely. And even if you’re not the introvert, if your partner is, I think it’s helpful to know sometimes, too, right? Yeah.
[00:02:06.470] – Hilary Erickson
And to give them what they need so that they can be a better parent ultimately, right?
[00:02:09.950] – Julie Vick
For sure.
[00:02:10.440] – Hilary Erickson
Okay, so how do we define introvert?
[00:02:12.810] – Julie Vick
So it’s confusing because I think there’s a lot of different definitions out there, and then I think there’s sort of what people think it might be. But one kind of like, basic or commonly accepted definition of an introvert is someone who gets drained by stimulation and social situations, and then an extrovert is someone who sort of draws energy from social situations and stimulating environments. And I think people sometimes confuse it with shyness. Introverts aren’t always shy. Sometimes they are. I think I’m both introverted and shy at times, but shyness is more about fear of judgment in social situations and feeling awkward and sort of like anxious socially. But some introverts are not shy. They feel completely comfortable, like doing public speaking and chatting with large groups of people, but it just drains them. Yeah. Okay.
[00:02:59.060] – Hilary Erickson
So this is interesting. I think most people would say I’m a 100% extrovert, but when I’m at conferences, I have to do like a lot of positive, like self talk. Like, Hillary, you could make it through this day, a full day of talking to other people. Now it may just because that’s out of my norm.
[00:03:13.240] – Julie Vick
[00:03:13.850] – Hilary Erickson
I’m a person who works from home.
[00:03:15.740] – Julie Vick
[00:03:16.370] – Hilary Erickson
But I think it’s important to realize that we’re all on a spectrum of this and most people don’t identify entirely.
[00:03:22.650] – Julie Vick
Yeah, that’s so true. And there is also something called an ambivert where you’re kind of in the middle. So some people feel like they’re a little bit of both. But I think you’re right that even if you identify as an expert, you probably have times or situations where you also get dreamed to feel that way. And same as an introvert, there might be situations where you feel pretty comfortable and extroverted. But yeah, conferences is one like, I as an introvert, I actually really like going to conferences. I always get so much out of them and I love interacting with people that are doing similar things. But I just have to take breaks because I can’t go to every session. I can’t do everything without just getting completely worn out. So it’s interesting. Yeah.
[00:03:59.110] – Hilary Erickson
I think it’s so important to know yourself and kind of what to expect. It’s always hard when it’s like your first one.
[00:04:04.660] – Julie Vick
[00:04:05.120] – Hilary Erickson
So it might be good to talk with other people who maybe have similar personality types, like how you navigate a conference or whatever. But today we’re talking about parity. It is easier to navigate when it’s just ourselves, for sure, because we have these little people that may be introvert or extroverts that entirely depend on us. And if you’re a stay at home mom, they really entirely depend on you.
[00:04:25.900] – Julie Vick
Right. So yeah.
[00:04:27.540] – Hilary Erickson
What do we do?
[00:04:28.440] – Julie Vick
Yeah. So I think this is something that going into parenthood. I definitely knew I was an introvert before I became a parent, but I don’t think I thought about how it might affect my parenting or change what I should do. So I think it’s helpful just to kind of be aware of what you are, whether you’re an introvert expert and then what is going to kind of drain you with parenting. And it’s not possible, as we know, to always set up the ideal quiet scenario when you’re trying to parent your kids, but I think just setting up things in your schedule and environment that are going to help you do better. So for me, one of the triggers that I kind of know about myself is just like noise. If there’s a lot of noise, constant noise, it definitely kind of drains me and chips away at my patients a little bit. And I think just being aware of that and realizing when it’s starting to happen and then trying to change my environment, it’s possible to reduce that. And then another one for me is just being overscheduled. And so I think it’s something tricky with parenting.
[00:05:29.710] – Julie Vick
And even when kids are younger and you’re trying to go to these baby classes and different things. But as they get older and they have all these activities and all these potential things you could be doing all the time. I think being aware of if being over scheduled doesn’t work well for you. I think just sort of like being really thoughtful about your family schedule and what you say yes to and no to. And giving yourself pockets of time to kind of have more downtime. If that’s what you need. Yeah.
[00:05:53.680] – Hilary Erickson
And realizing that you may make the mistake of over scheduling. Every parent does 100%.
[00:05:59.170] – Julie Vick
Yeah. And it’s so hard to avoid, especially if you as your kids builder, if you’re more than one kid, and even if you only have them do one activity each, that can completely fill up your time. So, for me, I think we tend to have busy week sometimes, but I try to it’s not always possible. I try to keep the weekends a little bit less scheduled if I can, because I think it helps me to kind of have a more mellow weekend to record from a busy week. But you’re right, it’s tricky sometimes. Yeah. Okay.
[00:06:23.480] – Hilary Erickson
So this is hard, though, because my parents were definitely like, hillary, settle down, Hillary. Settle down, Hillary. I got shushed a lot.
[00:06:30.200] – Julie Vick
[00:06:30.730] – Hilary Erickson
And so I’ve really tried I mean, definitely have told my kids to I probably even wasn’t as nice as shush. I probably said even because they’re older. But what do we do when we’re like, the main parent home? Kids are crazy. I tend to be like, let’s go outside, or you go outside.
[00:06:49.410] – Julie Vick
Yeah, I was going to say, going outside is a big one for me. I think it changes the tone of things, right. If it’s like being loud, like kids being loud in a small enclosed space is different than outside. And I think sometimes with my kids, if they’re getting loud or if you’re just like, they need to get some energy out and just getting outside, I think it helps us all. I feel like changes your mood a little bit. I think it’s some space, and it’s like the noise gets spread out more, right? Yes. Yeah. And it’s funny, I was thinking about that too, recently, even. Sometimes if my kids, they’re in elementary school now, they’re eight and ten, so sometimes they’re like, on a video chat with their friends inside, and it’s getting louder. Sometimes I can just go out to the porch, just like to have a slight bit of separation where I can still hear them, but it helps me. But sometimes yeah, I agree. Getting us all outside is helpful. And then some other things that’s been helpful for me. I mean, sometimes trying to like we all want the dreams that they’re just going to play quietly, right?
[00:07:45.590] – Julie Vick
Like you find some activity or magic thing where they will just play quietly on their own.
[00:07:52.530] – Hilary Erickson
That is a 15 minutes drama dream and often that dream ends up with like they spilled Koolaid all over the.
[00:07:59.910] – Julie Vick
Walk into the room and it’s covered in marker or something but it was quiet or a little bit. But some things that have helped my kids will listen to audiobooks or podcasts on their own. Sometimes from a young age, obviously not babies, but from pretty young, they would listen to some of the kid oriented ones and sometimes that will buy me some time and then sometimes if I just need quieter time, sometimes it’s about putting on my own headphones or something. There’s no way. Canceling headphones. Or even if I could just listen to music or something else that kind of like separates me a little bit. Even if I need to be near them still. I think those sorts of things have helped me at times too. Yeah.
[00:08:33.820] – Hilary Erickson
I have a pair of super nice bows noise canceling headphones because my office is in our dining room, which is right next to the kitchen, which I mostly like. But during the pandemic I felt like everyone had a snack break every ten minutes, right. And they wanted to come down and shitty chat or they just wanted to come down and sing, right. I didn’t want to be like, I’m trying to work here every day because they had enough stress in their lives. So I just bought a nice pair and they knew if they were on I was working and just to leave me alone. But sometimes I would notice they were there and we chat for like five minutes and then the headphones would go back on, right. We would have each had our interaction and move on with our lives.
[00:09:12.110] – Julie Vick
Yeah, exactly. So I think still giving them acknowledging them and giving them attention and I think if you can divide it out, it’s so hard. Especially with hard during knockdown when they were doing remote learning and working from home and everything too. It’s funny, I haven’t tried these yet too, but I’ve heard about these like noise reducing headphones. Have you ever heard about those? I think loop makes them so it’s like you can still hear but it just takes the noise down a level.
[00:09:36.740] – Hilary Erickson
You can pick the level with my bow, so you can pick it up, like on a scale of five or ten and you can have someone or you can have it totally off or you can even have it enhance the sounds around you. Like if you’re running and you don’t want a rapist to catch you.
[00:09:49.600] – Julie Vick
Yeah, sometimes when you don’t want to completely black, right? Yeah, for sure. And like you’re saying. I think again. You can’t always do this. But I know that I get a little fright when I’m trying to multitask too much and so trying to obviously have to multi task and parenting all the time. But sometimes trying to have more defined times if I can. Where it’s like I’m focusing on them completely or completely but not trying to do both at once. That’s the hard thing when possible. But yeah.
[00:10:20.700] – Hilary Erickson
Any thoughts with babies? I just went to a conference and we were supposed to pick a band of like how comfortable we were with covet and stuff. I was like, I’m comfortable with Covet, but I’m not comfortable touching other people. And me with a baby, that was a lot because I was holding them constantly and they were touching me constantly. I was just like, this is so much, I want to put you down.
[00:10:42.190] – Julie Vick
Did you have a baby at the conference? No. Okay.
[00:10:46.330] – Hilary Erickson
But I was just like, I am a red band person all the time. Precovette. I would have been like, we don’t need a hug, it’s a hug free zone.
[00:10:54.220] – Julie Vick
Yeah, exactly. I know, I’m kind of like that too. Yeah, it’s funny, but I’m happy people want to I like having one on one conversations and stuff, but yeah, and I think that’s another thing for some people, like some people, the whole touched out thing is the thing, especially with babies and toddlers when you’re spending so much time carrying them and holding them. And I remember feeling that too when my kids were younger, just needing a break sort of from being the one always having someone on you. So I think if that’s like your thing, trying to find ways to do that. When my kids were younger again, getting outside, just putting them in a stroller and getting them outside sometimes I think that was good for my mental health. And then because my first baby, I think naps are great, but he was like a cat napper, he’d be like 30 minutes and that goes so fast when you are trying to have some alone time or just get anything done. So sometimes, yeah, I take them out in a store and push them around just like getting outside and then he would pull up a map or whatever.
[00:11:47.460] – Hilary Erickson
And that works for newborns too, I think. A lot of times people are like, oh, my baby’s too small to go on a walk. Oh no, baby can go on a walk from day one as soon as you feel comfortable walking.
[00:11:56.410] – Julie Vick
Yeah, definitely. I agree. And like some people will do the carriers or whatever, but whatever. I think just getting outside thing is a good one if you have a good nap or just taking advantage of the nap time. And then I think taking advantage of people who are willing to help. Especially if I had friends and family members who were happy to come home baby. So I think taking advantage of that when you can, or if you have it offered to you as well, just like, taking the breaks that you can.
[00:12:26.320] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, we had ladies at church that love to hold my baby during church, and I was always like and they loved holding the baby, and she got lots of attention, and I was just like, look who has their own body.
[00:12:35.000] – Julie Vick
Yeah, I know, right?
[00:12:36.520] – Hilary Erickson
[00:12:37.080] – Julie Vick
I so appreciate these people. And now I try to be that person that’s like, if someone has a baby, like, can I hold a baby? So you can eat something or do basic things.
[00:12:45.960] – Hilary Erickson
But yeah, it’s hard when they’re newborns, but when they’re a little bit older, a lot of times I’ll set a boundary that’s, like, we don’t pull mommy’s hair, and if we pull mommy’s hair, which is dumb, because my blog is called Pulling Curls. But if we pull mommy’s hair, I’m going to put you down. Right. Or if you pinch my boo, I’m going to put you back. My body is mine, and I get to make the choices for my body, and your body is yours. And so setting those boundaries can be really helpful.
[00:13:11.580] – Julie Vick
Yeah, I think I totally agree. Like, as they get old enough and then figuring out what works or you because I think one of the tough things with parenting is, like, you get so much information coming at you right. And what you should be doing and do it this way, and I think figuring out what works for you. So I think for me, I knew that I needed some people to have the baby in the stroller or something and not be always, like, carrying it, but some people that works well for so I think figuring out what’s draining you or being over stimulating for you and that may be different for someone else.
[00:13:42.440] – Hilary Erickson
Yes, it’s totally different. When I would hear those moms that are like, oh, I feel guilty if I lay them down, and I was like, I feel insane, and I’m holding them all day, I don’t enjoy it. I don’t know how the baby is enjoying it.
[00:13:52.940] – Julie Vick
Yeah, exactly. And I know I remember I read something once that someone was like, I miss my kids when I put them down for a nap. Obviously you love your kids, but I’m like, I think it was something like they almost want to wake them up. That’s different for me.
[00:14:09.630] – Hilary Erickson
This is not my experience, but we.
[00:14:12.940] – Julie Vick
All have different experiences, which is fine. Yeah.
[00:14:15.230] – Hilary Erickson
And I was watching on TikTok the other day about how important it is to lay your baby just on a blanket. And I think a lot of times people are like, they need to be in a swing or whatever. And I was like, turns out poor Hillary, circa 2000, was rocking the parenting game because all I had was a blanket to stick my baby on.
[00:14:31.870] – Julie Vick
Right. The old school blanket. I think is good and I feel like it is funny. There is something sort of like we’ve already said magic about getting outside, because I feel like sometimes my kids would be, like, fussy. Sometimes you’d have those days where, like, what’s going on? Like, you’ve tried everything, you don’t know what the thing is. And then sometimes just like, getting a change of scenery, like putting them in a stroller or putting them outside on a blanket or like the ceiling fan was big when I had babies. Right down and watch that. Just these small things that can help change things and improve people’s. News for babies.
[00:15:03.520] – Hilary Erickson
Well, the other thing is to give yourself that break, right. You’re not like, now’s my time to clean the kitchen.
[00:15:08.440] – Julie Vick
[00:15:09.140] – Hilary Erickson
If you really need that break, then take that time to like, I don’t know what you need to read a book or do some meditation. I don’t know.
[00:15:16.730] – Julie Vick
Yes, exactly. I agree. I think it’s so hard because you get a little pocket of time and you’re like, oh, I should be doing laundry, or there’s a million other things, but just trying to really give yourself something that’s like a true break for you and it might just be watching, like, a trashy TV show. That’s completely fine. I think whatever feels like it’s a break. Along those lines, I think this is obviously not always possible, but if you can get a longer break, sometimes it can be amazing. Right? Like, if you can have a night alone in a hotel room or something. That can sometimes be if you’re feeling really, truly kind of burnt out, especially with babies, sleep is so huge. Right. I think all the stuff was magnified for me when my kids were not sleeping that well and I was not sleeping that well, and so it was harder. I think I felt like over stimulated more easily. Yeah.
[00:16:01.700] – Hilary Erickson
And you feel like it’s never going to end.
[00:16:03.160] – Julie Vick
Yeah. And that feeling, I think is really hard. Right. Because you don’t know, like, now my kids are sleeping, so I have the benefit of seeing what happened. But yeah, when you’re in it, you’re just like, this is going to go on forever.
[00:16:14.230] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, it feels like it does.
[00:16:16.300] – Julie Vick
[00:16:17.210] – Hilary Erickson
So what I’m hearing is we are all different.
[00:16:19.630] – Julie Vick
[00:16:19.930] – Hilary Erickson
And that’s amazing because we all have different kids.
[00:16:22.330] – Julie Vick
[00:16:22.580] – Hilary Erickson
And I am a big believer that our kids were sent to us for a reason. I know a lot of people get angry with that because there are kids who are sent to horrible families.
[00:16:31.170] – Hilary Erickson
As a mom, I have to look at my kids and be like, they got me for a reason. I am the worksheet. Let’s color, let’s do stickers mom. I’m not the let’s all put on dress ups.
[00:16:40.840] – Julie Vick
[00:16:41.160] – Hilary Erickson
I hate playing logos.
[00:16:42.630] – Julie Vick
[00:16:43.590] – Hilary Erickson
Like, define what works for you and what fills your cup. And honestly, if you’re a happier mom, that’s going to go so much further for them.
[00:16:51.590] – Julie Vick
Yeah, definitely. I think so. I think they pick up on that energy for sure. And we all have our days where we did not do exactly the ideal parenting thing that we would want to do. But yeah, I think trying to set up an environment that’s going to work or you and it might be different for other people. And I think the other thing that I didn’t realize until later that would have been helpful for me to realize when my kids were younger is like. I think that they were also being aware of them being kind of overstimulated. Like a baby or even a toddler of just like situations where that was maybe leading to them having a tantrum or getting upset. And then it’s like a cycle because if they’re getting upset and you get upset and it kind of all feeds into each other. So I think looking out for whether your baby is a bit more sensitive to being overstimulated or thoughts that’s going on can be helpful to think about, too.
[00:17:39.650] – Hilary Erickson
Well, now, for sure, when you’re at a family party and the little kid is like, I don’t want to talk to Uncle Bill.
[00:17:45.340] – Julie Vick
Right? Yeah.
[00:17:47.430] – Hilary Erickson
He’s just feeling shy today, and we’re just going to allow him to be shy. Uncle Bill, I think you’re a great guy.
[00:17:52.700] – Julie Vick
Yeah. And he’s ready. Yeah. And I feel like it’s funny because even though I was definitely more shy as a kid and I’ve always been an introvert. But even so. You sort of forget sometimes when my kids were in preschool more often. Like. They would have these big everybody invites everybody to the party and then we’d walk in and they would just understandably be overwhelmed at first because it’s like all these people in a new environment. Whatever. And you think I would have been ready for that to happen. But I think as an adult, you’re kind of used to those situations. Now seeing it through their eyes is helpful sometimes, too.
[00:18:26.660] – Hilary Erickson
Well, like giving them skills because usually those birthday parties, you have to stay at the beginning, which is the worst. I do not miss that.
[00:18:32.730] – Julie Vick
I know. Drop off when you get to drop off birthday party, you made it.
[00:18:37.400] – Hilary Erickson
That’s basically you made your life. But giving them skills because you could be like, hey, it’s really loud in here. Is that bothering you? We can go find a toy over in the corner just to cope with it. And then 15 minutes, you’re like, do you want to go play with the other kids?
[00:18:53.450] – Julie Vick
And they’re like, yeah, definitely. I think that’s great. Or if you can prep them before going, like, we’re going to go, and there’s probably going to be a lot of people that you don’t know. You can do this to stay near us for a while. It’s fine. And you’re right. I think it like your example with go talk to uncle, whoever. I think that happens sometimes at parties and things as people expect kids to just jump right in and be comfortable right away. And I think that doesn’t always happen. Yeah.
[00:19:19.500] – Hilary Erickson
I will say I was extremely painstakingly shy to my parents as a kid, so I had to settle down and then it was like, Hillary, you need to talk.
[00:19:26.920] – Julie Vick
[00:19:28.270] – Hilary Erickson
I was wish my parents had picked us aside, which do they want me to be?
[00:19:32.320] – Julie Vick
[00:19:33.610] – Hilary Erickson
But I grew out of it. I mean, I’m not shy now, so who knows?
[00:19:37.250] – Julie Vick
Yeah. And I think the shiny it’s funny. Shyness versus introversion. Like integration, I think it’s a personality trait that you probably are going to have. But China’s, I think you can there is like an exposure therapy element to getting more used to those situations because I think I have too. I was like extremely shy as a kid, but not being told or asked, why don’t you talk? Or that didn’t help me, really. But I think you get used to those social situations and how to navigate them. You feel more comfortable sometimes. Yeah.
[00:20:04.250] – Hilary Erickson
I mean, you obviously don’t want a kid that’s twelve that literally won’t talk to anybody. Then you’d have to work on it at home and role play and all those different kinds of things.
[00:20:12.230] – Julie Vick
[00:20:14.110] – Hilary Erickson
It’s different.
[00:20:15.150] – Julie Vick
Yeah. It’s different when you’re three. Right? Yeah. Three versus twelve is huge. And I think as an introvert, I do like talking to people. I like having one on one conversation in smaller groups and so I think just being aware of that and then there are situations where you just need to push yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit. Right. Like it might not be your ideal to go to a networking mixer or something like that, but figuring out how to navigate those situations, it’s still helpful. Right? Yeah.
[00:20:40.120] – Hilary Erickson
And when your kids get older, I mean, you’re not going to talk to your three year old, but you can be like at this party because I’ll say to my kids, conferences can be really overwhelming to me and I have to give myself a pep talk in my brain that I can talk to strangers for sure.
[00:20:54.110] – Julie Vick
[00:20:54.810] – Hilary Erickson
And so letting them know that that is normal, that is how everyone else’s brain is talking to them. So that when they go to a school dance or whatever and they’re not seeing all their friends, they can be like, oh, I can give myself a pep talk and make it through this, or whatever.
[00:21:06.600] – Julie Vick
Yeah, definitely. And I talk a bit about this in my book. But there are strategies for situations like that. It’s harder to go talk to a group of people talking to each other, but if there’s someone else hanging out on their own that’s not talking, it’s easier to go talk to that person because they probably want to talk to you too. Right. I think there are people who there are strategies like that they can definitely learn. Yeah.
[00:21:27.860] – Hilary Erickson
All right, Julie, what’s the name of your book?
[00:21:29.540] – Julie Vick
So my book is called Babies Don’t Make Small Talk. So why should I? And it’s a humorous advice book for introverted parents focused on years from pregnancy through preschool or the younger years. So as a mix of, like, I’m a humor writer, so a mix of some humor pieces, but also some advice for navigating these sorts of things.
[00:21:48.780] – Hilary Erickson
I love that. And do you have a website, too?
[00:21:50.600] – Julie Vick
Yeah. My website is Julieviccom. It’s Julievick.com. And you can get to find out more about the social media and newsletter and all that stuff on there.
[00:22:01.600] – Hilary Erickson
All right. And I will put all that in the show notes that Pulling Curls, so definitely check out Julie. I think we need to be kinder to ourselves and be like, this is just how I am.
[00:22:09.980] – Julie Vick
[00:22:10.440] – Hilary Erickson
And how am I going to be a mom around who I am?
[00:22:13.590] – Julie Vick
Yes, exactly.
[00:22:14.780] – Hilary Erickson
Because you’re not going to change yourself, especially if you’re sleep deprived.
[00:22:18.640] – Julie Vick
Like, that’s who you are. Right. You’re doing a good job. You’re doing the best you can. That’s right.
[00:22:24.270] – Hilary Erickson
Thanks for coming on, Julie.
[00:22:25.470] – Julie Vick
All right, thanks so much. Or having me.
[00:22:27.000] – Hilary Erickson
Okay, guys, I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. It’s so important that we take our needs into account along with or kids, so hopefully you enjoyed it. Stay tuned. Next week, we are talking about having a BM at delivery, so a bit of a lane change. And then the week after that, we are talking about making invisible work visible. So I think these are going to be fun conversations. Stay tuned.
[00:22:48.040] – Hilary Erickson
Thanks so much for joining us on today’s episode. The Pulling Curls Podcast grows when you share us on social media or leave a review. If you do, please, please tag us so that we can share and send you a virtual hug, which frankly, is my favorite kind of hugging. Until next time, we hope you have a tangle free free day.
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