So much anxiety and worry right now. What should you be doing about Covid if you’re pregnant. Let’s untangle it.
Today’s episode is inspired by my VERY popular Corona in pregnancy post. People are looking for answers, and what to do — today, I hope to provide that!
Big thanks to today’s sponsor, The Online Prenatal Class for Couples. You NEED to be educated right now, don’t go in concerned about all the worries about what to expect ALONG with having no clue about delivery. Jump into a class today!
Please note, this episode was recorded on April 17th and is just a snapshot of how things are right now, keep that mind (although many of the things mentioned are important no matter where you are in your pregnancy).
In this episode we’re talking about:
- What birth in hospitals looks like right now
- When to start to be concerned about new policies at the hospital
- Should you call the hospital?
- Masks in the hospital
- 7 things to do right now if you’re pregnant and concerned
- Keep your prenatal appointments
- Take a prenatal class
- Get sunshine daily
- Deep breathing & positive affirmations
- Hydration & kick counts
- Physical distancing, but remain social
- Great handwashing is a great habit for new moms!
Things mentioned:
- A great tutorial (she has a few of them) on how to make a mask, I love these no-sew options too!
- My Pregnancy Facebook Group
Other things you might find helpful:
- Positive Self Care during Corona
- Preventing a Poor Birth Experience
- What to do if your prenatal class got cancelled
- Printable Birth Plan
- Online Breastfeeding Classes
Producer: Drew Erickson
Check out my other pregnancy podcasts:
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Hey guys welcome back to the pulling curls podcast today is our first bonus episode. Can you even believe it? I mean if anytime deserves a bonus, it’s right now so today we’re going to talk a little bit about Coronavirus in pregnancy. I can’t wait to talk to you guys about it. Let’s untangle it. Welcome to the pulling curls podcast where we untangle everything from pregnancy parenting Homer, teens, even some family travel because heavens knows our lives are tangled. I’m your host, Hilary Erickson.
Okay, so I have gotten another email somebody who’s nervous I see it on Instagram. I see it in my patience right now is a nerve wracking time to be pregnant and I 100% get that and I wanted to talk to you guys a little bit about it. So in case you’re not listening today, the day that it launches, but for me, I am recording this on April 17 2020. And we’re in the middle of the Coronavirus. So I’m hopeful that someday I listen to this podcast and it’s just a vague memory of how things used to be. That being said, this is just a snapshot of the way things are today and the most important thing to know Is that things are changing constantly. The shift I had last week is completely different than the shift I had this week. They’re changing policies, they’re changing the way they do things. They’re finding new treatments, there’s just all sorts of things going on in healthcare.
So don’t feel like just because things are one way right now that they’re not going to be totally different in another week. The main thing I want you guys to know is that births are still amazing. I was just at the hospital yesterday. And I took a little bit of time to just think about this new baby and this new family, and how things are very much the same. The baby’s still adorable, that family loves the baby. And even though we’re all behind mass, it is still amazing. I do not want you to think that you cannot still have an amazing delivery at this point in time. So I think that was really nice for me to just sit back and think things are still great. And I think things are great and they will continue to be great. So I think that’s so important to remember.
However, things are just a little bit different. So we’re going to talk about those. Okay, if you are not due in the next three weeks or so. I was just kind have let go of understanding how things are working in the hospital right now, I would definitely talk with your doctor at your next appointment about what you should probably expect. But as I said before, things are totally changing. So even though they tell you one thing now, that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be the same thing when you go into the hospital. If you are due in the next three weeks, you may want to directly call into the hospital. Now most doctors are pretty plugged in to the labor and delivery unit so they’ll know what to tell you.
But I would definitely call the unit because sometimes we have websites or things that we can share with you that help you to know a little bit more what to expect that maybe your doctor will we 100% get it there is no one at the hospital that’s going to be annoyed that you called us to see kind of what to expect. We want you to know what to expect right now. Our partners are really we would prefer that they leave as little as possible. And so we’re trying to communicate that ahead of time. We really want you to be prepared for your delivery. So definitely give your labor and delivery unit a call. If you can’t find the number Ask your doctor how you can call directly into the unit.
One thing that’s going on right now is that We are married wearing masks. Now the nurses going to wear a mask and you are going to wear a mask that does two things that protects you against me somewhat, but it mostly protects me from you and me from your partner. So that’s why we wear masks. That’s why we wear them at the grocery store. It’s just really being considerate of other people in case we have symptoms. And we aren’t aware and we do not want to transmit that to our friends here on Earth. So that’s why we wear masks. If you want to bring a mask from home, that is fine, we do give you a mask in the hospital, but they are not my favorite masks.
So that’s just something to consider if you see an opportunity to buy a mask or if a friend is making them or if you want to make them. I would totally jump in on that. And I will actually leave my favorite tutorial on how to make masks in the show notes. And you can grab one of those if you so or if you have a friend that says they are not that difficult. You can use elastic or ribbon. There’s lots of different ways to make the ties. And I do think that those are a little bit more comfortable than the masks that we normally give you in the hospital. Again, the mask is really to protect me so you’re just trying to filter any drops contaminations if you were to be sick, which again, most people aren’t sick but we kind of treat everyone like they are sick in our community right now one other thing to note, which is kind of weird, but we are not doing yoga balls or birthing balls in the hospital right now.
I guess studies have shown that they have pores and things that it is difficult to clean the virus from so that’s just something to know. So if you’ve learned a lot about yoga balls or peanut balls, we are not using them the hospital you’re more than welcome to use your yoga ball at home. I’m not saying that yoga balls are bad. I’m just saying that that’s something kind of different and to expect again here and our snapshot in mid April. Okay, so what should you be doing if you are pregnant and concerned keep your prenatal appointments. I know some doctors are switching to telemedicine which is awesome. But sometimes you do have to go in and see your physician wear a mask when you go or talk to them about what they would recommend that you do try and socially distance and all those kind of things but it is important that you do see your physician for the appointments that they recommend.
I would still especially recommend taking a prenatal class things are going to be different in the hospital. It’s hard to know what to expect. If you Don’t want to take my class. There’s plenty of classes out there. I know hospitals have canceled classes. But I think it’s really important to still try and get one and try and get some sunshine. I noticed on the days that when I get out and get some sun in my body, it really helps me to stay positive, and just helpful to my whole body. They have shown that vitamin D is helpful in finding the disease. And I just think it’s really important.
So I would try and get some sunshine however you can. So when I’m feeling especially negative, and I think those times are going to come, I think it’s important to realize that every pregnant woman is going to have overwhelming feelings of anxiety about what’s going to happen to them and their baby. And when those times come, I recommend that you take a nice deep breath and say to yourself positive affirmations. Now Hillary from two years ago would have said That’s insane. I think positive affirmations are a bunch of hooey but things like I’m going to have an awesome birth, my baby is going to come out safely.
I’m excited for myself and my birth team. The hospital has my best intentions at heart positive things, things that are the antithesis of what you’re feeling. You Feeling like things are just going to be a mess, but things are really most likely in a turnout just fine. And I want you guys to know that the hospital is really aware of how nervous you are. And we want you to have a positive birth experience. And of course, hydrate and do your kid counts. I can’t ever say that enough, but it’s so important to drink enough water. Make sure baby’s moving. Those are the biggest parts of pregnancy for me. It really helps us stay positive and healthy and make sure that your baby’s moving well make sure that you are doing physical distancing, but stay social. I have actually have a free Facebook group for pregnant moms.
So you guys will be welcome to join. If you have any questions or just to talk about your feelings. I will drop that link in the show notes as well make sure that you are doing proper hand washing. We can’t say that enough during this whole virus thing but honestly it is such a good habit to get into because you’re going to want to have positive hand washing skills when you have your baby as well. So now’s a great time to get in the 20 seconds and just make that a habit. Okay, so that’s it for Coronavirus in pregnancy. Yes, there will be changes at the hospital. Yes if you are in a peak at environment there could be even more changes. But the reality is I think we’re tend to trending off the peak right now.
And hopefully things change and improve and we realize you know what helps them what hurts and we just try and stabilize things as much as possible. If you’re six months of pregnancy, just do those things that I said take a prenatal class, keep your prenatal visits, get sunshine, take some deep breaths, say positive affirmations. Stay hydrated and do your counts. Those are my big ones. Just know that I am sprinkling all my good labor nurse karma down on you guys. Things are going to be okay. I’m excited for you and your baby and your journey towards motherhood. Things are going to be good.
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Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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